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Everything posted by micha

  1. Has anybody managed to get this to work with Unity 5.4.0p4 and the latest PartTools (and the work-around for loading TextMeshPro)? I've gotten as far as creating a couple of pages following these instructions, but I can't get it to generate the final Asset Bundle. Firstly, the Asset Compiler is showing -all- files in the project when I "View" my Bundle, not just the ones I tagged. I can manually edit the XML to remove all files except the ones I want, but the next time I "Update" the Bundle, it re-adds all the other files. Then when I try to "Build" the Asset Bundle it indicates that it completes successfully (AssetCompiler: Finished building 1 asset bundles), but there's never an actual output file generated. I don't know Unity well enough to trouble-shoot what could be wrong so any hints and tips (or requests for more information) welcome. EDIT: Huh; ok, so creating a brand-new project, dragging-and-dropping all relevant bits from the old project (fonts, prefabs, etc) into the new project, and it works now. *scratches head*
  2. Adding instructions to the README (or adding a specific README as you suggested) is a good idea; as for boilerplate, but I think there's more than enough examples in Kemini to give people the hint so the boilerplate is, I think, unnecessary.. I'm also more than happy to add configs for any 1-or-2-Kerbal pods to the release so contributions always welcome.
  3. Thanks; that capsule worked fine when I tried it.. maybe there's another mod or config that's messing it up for @Cheesecake? Cheers; I had a play around with a module manager config myself earlier today as I had the same thought to try to bake Kemini into all suitable pods. The main difference is that I restricted it to 1 or 2 seats ( @PART[*]:HAS[#CrewCapacity[>0],#CrewCapacity[<3],@MODULE[ModuleCommand]]:FOR[NE_SCIENCE] ), but it ended up also adding Kemini to aeroplane cockpits, lander cans, and various other Kerballed parts. As the aim of this mod is to replicate Gemini experiments, I'm going to stay with the per-capsule config file setup but of course, the beauty of KSP and modding is that people can personalise their experience. In the next release I'm considering nerfing the Mk1 capsule to just have 1 experiment slot; basically 1 slot per seat. But that's because I almost always play with either Corvus or K2 pods installed so I have fairly early access to a 2-Kerbal pod. Might have to rethink that for people who play more stockish.
  4. Do you have a link to that capsule? I can't find it; installing BDB (via CKAN) gave me all sorts of capsules, but not a "BDB Gemini" one.
  5. @Cheesecake I just pushed a new version; you no longer need the extra ExperimentRegister.cfg file; instead, add the additional fields directly into the Resources/Kemini_Experiments.cfg file. You can also create new KEES experiments just using config files now. Same deal - create a new part and add a new entry into the Resources/KEES_Experiments.cfg file (example TEST experiment to show how it's done). I'm marginally undecided whether the extra fields should go into the PART configuration file, or in the Experiment definitions; any thoughts?
  6. Ok, that's interesting; CSS only adds extra experiment results so I really have no idea how it's interfering with the way NEOS works. I had a brief look at the CSS code, and there's nothing in there which I can see which could cause issues. Anyway, something to bear in mind; in the meantime I'll update the OP.
  7. It all seems to work fine for me. Can you please try without mods, or remove the mods which you think may be causing issues? If you can figure out which mod is causing the problem I can try to figure out why.
  8. In you KSP directory you should have a "KSP.log" file. I need that please. Alternatively if you can save your game (Press ESC then "Save Game") just before the issue shows up and send me the save-file I can look at the problem here.
  9. https://github.com/DuoDex/CrowdSourcedScience/issues/56 It appears to be mostly cosmetic, but I haven't done a deep-dive into the issue; figured I'd wait for @DuoDex to comment first. So should be ok to keep playing with it.
  10. Works for me; Logs please. I know that Crowd-source-science messes up Kemini (I've raised an issue to the author but haven't heard back), so possibly messes up KEES as well.
  11. The original Kemini textures are on GitHub here, the .xcf is the original multi-layered GIMP one. Not 100% sure how they are converted for distribution, I'll figure it out and get back to you. EDIT: Ah, it's the DDS4KSP tool from this thread which also flips the images. So basically, use the original GIMP image (or create your own texture using the same size), export as PNG, then run dds4ksp and use the resulting .dds files.
  12. Cool. Just un-mirror the texture, edit, and re-mirror. I'll see if there's a blank version of the texture I can upload somewhere.
  13. If anybody wants to test it, you can download an updated NEOS from GitHub directly; the "GameData" folder should be complete with a recompiled plugin and everything. The tag is 20171102 under "releases" on GitHub, but it's not published as an actual release. Apart from various minor spelling/localisation fixes, it changes the savefile format slightly (it -should- auto-update existing saves, but you won't be able to load the new saves using the old version, so back up your saves first) and, notably, allows people to create their own Kemini experiments simply by editing configuration files. There's a new Kemini "TEST" experiment demonstrating how it's done. You will need to: 1. create a new Kemini part for the experiment in the "Kemini/Experiments" directory 1. add a new entry into the "Kemini/Experiments/ExperimentRegister.cfg" 1. optionally create a new texture 1. optionally, but highly recommended, localise the experiment (See the "Kemini/Localization" directory) 1. and finally add the experiment definition into Resources/Kemini_Experiments.cfg Have fun!
