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Everything posted by LordFerret

  1. I'll take it you've no air-conditioning? Ouch. If it's a laptop, you could try elevating it a little more. Put some items (wood blocks, plastic chips from a checkers set, etc) under the little rubber feet on the laptop bottom... even if you just elevate one end with say a 'ruler' under the feet. That can help. If it's a tower, you could try opening the case and directing a household fan at it. Been there, done that. Also, a bowl full of ice in front of the fan (which introduces humidity though). You might need new thermal paste beneath the heat-sinks on your CPU and GPU, if you've an older machine. What you don't want to do is override the thermal shutdown ability of the machine, unless you're looking to bake it and cause permanent damage.
  2. Didn't vote. I see this poll existing only because you've played the game before ... otherwise you'd not know of the tech available. For the first time science player (I'm a science player, but this is my 4th time through), the tech tree is fairly balanced especially considering all the changes it's gone through (IMO).
  3. I have a rover up on Mun, batteries are dead, yet it crawls in slow circles... endlessly. So, in a word, No.
  4. I can't honestly say percentage-wise how much of my time is spent doing 'what', because I don't keep track of such things. I can, however, confidently say - it depends on how far I've progressed in the game (or in my case, Tech Tree, as I play a Science game). Early on I spend a lot of time building, to get places to unlock Tech. Later on, I spend more time 'flying'. A good example would be the hours and hours spent driving rovers around on Mun and Minmus, etc.
  5. Changelogs?!? Who reads changelogs??? I just get in there and fly ..... or not.
  6. I have seen this before, in a vision ... it means you will soon be visited by the Kraken.
  7. He'll find his way home, eventually. He always does.
  8. I've been talking to 'aliens' half my adult life (not by choice), and I still can't understand what the hell they're saying.
  9. And there was Jeannie (Barbara Eden), of "I Dream Of Jeannie". Tell me the NASA portrayed in that series (with Nelson and Healey) wasn't totally Kerbal lol.
  10. Google is your friend. https://github.com/hmazhar/xcode-gcc
  11. LOLZ! Oh boy, here we go again!
  12. I would think a more proper way to put that would be '6 people died as a result of the storm'. Storms don't kill people, they're just storms doing stuff that storms do. When people are out in the midst of storms, doing things they shouldn't be doing in storms, they can get killed if they're not careful... which is why when storms are coming, you stay informed and get to safety. In this day and age, there's almost no excuse for getting caught in a storm; Fifty years ago, it was a different story. And while it's sad 6 people had to lose their lives, here in the USA, approximately 30,000 people die each year just from the common flu. A little perspective. That sounds like typical east coast (Miami / Ft. Lauderdale area) Florida weather. Of all the times I've ever been to Florida, it's quite consistent that around 4:15pm there's a short thunderstorm which lasts all of 5 minutes. You could almost set your watch to it lol. Also, a number of times, I've literally stood on one side of the street and watched a torrential downpour on the other side of the street... not even being hit by so much as a drop of rain the duration. I've always found that weird. These days I've been using the "1Weather" app, and it's been quite accurate. The severe weather alerts (so far) have been spot on. I also like the ability to pop open the map and have Doppler radar for a peek at what's coming. ********** Our summers here usually include at least one forest fire (in the Pine Barrens). Just like forest fires anywhere else, they're dangerous, fast moving, lots of hot cinders and choking smoke. The fires are actually beneficial though, as they bring new growth. If nature doesn't start a fire on her own, often our parks service will (controlled burns over large tracts of land); And while such controlled fires usually don't end up destroying property / homes, there's still a lot of hot cinders and smoke and danger involved.
  13. And they tell me I have too much time on my hands? Just wow. I didn't have to build something special for this. I climbed the flagpole next to the launch pad. I fell from the top, inadvertently. I hit the base of the flagpole and the whole shebang exploded... my Kerbal survived however. I have no clue how, maybe he landed on his head? I then attempted to jump up onto the debris pile of the flagpole... it was then that my Kerbal turned into Elastic Man (spoken with deep resounding voice) and warped around in every direction on over to the runway, where he then hit the pavement and went poof! Edit: Ok, so I went and tested it out again. It works. If you fall from the top of the flagpole and land on your head, the base and flagpole will explode. If you don't succeed the first try, try again. Once you do blow it up, you'll need to walk into the crevasse in the debris as shown in the image below (spoiler) and hit the "F" key to 'climb' as you do... that should catapult you up and out. The distance varies. Sometimes you spaghetti in flight, sometimes when you hit the ground. It's a hit or miss kind of thing... so if you don't get thrown, circle around and walk back in again. Eventually you'll hit it lol. I haven't achieved this yet on the main flagpole out in front of the Astronaut Complex. Maybe you'll have better luck?
  14. There wasn't (still isn't) much emphasis on the hardware one needs to play the game as is meant... not that I've seen anyway. "Buyer beware" isn't going to make Hello Games famous for anything. That's entirely the dev's fault. As for expecting the action thrill ride, that is also the dev's fault, for allowing their marketing department to pump out the early video previews of gameplay that they have; I've seen plenty of them, and initial appearances is exactly that - you'll be in this huge galaxy with millions of others that you 'might' run into (although it might not be easy). I even saw early release videos folks made with tips on how to find your friends online, in game. So it either is or it isn't - "whatever". Hello Games needs to make a statement and make "whatever" clear, before their name becomes mud.
  15. While Clarke's original story underwent seven re-writes before evolving into 2001: A Space Odyssey, I would suggest you start with the original first - The Sentinel. It's a short story, a good primer, a seed if you will, and you'll finish it in a day.
  16. http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/movies/2016/08/13/kenny-baker-star-wars-r2-d2-dies-81/88674654/ RIP
  17. No, Krakens poop magic boulders!
  18. No, there currently are no mods for 'comets'. However, there are plenty of asteroids floating around out there that you can do the same thing with. You can find them using the Tracking Station.
  19. UbioZur has not yet been updated for v1.1.3, and using the current version is unreliable. But, yea.
  20. http://www.pcworld.com/article/3107227/software/warning-no-mans-skys-pc-port-is-broken-and-buggy.html http://www.gamespot.com/articles/no-mans-sky-dev-working-hard-to-resolve-pc-issues/1100-6442604/ There is no patch yet. They're working on it.
  21. You and about 50,000 other people. lol I've been seeing the same in the reviews. The console version is working well with minor issues ... but issues none-the-less. The port to PC apparently is totally borked, Steam reviews showing pretty much nothing but 'thumbs-down'. I just read a review this morning which notes the issues in the PC version, and they are major, a game breaker which, if not fixed and quickly, will hurt Hello Games. Liken it to KSP's release of v1.0, only x 10. I'm waiting before I shell out any clams on this one. Also, if there's also no other source for it other than Steam, I won't be buying it at all. I refuse to use Steam, I have a long standing beef with them from back in the days of Day of Defeat (pre-Source).
  22. This thread has already been moved once. The next move might be to the bit bucket.
  23. There's no comparing the two, they're different animals... apples and oranges. The author at PCGamer, like all other authors out there, needs to write something or he gets no paycheck this month.
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