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Everything posted by cipherpunks

  1. I'm still fiddling with 1.0.4; here's what I know I can fiddle with: @maxTemp = 2500 // = 3400 (?) %thermalMassModifier = 2 // 1.0 for insulator; Squad uses 4 often; 6 for nose cones %heatConductivity = 0.005 // 0.0001 for insulator; default = 0.12; Squad uses 0.04 for panels %emissiveConstant = 0.7 // ?? dunno what it is; Squad uses 0.9 for radiators %skinThicknessFactor = 0.85 // skin:internals proportion; around 1 for panels, around 0.1 or less for tanks %skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0 // skin -> intestines flux %radiatorMax = 0.35 // ?? dunno what it is; default = 0.25 %radiatorHeadroom = 0.75 // ?? I don't give a damn; Squad uses 0.75 or 0.5 for radiators %MODULE[ModuleConductionMultiplier] { %modifiedConductionFactor = 0.003 %convectionFluxThreshold = 3000 } // ModuleConductionMultiplier @MODULE[ModuleAblator] { @lossExp = -6000 // was -9000 @lossConst = 1 // was 20 @pyrolysisLossFactor = 600 // was 10000 @reentryConductivity = 0.01 @ablationTempThresh = 500 } // ModuleAblator ...but overall 1.0.3 heat model seems lame, that is, it is impossible to reentry without using completely unrealistic values for, say, thermalMassModifier and emissiveConstant. That is, the pod, which is empty inside, just can't have thermal mass of 100 000 tonnes, can it? Squad seems lamers to me. How wrong were those that were touting the end of DeadlyReentry mod... Now we kinda need it to be able to set different ablation processes as they are IRL - say, ablation process of PICA-X is much different than ablation of AVCOAT which Apollo (and Orion) uses...
  2. Now that I'm trying to move to 1.0.4, and various parts variously explode at various, surprising times, I really want to see all the 1.0.4 thermal variables that go to .cfg's explained in one place and by someone who knows. Starwaster?... Edit: ok here's what I "know": %thermalMassModifier = 2 // 1.0 for insulator; Squad uses 4 often; 6 for nose cones %heatConductivity = 0.005 // 0.0001 for insulator; default = 0.12 %radiatorMax = 0.35 // ?? dunno what it is; default = 0.25 %radiatorHeadroom = 0.75 // ?? I don't give a damn; Squad uses 0.75 or 0.5 for radiators %emissiveConstant = 0.7 // ?? dunno what it is; Squad uses 0.9 for radiators %skinThicknessFactor = 0.85 // skin:internals proportion; around 1 for panels, around 0.1 or less for tanks %skinInternalConductionMult = 4.0 // skin -> intestines fluxClarification and corrections welcome. Oh, and one more thing: ThermalHelper doesn't seem to fully work on 1.0.4 (only the flag is colored on parts that have it, so it's impossible to quickly visually inspect entire craft for overheated parts anymore). I forgot where did I got that ThermalHelper - maybe there's update?...
  3. BTW if You per chance will be releasing IVA, I suggest putting RPM MFD where the real gusmobile had scroller with procedures checklist.
  4. Fiddling with 1.0.4 now, and guess what... RSS reentry became so hard, that it is impossible so far :-) So far everything explodes despite there's still some Ablator left. I guess I have to tweak skin-to-internals conductivity somehow... Will try to find some info on forum on just what to put in .cfg - I'm not familiar with newly introduced keys, if any. Any pointers to fresh docs are appreciated.
  5. Wait, what, 1500 parts? OMG. You should really try https://github.com/UbioWeldingLtd (to author of those icosahedron etc stations)
  6. No I don't (no config), but I might try later. First of all I need to understand what's exactly is wrong with it - 17.7m/s is already something, some drag, whenearlier there was none, so that's a progress ;-) Just updated to 1.0.4 and latest FAR, will fiddle.
  7. Still for me, as soon as I add latest ModularFlightIntegrator to the mix, Auriga "splashes down hard and is destroyed". Running KSP 1.0.2. with FAR_0_15_3_Froude (Ferri earlier). Will re-test tomorrow with 1.0.4 and FAR_0_15_3_1_Garabedian and will report.Edit: oh wait, there might be some other module interfering - now 0.15.3 and MFI are enabled, but a bunch of others are disabled.... And the pod goes down not at ~6 m/s as it should, and not at ~145m/s as if with zero drag, but with 17.7 m/s (!!!) and is destroyed too. TEH weirdness. Will fiddle some more.
