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Everything posted by Enceos

  1. I have added a decal plane to one of the objects of my model and I'm trying to display a texture on this plane without transparent background. Currently Unity fills all the transparency of my texture with grey background. In the texture import options I checked the "Alpha is transparency" option, but it doesn't work. "Alpha from grayscale" gives the same result even if I deliberately fill the texture background with gray color. How do I make the texture background disappear in Unity? - - - Updated - - - Ok, found, there's a KSP Alpha, Translucent shader. Unfortunately there is no Translucent Emissive
  2. Thank you guys for the good tips, I went and remodelled the gears, here's the new look. Gfycat vid: http://gfycat.com/DecimalSplendidCommabutterfly
  3. Probably wrong thread for that. This one will be independent, only one procedural part with switchable textures. You'll be able to make it any size and strap it anywhere.
  4. Why and how? Universal Storage already has a detachable tank of its own.
  5. Your inventory will mostly always disappear if you push the EVA button while there's white noise on a Kerbal's portrait. Let the game load their faces first, this is when the game loads their inventories.
  6. 1) Not realistic for atmospheric flight, yeah I can agree with that. But who prohibits you to use it as a fairing friendly extra tank for interplanetary travels? 2) With higher decoupling forces they don't collide, but still that's an atmospheric flight. Better use it on landers and such. I don't like dependency on the core tank, freedom to strap this part anywhere is a must; plus fuel lines are not that hard to use.
  7. I personally don't like multiplying parts, making it procedural is the way to go.
  8. There's a reason why Apollo didn't launch docked but instead decoupled and docked in orbit before heading to the Moon. Putting realism aside, check the mods that might modify your docking ports, like TweakableEverything, KSP Stock Bug fixes and such.
  9. I have a heavily modded install which worked fine until recently. I didn't pay attention which mods I update through the CKAN. I noticed that my FPS dropped by 70% and is nearly a slideshow even in the Space Center scene. It's gonna be very hard to determine the culprit by disabling mods one at a time, cause I have 114 mods. Is there any other way to solve this issue? P.S. I'm not running FAR. The only places where FPS is good are editors. Feels like there are some background calculations going on. GameData\MenuStabilizer.dllGameData\ModuleManager.2.6.6.dll GameData\000_Toolbar\Toolbar.dll GameData\000_USITools\DynamicTanks.dll GameData\000_USITools\USITools.dll GameData\AeroGUI\Plugins\AeroGUI.dll GameData\AquilaEnterprises\Bulb\Plugin\Bulb.dll GameData\B9_Aerospace\Plugins\B9_Aerospace_WingStuff.dll GameData\BahaSP\Parts\critterCrawler\CritterCrawler.dll GameData\BahaSP\Plugins\BDAnimationModules.dll GameData\BatteryIndicator\Plugins\BatteryIndicator.dll GameData\CapCom\CapCom.dll GameData\Chatterer\Plugins\Chatterer.dll GameData\Chatterer\Plugins\MiniAVC.dll GameData\RemoteTech\Plugins\RemoteTech.dll GameData\ContractConfigurator\ContractConfigurator.dll GameData\ContractConfigurator\CC_RemoteTech.dll GameData\SCANsat\Plugins\SCANsat.dll GameData\ContractConfigurator\CC_SCANsat.dll GameData\ContractConfigurator\MiniAVC.dll GameData\ContractPacks\AnomalySurveyor\AnomalySurveyor.dll GameData\ContractPacks\KerbinSpaceStation\MiniAVC.dll GameData\ContractsWindow\ContractsWindow.dll GameData\CrossFeedEnabler\Plugins\CrossFeedEnabler.dll GameData\Diazo\AGExt\AGExt.dll GameData\Diazo\AGExt\kOSVoidAction.dll GameData\DMagicOrbitalScience\Plugins\DMagic.dll GameData\DPSoundFX\Plugins\DockingSounds.dll GameData\EditorExtensions\EditorExtensions.dll