  14. Ok, and it looks like that was a heck of a lot easier than I thought; expect a configuration-file-based Kemini setup "soon(tm)"
  15. Only partially; the science defs etc are config files, but the experiments also need to be coded in. it also needs its own texture to show in the tech-tree. Having new experiments added just using config files is something I've been thinking about doing for both Kemini and KEES, but to be honest apart from maintaining this mod I haven't really had time to do much coding to extend it (RL gets in the way). If you can code I'm more than happy to accept pull requests, otherwise if you send me all the configs etc. it shouldn't take me too much time to add the rest. The only concern I have with adding more Kemini experiments is that Kemini is so easy that adding more experiments may flood the early game with too much science.
  16. Ok cheers mate; weird, couldn't find it. Perhaps add a link on the front page and/or in the CKAN metadata?
  17. If that relies on superconductors as shown in the last video of the OP, we have a while to wait yet. Yes, the superconductor cables themselves are only grams compared to KG's for copper, but even "warm" superconductors are still running at -250C or thereabouts (there are warmer examples, but rather esoteric and not really practical in an engineering solution), so you need heavy and power-hungry cooling equipment. Room-temperature superconductors (ie, > 0C, not even 20C!!) are the holy grail, whoever invents or discovers a usable one will change the world.
  18. G'day Nereid, Haven't actually tried this mod yet, but was keen to take a look at the source code. Turns out it's inside the release ZIP. Any particular reason you don't keep the source on GitHub or similar? Cheers, - Micha.
  19. Umm, yes it can do that. Add a manoeuvre node and adjust it; watch Trajectories update the projected landing spot. What it can't do is accurately predict the trajectory of a future -stage- (ie, the trajectory after decoupling your lander). So either do your final burn with your lander configuration, or with a bit of practice and you'll be able to predict yourself how much the predicted trajectory changes after decoupling. Also, the steeper the re-entry the less the trajectory will change.
  20. You're arguing on the one side for cloud as a way to track legal copies, and then turn around and say it should be an option. Tracking doesn't work that way, or at least, adding cloud save as a tracking feature doesn't add anything if it's optional since Squad already knows their sales figures. It might give some usage statistics, but that's all. I really don't see the need/point to integrate a cloud feature into the game directly. Doing so will force users into the particular cloud solution(s) which the game would support meaning people would likely have to sign up and create Yet Another Account for. Adding the capability to -easily- use players' existing cloud solutions though is another thing, and that's what I suggested could be trivially supported by simply providing a setting as to where to save the game. Yes, you can achieve the same with symlinks, but on Windows at least that's a PITA and most users aren't that technical. Again, you can copy-paste, but that's a bunch of extra steps before starting and after stopping the game. PS. While somewhat useful, I'm also on the "what clouds" bandwagon. It's just a slightly different take on client-server computing from the 60's.
  21. No need to apologise!! This is all hobby and volunteer work, RL takes priority. But thanks for the heads-up, means I will wait instead of working around the issue myself.
  22. The simplest way for KSP to "Support" cloud saving would be for the game to have a setting for the location of the "saves" folder. Then people can use whatever cloud backup they want. For it to work "properly" there would also need to be a way to mark "essential" mods (ie, part mods) for each save, and for mods to save all of their settings and state either in the save file directly, or in the "saves" folder instead of inside "GameData".
  23. You want the "Trajectories" mod. It's not perfect (especially if you decouple parts of your spaceship after your burn) but it can get you into a ballpark area.
  24. Hullo fellow modders, Wondering whether anyone knows how to do this (or if it's even possible without a plugin). I've got an experiment configuration which I want to be biome-aware in the following sitiuations: * Landed or splashed * Flying low on bodies with an atmosphere * In space low on bodies without an atmosphere All other situations should count as a single biome. I don't think it's possible using the situationMask and biomeMask parameters but hope to be pleasantly surprised. Cheers, - Micha.
  25. Heh, just ran into the same issue after adding a .version to KDEX. I thought that if the current game version (1.3.1) is between KSP_VERSION_MIN (1.0) and KSP_VERSION_MAX (1.3.99), it would be "Compatible". However, it's showing as "CompatibleKspVersion: False" which means it thinks there's no update, even though the online version is newer. Hopefully @cybutek will review your merge request soon.. Alternatively, what constitutes a "Compatible KSP Version" - Major + Minor must match (ie, 1.3 matches 1.3(.x)) or Major + Minor + Revision has to match? EDIT: Looking at your bug report (not pull request), it appears the full version must match.
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