  8. Shadowmage , unless You know how to make that Ablator-related effect not linear but exponential, please postpone Ablator-related investigations while I'll try to rebalanse thermo. TIA. Users: if You see darker or black Auriga CM, that means You must've removed some (or all) Ablator from it. If that's the case, then CM shader works as designed.
  9. I'm currently trying to rebalance the stack temp-wise, including solving that Ablator depletion (and resulting graying of pod) because of engine heat. ICPS heat problem is solved, now SM engines... Will report later. Also, the parachute problem turned out to be caused not by FAR itself, but by its interference with some NF pack - investigating. Will post here later - some important things will need to be changed in distribution, that's for sure, but I hope only cfg-wise (namely, release ICPS has LqdHydrogen, which is unacceptable given it doesn't even check if CryoEngines are installed - KSP will stop loading, and users will be astonished - not everyone knows about output.log or what was it; I'll try to balance it around LF+Ox later). Edited to add: I'm using BL release, not dev build, and I'm using it on 1.0.2, but intend to test on 1.0.4 later also. Will be adding TAC LS resources too I think, balanced as IRL. Never did RealChute patch before, but will look into that too. Edit 2: that Ablator-related shader that makes the pod black when there's no Ablator, should really be not linear but exponential, so that if You have around a quarter of Ablator left, the pod is only, say, 20% darker, but when there's none, the pod becomes all charred. I'd modify it but I do not have the dev stack installed ATM, OTH I have Unity dDL'ed and .mu -> Unity -> Blender convertors too... Just don't have a clue yet. Upd: %MODULE[TweakScale]:NEEDS[TweakScale] { %type = stack %defaultScale = 3.75 } // TweakScale } // PART @PART[OrionDPM] { //,NasaDockingSystem] { // BaconLabs Bacon Docking System (Parachute), Bacon Docking System (Standard) // International Docking Adapter (IDA), a 526-kilogram <- but that's whole pressurized adapter; todo research just the docking node mass %MODULE[JSIExternalCameraSelector]:NEEDS[RasterPropMonitor] { %cameraContainer = NodeStackBottom // DockingPort works %cameraIDPrefix = ExtCam } } // PART @PART[Orion] { // BaconLabs Auriga Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle //Capsule mass: 8913 kg (must be 5 t at D=3.75m) //Gross mass: 9742 kg @mass += 4.447 //Environmental Control System: 128 kg TODO add TAC LS %MODULE[ModuleCommand] { %minimumCrew = 0 %RESOURCE[ElectricCharge] { %rate = 0.05 } } // ModuleCommand @MODULE[ModuleSAS] { %SASServiceLevel = 3 } // prograde, retrograde, radial, normal, node, target //RCS Coarse No x Thrust: 24 x 445 N.TODO re-check ModuleRCS @MODULE[ModuleRCS] { @atmosphereCurve { @key,0 = 0 290 } } @RESOURCE[Ablator] { @amount = 100 } //RCS Propellants: 175 kg //Spacecraft delta v: 50 m/s @RESOURCE[MonoPropellant] { @amount = 44 // was 150 @maxAmount = 44 } // RESOURCE %thermalMassModifier = 0.35 // it is hollow inside; 1.0 for insulator; 0.35 does the trick for lifting reentry from the Moon at 99.99% Ablator usage %heatConductivity = 0.001 // 0.0001 for insulator %skinThicknessFactor = 0.15 // hollow inside, thin walls, scary .... // %emissiveConstant = 0.30 // trying not to touch it... } // PART @PART[OrionESASvcMod] { // BaconLabs Auriga Service Module // old, pre-ATV: empty mass 3.7 t, fuel 8.3 t; ATV carried 4.7 t of fuel //Service Module mass: 12337 kg (must be 5.2 t at D=3,75) //Service module propellant mass: 7907 kg (must be 3.34 t at D=3.75) @mass = 4.43 //1.86 %node_stack_bottom2 = 0, -1.9, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1 @MODULE[ModuleRCS] { @atmosphereCurve { @key,0 = 0 329 } } @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX],* { @heatProduction = 