GameData\EngineLight\EngineLight.dll GameData\EngineLight\MiniAVC.dll GameData\EnhancedThermalData\Plugins\EnhancedThermalData.dll GameData\EVAManager\EVAManager.dll GameData\ExceptionDetector\ExceptionDetector.dll GameData\ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads\Plugins\KSPAPIExtensions.dll GameData\ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads\Plugins\Launchpad.dll GameData\FairingTextureSwitch\FairingTextureSwitch.dll GameData\Firespitter\Plugins\Firespitter.dll GameData\FlagRotate\FlagRotate.dll GameData\FreeEVA\Plugins\FreeEVA.dll GameData\Fusebox\Plugins\Fusebox.dll GameData\HaystackContinued\HaystackContinued.dll GameData\InterstellarFuelSwitch\Plugins\InterstellarFuelSwitch.dll GameData\InterstellarFuelSwitch\Plugins\Scale_Redist.dll GameData\InterstellarFuelSwitch\Plugins\MiniAVC.dll GameData\JSI\RasterPropMonitor\Plugins\RasterPropMonitor.dll GameData\KAS\Plugins\KAS.dll GameData\KAS\Plugins\MiniAVC.dll GameData\KerbalConstructionTime\plugins\KerbalConstructionTime.dll GameData\KerbalEngineer\KerbalEngineer.dll GameData\KerbalEngineer\MiniAVC.dll GameData\Kerbaltek\HyperEdit.dll GameData\KerboKatz\SmallUtilities\AutoBalancingLandingLeg\AutoBalancingLandingLeg.dll GameData\KineTechAnimation\Plugins\KineTechAnimation.dll GameData\KIS\Plugins\KIS.dll GameData\KIS\Plugins\MiniAVC.dll GameData\Klockheed_Martian_Gimbal\Plugins\km_Gimbal.dll GameData\KSEA\Historian\Historian.dll GameData\KSI\KSI.dll GameData\KSI\MiniAVC.dll GameData\LightsOut\LightsOut.dll GameData\MagicSmokeIndustries\Plugins\InfernalRobotics.dll GameData\MagicSmokeIndustries\Plugins\KSPAPIExtensions.dll GameData\MagicSmokeIndustries\Plugins\Scale_Redist.dll GameData\MechJeb2\Plugins\MechJeb2.dll GameData\ModuleRCSFX\Plugins\ModuleRCSFX.dll GameData\NavHud\Plugins\NavHud.dll GameData\NavyFish\Plugins\Docking Port Alignment Indicator\DockingPortAlignment.dll GameData\NavyFish\Plugins\Docking Port Alignment Indicator\ModuleDockingNodeNamed.dll GameData\NavyFish\Plugins\Docking Port Alignment Indicator\DPAI_RPM.dll GameData\NavyFish\Plugins\Docking Port Alignment Indicator\MiniAVC.dll GameData\NearFutureSolar\Plugins\NearFutureSolar.dll GameData\Nereid\S.A.V.E\Plugins\S.A.V.E.dll GameData\NoOffsetLimits\Plugins\NoOffsetLimits.dll GameData\PartCommander\PartCommander.dll GameData\PersistentRotation\Plugins\PersistentRotation.dll GameData\PortraitStats\PortraitStats.dll GameData\PreciseNode\plugins\PreciseNode.dll GameData\ProceduralFairings\KSPAPIExtensions.dll GameData\ProceduralFairings\ProceduralFairings.dll GameData\ProceduralParts\Plugins\KSPAPIExtensions.dll GameData\ProceduralParts\Plugins\ProceduralParts.dll GameData\QuickGoTo\Plugins\QuickGoTo.dll GameData\QuickScroll\Plugins\QuickScroll.dll GameData\QuickSearch\Plugins\QuickSearch.dll GameData\QuickStart\Plugins\QuickStart.dll GameData\RCSBuildAid\Plugins\RCSBuildAid.dll GameData\RCSBuildAid\Plugins\RCSBuildAidToolbar.dll GameData\RealChute\Plugins\RealChute.dll GameData\RKE_Joystick\RKE_Joystick.dll GameData\SCANsat\Plugins\SCANmechjeb.dll GameData\ShipManifest\Plugins\CLSInterfaces.dll GameData\ShipManifest\Plugins\DFInterface.dll GameData\ShipManifest\Plugins\ShipManifest.dll GameData\ShipManifest\Plugins\SMInterface.dll GameData\SmokeScreen\SmokeScreen.dll GameData\StageRecovery\StageRecovery.dll GameData\StockClamshellFairings\StockClamshellFairings.dll GameData\ToadicusTools\ToadicusTools.dll GameData\Trajectories\Plugin\Trajectories.dll GameData\TriggerTech\KerbalAlarmClock\KerbalAlarmClock.dll GameData\TriggerTech\KSPAlternateResourcePanel\KSPAlternateResourcePanel.dll GameData\TriggerTech\TransferWindowPlanner\TransferWindowPlanner.dll GameData\TweakableEverything\KSPAPIExtensions.dll GameData\TweakableEverything\TweakableAnimateGeneric.dll GameData\TweakableEverything\TweakableEngineFairings.dll