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Everything posted by klesh

  1. Good timing, I just got the main body sorted and was about to add wheels. Not too bad going purely from the one screenie in your sig. Thanks for the .craft, I will check it out now. I'll check to see if authority settings carried over, etc.
  2. Right on. Because I have nothing better to do on this lonely Sunday morning, I am going to try recreating it for poops and giggles. If you'd like, I'd love to take your original for a spin if you care to provide it (pretty please?). If not, thats cool too.
  3. You told me you doubt my suggestion would work, you're saying you know his wont work, yet you dont have 1.1.3 installed to test and you wont give us the craft file so we can tinker to maybe solve it. Sure the wheels are broken, but there are ways to make them work. I guess you feel you shouldn't have to tweak your ship due to a bug, but its alot more fun to do that and continue enjoying this great game than to let frustration get the better of you. I get that we're late to the party and you're done trying to find a solution, but really we're just trying to help you.
  4. Did the "automated porting script" they used somehow generate the console-only radial menu?
  5. I have an STS replica that works great. One of the things I do is to use monopropellant tanks as ballast to help control my re-entries. Its hard to see in this screenshot, but its the only one I have currently up on steam. You will see Mk3 Mono tanks fore and aft of the cargo bay. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=681551622 I dont remember the numbers, but lets say each tank holds 1,000 units total. At liftoff, i will have both tanks half empty(full?) at 500 units each. This lets you put all 1,000 units onboard into either of the tanks depending on where you want your CoM. I keep the Monopropellant in the cockpit as a reserve to replenish any I spend maneuvering in orbit. Another trick to help with orientation is to put a sufficient number of RCS jets about the nose. I believe I have 2 on top, 2 on each side, and 3 under the nose, to aid in keeping pitch up lower in the atmosphere. Make sure these are properly oriented 90°, and not simply surface attached pointing out and random angles. Lastly, and I don't know if its helpful or not, but I dig it, is that I put 2x small radiators on the top of the cockpit, placed just riht that they almost look like a hatch on the top. Theyre translated down to the surface of the shuttle and oriented just right that they look the part. I activate both upon re-entry and I like to think it keeps the cockpit part cool enough by venting the heat through it and out the top. Maybe it doesnt, but I like to think it does.
  6. Time to renew those vows, fella. She sounds awesome.
  7. Thankfully, I am able to land in a pinpoint fashion next to things with my trusty Mk1 eyeball. I'm not so good at maths. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=536432659
  8. I read that as PMRC and wondered what Tipper Gore had to do with this. If Buzz is WASD, then you just know Tipper is a powerglove kinda girl.
  9. Reversed front gear would put it right under that arrow in this instance.
  10. Fair enough. I'm one of those who don't have any problems at all, and all my front gears are flipped. Maybe its a coincidence, maybe not. If you would like to post the craft file for that ship of yours, I would be happy to take a look. If it works fine for me, then clearly there would be something weird going with the game. If you're more inclined to just wait for 1.2, then thats your perrogative.
  11. It might dodge the problem with the wheels and let you play.
  12. I think probably the only part that the game will recognize as a rover from the start is if you use the Probodobodyne Rovemate as your root part. It doesn't really matter though, as you can change any ship to any designation using the method Sal detailed above.
  13. Got that bug on PC as well last night. Fix for me was to switch to another craft in orbit, and then switch as able to place maneuver nodes. You'll find this bug happens with a fair ammount a frequency.
  14. He makes 4 "Bad" bullet points. The problem is that one of those is not correct, but the game doesn't tell you that anywhere apparently. Maybe it does, but it doesn't communicate it well, or have it in the tutorials. All but one of the people I've been watching on twitch have been looking for a way to turn it off. So his score should be 1/4 better, I guess? Edit: I sent Steven a nice note about his review. Lets hope he amends it.
  15. Make a 100 part plane, launch it and just taxi off the runway. Go back to Space center, Spaceplane Hangar, and launch a second one and taxi alongside the first. Rendezvous comes later.
  16. This tree-covered hillock was all that was worth seeing from my house. I'm missing out on some spectacular mountain vistas just on the other side. Mun will be next, looks like I'm right on the edge of a small crater. Thanks for setting me straight above.
  17. Okay, I am finding a discrepancy between the Longitude numbers given by Kerbal Maps and by the readout of the Surface Scanning Module. For instance, I am on a Longitude of -70 on Earth. When I find -70 on Kerbal Maps and travel there, the Surface Scanning Module presents that Longitude as 70 in the game. Am I being dumb and not understanding, or is there something fishy?
  18. I'll give this a try. *placeholder* Edit#1: Ooh, mine should be good! Stepping into game.
  19. I don't think thats fair; clearly alot of work was needed to port this to consoles, which is why they hired some console savvy devs to do it. If it took zero work, they wouldve saved their money and done it themselves. It might not be up to yours, or universal console conventions and standards, but you can't say zero work was put into it without sounding disingenuous.
  20. Some guy on reddit console sub says that you can remap by using the XBox accessories app. No idea if it works or if there is an equivalent on PS4. https://www.reddit.com/r/ConsoleKSP/comments/4t4e4u/can_we_remap/
  21. Thank you, I had no idea why it was named that! Thats some good dark humour right there. Interesting too, since that part came with the NASA mission pack. Presumably NASA okayed the name? I wonder what their thoughts on it were if they didn't name it. Ther certainly continued to invite the KSP guys to events and such, post release of the pack.
  22. Does a car work? http://abc7chicago.com/news/woman-daughter-hit-by-car-while-playing-pokemon-go/1425521/
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