170 } // was 350; 180 overheats after ~950 dV @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX],* { @atmosphereCurve { key,9 = 9 0.1 } } // % -> "cannot use index with replace value" // Isp of R-4D-11 is 312 s; R-4D-15 Isp is 323 s; no more than 343 s for main nozzle @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX],0 { @atmosphereCurve { @key,0 = 0 340 } } // suppose it's Aestus II / RS-72 @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX],1 { @atmosphereCurve { @key,0 = 0 333.5 } } @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX],0 { @maxThrust = 55.5 } // was 120; suppose it's Aestus II / RS-72 @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX],1 { @maxThrust = 7.5 } // was 60; suppose it's AMBR at 0.935 kN @MODULE[SSTUSolarPanel] { @resourceAmount *= 4 } // stock is 12.6 EC/s // RCS Coarse No x Thrust: 16 x 445 N // Spacecraft delta v: 1855 m/s //CM+SM Gross mass: 21500 kg //CM+SM Unfuelled mass: 11750 kg //Gross mass: 9819 kg //Unfuelled mass: 69 kg ?? ... this source lies //Thrust: 33.40 kN ?? no info on engines yet, except ATV ones, but they do play with RS-72 //Total delta-v: ~1340 m/s @RESOURCE[MonoPropellant] { @amount = 1976 //1925 // was 1050 = 4.2t @maxAmount = 1976 } // RESOURCE @RESOURCE[ElectricCharge] { @amount = 400 @maxAmount = 400 } // RESOURCE %heatConductivity = 0.01 // 0.0001 for insulator %skinThicknessFactor = 0.1 // ?? unsure %emissiveConstant = 0.4 // SM is ribbed and has panels; 1 for radiators } // PART @PART[ICPS]:NEEDS[CryoEngines] { // BaconLabs Interim Cryogenic Propulsion Stage @title = Interim Cryogenic Propulsion Stage @manufacturer = Boeing @mass = 4.1 // 32.4t gross // real Orion stack dV ~= 3050+, actual dV for Auriga stack = 3299 @MODULE[ModuleEngines] { @maxThrust = 110.1 // RL-10B2 @heatProduction = 42 // was 35.0 @atmosphereCurve { @key,0 = 0 465.5 @key,1 = 1 373 key,9 = 9 0.1 } // atmosphereCurve !PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel] {} !PROPELLANT[Oxidizer] {} %PROPELLANT[LqdHydrogen] { %ratio = 1.0 %DrawGauge = False // ?? } // PROPELLANT %PROPELLANT[Oxidizer] { %ratio = 0.1 %DrawGauge = True } // PROPELLANT } // ModuleEngines // min 28.3t HydroLOx ~= 3.75x5.625m PP tank ~= 5000 LOx+50k LH2 // for the record, there is 16.92t of HydroLOx in DCSS -RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] {} %RESOURCE[LqdHydrogen] { %amount = 49570 %maxAmount = 49570 } // RESOURCE @RESOURCE[Oxidizer] { @amount = 4957 @maxAmount = 4957 } // RESOURCE } // PART // SA 581 kg total @PART[OrionShroud1] { // BaconLabs Auriga Service Shroud & Adapter @mass *=0.16 // was 1.75 %thermalMassModifier = 0.9 // 1.0 for insulator %emissiveConstant = 0.30 %heatConductivity = 0.02 // 0.0001 for insulator } // PART @PART[OrionShroud2] { // BaconLabs Auriga Service Adapter @mass *= 0.15 // no way it weights 1.75 tons! @node_stack_bottom = 0, -0.5, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1 // size was 2 %thermalMassModifier = 0.9 // 1.0 for insulator; 0.9 = 189 m(t) %emissiveConstant = 0.30 %heatConductivity = 0.02 // 0.0001 for insulator } // PART @PART[BLSLSSRBNose] { // BaconLabs 5-Segment SRB Nose Cone (2.25m) @mass *= 0.5 @node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.48, 0.0, 0.0, -1, 0.0, 2 // y was -1.37; -1.5 is just too much; -1.46 almost, but clips %MODULE[TweakScale]:NEEDS[TweakScale] { %type = stack %defaultScale = 2.25 } // TweakScale } // PART @PART[OrionBPC] { // BaconLabs Auriga BPC makes it leave Ablator alone while engine works (note SINGLE MAIN SM engine, or ICPS RL-10, but not both SM engine blocks - e.g. not small nozzles plus main nozzle for long burns! Burns up to 500 dV work with both engines, though.), but makes it eat 99% of Ablator upon actual reentry from Moon orbit (RSS; target periapsis 32km, lifting reentry w/pitch at 15 degrees). Tomorrow I'll fiddle more - I intend to make "direct return" from Mars and maybe Venus doable, as the real thing must. TODO: - try to balance stock ICPS on LF+Ox to remove user astonishment and LqdHydrogen dependency from base release - add TAC LS to CM (masses are known; check NASA docs for intended endurance) - test on 1.0.4 - look into RealChute MM patch - google if (where; distance; mass) Orion has antenna - test direct lifting reentry from Mars - (maybe) test direct reentry from Venus - work out why FAR+ModularFlightIntegrator nullify chute drag
