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Everything posted by klesh

  1. https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/en/?page_id=499 How can development progress at a reasonable pace with no Lead Developer, let alone multiple Senior and Junior Developers? These positions have been available for some time. What is happening at Squad that these positions aren't being filled? Is someone who is not qualified to be the Lead Developer trying to manage everything in the absence of that position being filled? Its concerning that these positions would remain open for so long. I've never worked in game development, but from the outside looking in, Squad seems to be currently well understaffed.
  2. klesh


    Welcome. My entire KSP education came from the University of Manley. Entertaining, informative, and very Scottish. https://www.youtube.com/user/szyzyg
  3. klesh

    Ahoy KSP.

    Welcome. Prepare to learn alot while having loads of fun. I got my copy from Steam. Its currently 40% off for a few more hours: http://store.steampowered.com/app/220200/Kerbal_Space_Program/ Some people dislike Steam on principle, some people like GOG on principle as well. I like the lightning fast donloads I get from steam, and the ability to broadcast my gameplay to friends from within steam, and the built in screenshot uploading and display functions. Your mileage (kilometerage?) may vary.
  4. I've never felt the need to use them, ever. *shrug*
  5. Validate you game cache on Steam. Right click game in Library list, properties, local files tab, verify integrity of game files.
  6. "The game crashes if I have mods" When does it crash? Does it start up at all? Are you using the 32 or 64bit executable? 32 will run out of ram and crash, but the 64 is much more forgiving in that regard. Playing on Steam version or KSP store version? Have you tried a fresh install? Tried validating your game cache if its steam version? If the game wont start at all what you need to do is identify the offending mod, and leave it out, or be extra sure that it is updated. You can: A) Take all the mods out, run the game to confirm its working, then add the mods back one-by-one until you find the offending mod. Check to make sure that one is updated. B) Remove your mods one-by-one from the crashing game, starting the game after each removal to see if it will start.
  7. The reason it is like that is simply that it was meant to be a recreation of the B612 Foundation's Sentinel satellite's antenna, slapped on the craft radially. This was initially made for the Asteroid Day mod by Squad. Some time later, only the antenna itself was brought into the base game as-is. Later still, the rest of the Asteroid Day mod was brought into the base game. I agree, though, that its usefulness is somewhat restricted due to its deployment method.
  8. All those landing gear problems were on the pc version too, its not exclusive to the botched console release. It was pretty well fixed with 1.2 version that you all will be receiving. I wonder how long its gonna take them to bring console up to 1.3 after they finally release 1.2 to you folks? Making history DLC will require a particular version (whichever one is current when its released), so you guys will have to wait again to be updated to the DLC-supporting version before it gets offered on console.
  9. Isn't building a rocket with good DeltaV, TWR, Etc already part of the experience?
  10. https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/1.2 https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/CommNet https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/KerbNet
  11. A link to Kerbalizer is still featured prominently on the kerbalspaceprogram.com It would appear nothing has been changed. How many weeks should it take to remove links to broken software that you offer?
  12. Usually nothing is cheating in a single player game. Squad's insistence on selling DLC to the "challenge" crowd will mean that cheating will now constitute completing a mission outside the parameters given by the mission author... I suppose.
  13. How come? That version is from November of 2015. Get with the times, mang!
  14. I still have a screenshot from Day 1 of playing this game where I saw an eclipse at KSC and was all excited.
  15. Presumably he means sound suppression (with water), like this:
  16. Anyone buy the Mass Transit DLC? Or *shudder* this new concerts one? Anyone care to do a new one of these? I enjoyed it.
  17. I would've tagged you like that Baddie, but I'm too old and ornery to use those hip new tag thingies.
  18. Surely. Would you suggest they be built into the game, such that they are seen only within KSP or part of a "social" kind of platform such as Steam?
  19. There are achievements in the console versions. https://www.trueachievements.com/game/Kerbal-Space-Program/achievements
  20. Wow. I presumed only the freebie version would have these issues and the paid version would be smooth sailing. Was the paid version also a Unity Web Browser deal as well? I'm glad I didn't pony up the 2 bucks then.
  21. Haha, touché! Not a-holeish at all. I did preface with being not the brightest bulb, but I didn't think it was that low a wattage. Yowsah. Sometimes I post before sufficient coffee intake. I presumed it would pop up a box for that info. Colour me embarrassed.
  22. Behold!  Frank Kerbal!  Bahahaha!

    1. Azimech


      Where's the strat? Or SG? You gotta paste in at least a vacuum cleaner :-P

    2. klesh


      Argh, you're right.  Let's get weird...   Now it's got Zappa's actual NeveVR60 board from the Utility Muffin Research Kitchen, the blonde SG headstock from the Roxy era SG, some pink and wet Baby Snakes, and a TelefunkenU47 for good measure.  :wink:



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