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    Fluffy Engineer
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  1. @Bit Fiddler I'm on modding hiatus until KSP 2 comes out.
  2. Configurable Text and Image LCDs like in Space Engineers.
  3. @The-Grim-Sleeper Yeah, I'll get to fixing my stuff eventually. Was extremely busy with my startup this summer.
  4. Wow, I was just about to take on this endeavor. Great Job! MAS doesn't have docking UI yet. RPM is the way to go currently.
  5. The PAWs of the proposed UI look very good on dark background. How will they look above textures of poles or deserts? P.S. There was one attempt at UI overhaul previously, which proved the concept. Kerbalism uses its own UI, which also has a very contemporary look to it.
  6. Yes, improving idle animations is the only wait to go, unfortunately. This is a physics based game and any uncontrolled movement of an object on a surface can have undesired consequences and kraken summons. Kerbals can be preprogrammed to follow a certain patrol route with EVA Follower mod.
  7. LEGO Mindstorms in KSP :3 People usually use kOS mod to program in stuff like that.
  8. @Galileo I think color of Arid Mountains biome is too close to the Mountains biome for Kerbin. The game can't distinguish between the two, I can't find Arid Mountains on any ScanSat maps, only regular mountains. The color selection in Photoshop did decide that all mountains are Arid Mountains, couldn't find the color for regular ones in Kerbin_Biome_8k.png My only grievance with this issue is that I keep getting contracts for a nonexistent biome.
  9. I just caught a tiny asteroid in JNSQ. Except it caught me... off guard... It reported as a tiny A-Class object in the Tracking Station and was on collision course with Kerbin. I cancelled all my production in Kerbal Construction Time and sent a tug with 4k Delta V. When this entity appeared in my physics range I knew I f@#%ed up. After attaching my ant to this mountain the game reported it had only 1 dV. Couldn't rotate the asteroid even an arcsecond with RCS and Reaction Wheels. I usually name asteroids starting with the letter of their class to keep track of them. I named him Armageddon. Impact in 10 hours. Bruce Willis, where are you? It's the first time in ages I feel powerless in KSP. I like it :3
  10. @The-Grim-Sleeper The blue omni tool is just for looks. You can add engineer functionality to it by adding this module: MODULE { name = ModuleKISItemAttachTool shortcutKeyAction = equip equipable = true equipSkill = RepairSkill equipSlot = leftHandWrist equipMeshName = body01 equipBoneName = bn_l_elbow_b01 equipPos = (-0.15,0.022,0.01) equipDir = (0,90,15) toolPartAttach = true toolStaticAttach = false toolPartStack = true attachPartSndPath = KIS/Sounds/attachScrewdriver detachPartSndPath = KIS/Sounds/detachScrewdriver } I will have time for updating the parts this month. Need to adapt them for new Kerbal bodies. I should replace the color changer on emissive parts with a stock module. Would love to get my hands on that inflight color changer for DLC suits.
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