  10. Reactors are dropping to 0.10% load out of the blue, after some time of physics warp. Clicking "reactor on" says should fully charge reactor, but instantly gives around 50% electricity amount. Clicking that 2nd time almost tops it, and clicking 3rd time starts it up, but it may, or may not resume generation as normal. Entering 100x warp and dropping to 1x always resets the reactor and it starts behave as intended, producing as advertised. KSP 1.0.2 here still, and corresponding mod version.
  11. Ferram4, can You please look why Bacon Labs parachute (on the docking port+parachute combo) produces zero drag with FAR? { name = OrionDPM type = PART parentUrl = BaconLabs/Parts/DockingPorts/NDS-Parachute url = BaconLabs/Parts/DockingPorts/NDS-Parachute/OrionDPM PART { module = Part name = OrionDPM author = Shadowmage TechRequired = veryHeavyRocketry entryCost = 6500 cost = 320 category = Utility subcategory = 0 title = Bacon Docking System (Parachute) manufacturer = Bacon Labs description = Nobody is sure how the Bacon Docking System's designers managed to cram three whole parachutes into a docking port while leaving the crew hatch unobstructed, but that's exactly what they've done - no longer will you need to worry about all those silly radial chutes for your docking craft! rescaleFactor = 1 node_stack_top = 0, 0.06364,0,0, 1,0,2 node_stack_bottom = 0,-0.07432,0,0,-1,0,2 attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0 mass = 0.15 maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.2 angularDrag = 2 crashTolerance = 14 maxTemp = 2400 fuelCrossFeed = True bodyLiftMultiplier = 0 stageOffset = -1 MODEL { model = BaconLabs/Assets/SC-B-121a-DPM } MODULE { name = ModuleParachute invertCanopy = true autoCutSpeed = 0.5 capName = ParachuteCap canopyName = CanopyTransform semiDeployedAnimation = SCBDPMSemiDeployRaw fullyDeployedAnimation = SCBDPMFullDeployRaw stowedDrag = 0.20 semiDeployedDrag = 50 fullyDeployedDrag = 5000 minAirPressureToOpen = 0.01 deployAltitude = 500 deploymentSpeed = 1 semiDeploymentSpeed = 1 } MODULE { name = ModuleDragModifier dragCubeName = SEMIDEPLOYED dragModifier = 3 } MODULE { name = ModuleDragModifier dragCubeName = DEPLOYED dragModifier = 12 } MODULE { name = ModuleDockingNode referenceAttachNode = top nodeType = size1 } MODULE { name = JSIExternalCameraSelector cameraContainer = NodeStackBottom cameraIDPrefix = ExtCam } MODULE { name = BBModule } MODULE { name = ModuleAGX } MODULE { name = ModuleDockingNodeNamed controlTransformName = not_initialized portName = default initialized = false } MODULE { name = ModuleTweakableDockingNode TDNnodeName = top } MODULE { name = ModuleStagingToggle defaultDisabled = true activeInFlight = false activeInEditor = true } MODULE { name = ModuleFuelCrossfeedActions } MODULE { name = ModuleDockingNodeActions } } } UrlConfig { url = BaconLabs/Parts/DockingPorts/NDS-Parachute/OrionDPM DRAG_CUBE { cube = PACKED, 0.1912594,0.722507,1.279412, 0.1906157,0.7233407,1.279412, 1.213026,0.925171,0.3645785, 1.213026,1,0.1017859, 0.2141714,0.7149879,1.142941, 0.2141714,0.7089711,1.108824, 0,0.06064296,0, 1.25,0.2719163,1.25 cube = SEMIDEPLOYED, 63.0599,2.328276,8.965659, 63.0599,2.328563,9.010713, 37.47974,0.7246969,29.76742, 37.47974,0.7249202,29.88555, 77.1748,2.36018,8.607203, 77.1748,2.366413,8.802821, -0.0001544952,14.66554,0.4745393, 11.28866,29.92179,9.77653 cube = DEPLOYED, 378.5009,8.360817,42.71132, 378.5009,8.364117,39.71754, 806.5414,8.139471,30.81947, 806.5414,7.987335,32.22675, 482.5404,8.222376,38.2234, 482.5404,8.684553,40.29888, -0.0007724762,12.77229,1.542923, 50.69433,35.68568,43.90392 } }PART