GameData\TweakableEverything\TweakableEVA.dll GameData\TweakableEverything\TweakableRCS.dll GameData\TweakableEverything\TweakableStaging.dll GameData\TweakScale\plugins\KSPAPIExtensions.dll GameData\TweakScale\plugins\Scale.dll GameData\TweakScale\plugins\Scale_Editor.dll GameData\TweakScale\plugins\KSPAPIExtensions.dll GameData\TweakScale\plugins\Scale_Redist.dll GameData\UmbraSpaceIndustries\Kolonization\KolonyTools.dll GameData\UmbraSpaceIndustries\LifeSupport\USILifeSupport.dll GameData\WasdEditorCamera\Plugins\WasdEditorCamera.dll GameData\WaypointManager\WaypointManager.dll GameData\WheelSounds\Plugins\WheelSounds.dll GameData\WildBlueIndustries\000WildBlueTools\Plugins\MiniAVC.dll GameData\WildBlueIndustries\000WildBlueTools\Plugins\WildBlueTools.dll GameData\Workshop\Plugins\Workshop.dll GameData\XanderTek\Landertron\Landertron.dll GameData\[x] Science!\MiniAVC.dll GameData\[x] Science!\[x] Science!.dll
  10. RoverDude had the same idea of making this kind of modular rover for MKS. He's been working on it for the past 6 weeks.
  11. Hi Kipard, Would you please add this stream by RoverDude about modelling and modding: http://www.twitch.tv/roverdude/profile/past_broadcasts It features all the stockalike texturing techniques + Blender > Photoshop > Unity > Configs > KSP workflow
  12. If you want to change the length of the tank, just add a line in part config: MODEL { [SIZE=1] model = MyParts/WrapperTank[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] texture = Jumbo, Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankJumbo-64/model000[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] texture = Jumbon_NRM, Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTankJumbo-64/model001[/SIZE] [SIZE=1] texture = Decoupler, Squad/Parts/Utility/decouplerRadialTT-38K/model000[/SIZE] [B]scale = 1, 0.5, 1 //(radius x, length, radius z) radius1 = 100% = 3.75m[/B] } Adjust the weight and resources to what you feel is right and remove the "scale = 1" line.
  13. Yeah, a known bug for me. Maybe KospY could disallow taking parts grabbed by the graplers with MODULE [ModuleGrappleNode].
  14. Hi FreeThinker, I can replicate this model for you, and even make it better. Would be nice, If you could do me a small favor as well
  15. I guess KIS currently lacks an option in the ModuleKISItem, which would allow to attach this part without a tool KospY has made his explosives attachable without a tool, but didn't give us an option to create same parts. {wrong} EDIT: Try doing it with ModuleKISItem and add a line "allowPartAttach = 1"
  16. That has been already been fixed in 1.0.4. You can safely watch the F10 gauges.
  17. Good to hear! Still was an enigmatic experience for me. I loved this bug.
  18. I had the same issue. Stock Bug Fix Modules is partially responsible for this.
  19. Hi nightingale, I replaced the .craft file with yours - same result.
  20. I'll be glad to test it for you since I have all the setup for the issue.
  21. There is probably no way to spawn them with velocity using CC configs, but via plugin you can add velocity to them on load, HyperEdit mod has a working function.
  22. Uninstalled the persistent rotation, repeated the steps: output_log.txt
  23. On my install I went and resized all the .dds textures that I felt were too big for their parts. For example the Telus Mobility Enhancer textures are 1024x1024px and have normals, 1.4 Mb each. I resized it to 256x256px and deleted the unnecessary normal textures. No noticeable difference ingame, saved 1.2Mb on each texture. Scanned my GameData folder for big texture files and resized them all + deleted unnecesary normals. My GameData folder with 114 mods now weights only 608Mb. All the memory related crashes ceased. Lower texture quality is noticeable only on extreme close-ups.
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