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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. If ever there was a subject to vent about!!! You guys crack me up. Really, you do. lol This was just something funny that happened in my life today.
  2. Yes, Bear is brown. The bear in the thumbnail is Masha's little panda friend, who joins them in this journey. Masha And Bear are available in several languages (check out YouTube), although I prefer to watch it in its original Russian language... as the voice for Masha is as trademark as Masha herself. I see Masha as an analogue of my granddaughter... she is chemi kudracha gogo. (it's a Georgian thing) There is an episode which perfectly depicts (her) what I'm talking about... I'll post it if you like.
  3. And when all of your self-schooling is done, as long as you can pass or excel beyond the corporate metric required for the position you seek, you'll have done well. Otherwise... you've cut yourself seriously short and will be standing there wondering 'why?' as you're passed by. You want to re-invent school?... but it's the sound established schooling and methods which have brought us this far and seen us excel. Refer to @adsii1970's comments above and elsewhere. Were you an educator, I believe you'd hold a different view, especially when faced with the results of which you've cultivated. Sorry, but education is a very touchy subject here. Nothing personal.
  4. I think 'one standard deviation' is a thing they'll never face up to, and as a result we'll never move beyond where we are now... in fact, forward motion has stopped and we're now regressing.
  5. Masha and Bear get totally Kerbal... cute.
  6. I'm getting some very weird behaviors, but on and off though... like it can't make up its mind.
  7. I'm tempted to say 'stupid kids', but really it's the parents fault... and the school's. There should be no cellphones in the class, there's no need for them. The original claim for their allowance was 'safety', but it's been shown it makes no difference what-so-ever but instead serves as a distraction. Realize that when you're older, out there in the real world, working your butt off to make yourself a good life, paying your taxes and such - that you'll be paying for these clowns existence as well, as they'll have learned nothing. At least you've gained from it!
  8. Really tall Kerbal (male vs female)? High-heeled spaceboots? Slight seismic tremors at the moment of measurement?
  9. What's with you people? Get with the program. You buy him another drink, of course!
  10. Brains may 'stiffen', but you never stop learning, ever. The day you do stop learning is the day you're dead. Go for it. ...and the word you guys seem to be searching for here, but can't seem to find, is..... 'aptitude'.
  11. I'm still playing v1.2.2 and the worst of my worries are seams on planets & moons and wonky fairings on stage decouplers. From the sound of things, I'll be playing v1.2.2 for some time to come.
  12. Doors and toilets... are for humans. You're dealing with Kerbals here. Trees? Why Giant Sequoia of course!
  13. Yes, that would be around the 2.5km mark. The pause is the game loading the craft and enacting the physics on it.
  14. It's more than just number of parts the rocket has... it's also how many other 'Flights' you have running, and the debris setting, (and other graphics settings)... also certain parts, like lights when they're turned on vs off.
  15. Product was marked "Made in China", so likely a very poor translation issue... still funny tho.
  16. Huh? Wha? I always put children through the shredder. Doesn't everybody? I don't have it handy, but somewhere there's a label packaged with box knives that read "Keep Out Of Children".
  17. All of those examples... that's tv. Nothing on tv is real... especially 'news', all should be taken with a grain of salt. It has been said: 'No good deed goes unpunished.' Still, that is not a reason to not be a nice person. Being that nice person is what makes you better than the rest... and that is worthy.
  18. Don't know why but I read that and thought you meant Stone Broken's 'Let Me Go'... which by the way, something else of theirs has been stuck with me for a few days now... So much so many else they sound and remind me of. Likey tho.
  19. Nice catch! Two for the soup... Alan Hovhaness, 'Spirit Of Trees' (the correct title) And, Domenico Scarlatti, Mandolin sonatas... just because!
  20. Tell me more about that when you're working with an 800+ part ship. That I'd be interested in hearing about.
  21. You should put Eeloo in with the stock listing (as well, perhaps)... it's less confusing. I didn't even bother to look at the others as they're not in my stock game, for example.
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