  12. Without any mods except mostly-harmless ones - namely Toolbar, FilterExtensions, EditorExtensions, HyperEdit and KER - I still have semi-high-speed-ejection and wildly rotating Auriga MPCM+SM after a) jettisoning 3 SM shrouds and decoupling SM from ICPS. As those mods aren't likely to interfere, I can honestly say that that shroud still has collider problems even on "clean", "stock" KSP 1.0.2 (yes, that's right, I'm hesitant to update). No other parts attached except MPCM, SM, dock+parachute, 2 shrouds and ICPS. Steps to reproduce: - install clean KSP 1.0.2; install BaconLabs release - install HyperEdit - enter VAB, place Auriga stack, launch - HyperEdit the stack to some orbit - 3x jettison fairing sides !!! DO NOT enable any SAS; do not move the craft at all !!! (actually this makes no difference, but still for the cleannes sake) - decouple the IPCS shroud - wait for about ten seconds while it slowly slides out of that shroud - watch semi-high-speed-rotating ejection After decoupling, KER will say max G force = 567,924 to ~540000. If reset after that, but prior to semi-high-speed ejection, it will say around 1.64 to 1.032, so even KER shows that the decoupling had anomalities ;-) %MODULE[TweakScale]:NEEDS[TweakScale] { %type = stack %defaultScale = 3.75 } // TweakScale } // PART @PART[OrionDPM] { //,NasaDockingSystem] { // BaconLabs Bacon Docking System (Parachute), Bacon Docking System (Standard) // International Docking Adapter (IDA), a 526-kilogram <- but that's whole pressurized adapter; todo research just the docking node mass %MODULE[JSIExternalCameraSelector]:NEEDS[RasterPropMonitor] { %cameraContainer = NodeStackBottom // DockingPort works %cameraIDPrefix = ExtCam } } // PART @PART[Orion] { // BaconLabs Auriga Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle //Capsule mass: 8913 kg (must be 5 t at D=3.75m) //Gross mass: 9742 kg @mass += 4.447 //Environmental Control System: 128 kg TODO add TAC LS %MODULE[ModuleCommand] { %minimumCrew = 0 %RESOURCE[ElectricCharge] { %rate = 0.05 } } // ModuleCommand @MODULE[ModuleSAS] { %SASServiceLevel = 3 } // prograde, retrograde, radial, normal, node, target //RCS Coarse No x Thrust: 24 x 445 N.TODO re-check ModuleRCS @MODULE[ModuleRCS] { @atmosphereCurve { @key,0 = 0 290 } } @RESOURCE[Ablator] { @amount = 100 } //RCS Propellants: 175 kg //Spacecraft delta v: 50 m/s @RESOURCE[MonoPropellant] { @amount = 44 // was 150 @maxAmount = 44 } // RESOURCE %thermalMassModifier = 0.35 // it is hollow inside; 1.0 for insulator; 0.35 does the trick for lifting reentry from the Moon at 99.99% Ablator usage %heatConductivity = 0.001 // 0.0001 for insulator %skinThicknessFactor = 0.15 // hollow inside, thin walls, scary .... // %emissiveConstant = 0.30 // trying not to touch it... } // PART @PART[OrionESASvcMod] { // BaconLabs Auriga Service Module // old, pre-ATV: empty mass 3.7 t, fuel 8.3 t; ATV carried 4.7 t of fuel //Service Module mass: 12337 kg (must be 5.2 t at D=3,75) //Service module propellant mass: 7907 kg (must be 3.34 t at D=3.75) @mass = 4.43 //1.86 %node_stack_bottom2 = 0, -1.9, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1 @MODULE[ModuleRCS] { @atmosphereCurve { @key,0 = 0 329 } } @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX],* { @heatProduction = 170 } // was 350; 180 overheats after ~950 dV @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX],* { @atmosphereCurve { key,9 = 9 0.1 } } // % -> "cannot use index with replace value" // Isp of R-4D-11 is 312 s; R-4D-15 Isp is 323 s; no more than 343 s for main nozzle @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX],0 { @atmosphereCurve { @key,0 = 0 340 } } // suppose it's Aestus II / RS-72 @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX],1 { @atmosphereCurve { @key,0 = 0 333.5 } } @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX],0 { @maxThrust = 55.5 } // was 120; suppose it's Aestus II / RS-72 @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX],1 { @maxThrust = 7.5 } // was 60; suppose it's AMBR at 0.935 kN @MODULE[SSTUSolarPanel] { @resourceAmount *= 4 } // stock is 12.6 EC/s // RCS Coarse No x Thrust: 16 x 445 N // Spacecraft delta v: 1855 m/s //CM+SM Gross mass: 21500 kg //CM+SM Unfuelled mass: 11750 kg //Gross mass: 9819 kg //Unfuelled mass: 69 kg ?? ... this source lies //Thrust: 33.40 kN ?? no info on engines yet, except ATV ones, but they do play with RS-72 //Total delta-v: ~1340 m/s @RESOURCE[MonoPropellant] { @amount = 1976 //1925 // was 1050 = 4.2t @maxAmount = 1976 } // RESOURCE @RESOURCE[ElectricCharge] { @amount = 400 @maxAmount = 400 } // RESOURCE %heatConductivity = 0.01 // 0.0001 for insulator %skinThicknessFactor = 0.1 // ?? unsure %emissiveConstant = 0.4 // SM is ribbed and has panels; 1 for radiators } // PART @PART[ICPS]:NEEDS[CryoEngines] { // BaconLabs Interim Cryogenic Propulsion Stage @title = Interim Cryogenic Propulsion Stage @manufacturer = Boeing @mass = 4.1 // 32.4t gross // real Orion stack dV ~= 3050+, actual dV for Auriga stack = 3299 @MODULE[ModuleEngines] { @maxThrust = 110.1 // RL-10B2 @heatProduction = 42 // was 35.0 @atmosphereCurve { @key,0 = 0 465.5 @key,1 = 1 373 key,9 = 9 0.1 } // atmosphereCurve !PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel] {} !PROPELLANT[Oxidizer] {} %PROPELLANT[LqdHydrogen] { %ratio = 1.0 %DrawGauge = False // ?? } // PROPELLANT %PROPELLANT[Oxidizer] { %ratio = 0.1 %DrawGauge = True } // PROPELLANT } // ModuleEngines // min 28.3t HydroLOx ~= 3.75x5.625m PP tank ~= 5000 LOx+50k LH2 // for the record, there is 16.92t of HydroLOx in DCSS -RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] {} %RESOURCE[LqdHydrogen] { %amount = 49570 %maxAmount = 49570 } // RESOURCE @RESOURCE[Oxidizer] { @amount = 4957 @maxAmount = 4957 } // RESOURCE } // PART // SA 581 kg total @PART[OrionShroud1] { // BaconLabs Auriga Service Shroud & Adapter @mass *=0.16 // was 1.75 %thermalMassModifier = 0.9 // 1.0 for insulator %emissiveConstant = 0.30 %heatConductivity = 0.02 // 0.0001 for insulator } // PART @PART[OrionShroud2] { // BaconLabs Auriga Service Adapter @mass *= 0.15 // no way it weights 1.75 tons! @node_stack_bottom = 0, -0.5, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1 // size was 2 %thermalMassModifier = 0.9 // 1.0 for insulator; 0.9 = 189 m(t) %emissiveConstant = 0.30 %heatConductivity = 0.02 // 0.0001 for insulator } // PART @PART[BLSLSSRBNose] { // BaconLabs 5-Segment SRB Nose Cone (2.25m) @mass *= 0.5 @node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.48, 0.0, 0.0, -1, 0.0, 2 // y was -1.37; -1.5 is just too much; -1.46 almost, but clips %MODULE[TweakScale]:NEEDS[TweakScale] { %type = stack %defaultScale = 2.25 } // TweakScale } // PART @PART[OrionBPC] { // BaconLabs Auriga BPC As for lander, I like 1st variant, but I like 3rd variant too - would it make some good semi-permanent base module?... Edit: docking port parachute produces zero drag for me, so the parachute is not functional. Just thought that I should try without any mods - trying now... Edit 2: hm, without any mods parachute does indeed produce drag; fiddling... Edit 3: parachute doesn't work with FAR+ModularFlightIntegrator
  13. One can view the versions by right-clicking and selecting 3rd tab, too (while they are still called .dll's, that is). The clash is 1.7.4 vs 1.7.5 - many mods still ship 1.7.4 which became problematic lately. Also see here for Linux cmdline.
  14. Should be KSPAPIExtensions.dll woe I was told. Try to rename some KSPAPIExtensions.dll copies, checking versions and making notes which ones You disable by renaming. For me, disabling two of them (one in GameData/ and other in unrelated mod dir) did the trick.
  15. Thank You Malah, now that I do not loose time due to waiting for KSP to load me VAB thanks to Your clever QuickStart, and SolarImpulse flies thru the Pacific, life kinda seems more XXI century.
  16. For me, great many parts are like so - hesitant to attach at first. Many simple parts from many mods. For example 2.5m BOMP.
  17. Managed to get it to work! Did a search for all KSPAPIExtensions.dll and started to disable/enable them one by one, and then by two etc. Found working combination. Now still a couple of KSPAPIExtensions.dll of versions 1.7.4 and 1.7.5 are present, but so far so good - everything seems to be working... Go figure.
  18. No, I'm not talking about "Super Dibamus" - that one indeed has slanted RCS nozzles on its model, I have no problems with its usage pattern and its realism (but I doubt that in reality slanted RCS thrusters are used like in KSP - that is, even if the nozzle is 89.9 degrees from needed vector, it will fire anyway, and waste precious propellant...) Now that You said the model indeed has canting, I can see it too - on a first glance I thought those were straight; bad sight, or maybe it's just miniscule canting amount :-D Do as You please. Me, I just googled some, and then rescaled both to be like SpaceX-SuperDraco-and-a-bunch-of-Aerojet-R-40B-combos, one with shell and one without. I play (or try to play) only RSS, though. //8 SuperDracos will consume around 250 kg/s of propellant at full throttle. We've been told that the DragonFly will contain 400 gallons of propellant which works out to be ~1500 kg or 6 seconds of 8 engine, full-throttle fun. //Musk mentioned once that these things could take a Dragon from 0 through the sound barrier in about 3 seconds. Given the 120 klb figure EchoLogic posted above, if a Dragon V2 weighs 6000 kg (a guess. Do we know?), then the maximum acceleration is about 9 g's. @PART[SYoms1] { // SpaceY "Dibamus" RCS/OMS Thrust Block @title = SuperDraco twin rocket engine and RCS (Deep Space version) @manufacturer = SpaceX @rescaleFactor = 0.7 // Nozzle Exit Diameter 20 cm (8 in) @mass = 0.12 } // PART @PART[SYoms2] { // SpaceY "Super Dibamus" RCS/OMS Thrust Block @title = SuperDraco twin rocket engine and RCS (Aerodynamic version) @manufacturer = SpaceX @rescaleFactor = 0.53 // Nozzle Exit Diameter 20 cm (8 in); at 1 nozzle is 38 cm @mass = 0.15 // has 8 4kN thrusters (~6kg each) + 2 SuperDracos + shell } // PART @PART[SYoms1,SYoms2]:FINAL { // SpaceY "Dibamus" RCS/OMS Thrust Block, "Super Dibamus" RCS/OMS Thrust Block @manufacturer = SpaceX @MODULE[ModuleEngines] { @maxThrust = 174.5 // 145.9 at SL; IRL it is programmatically limited to around 136.336 for a pair at SL @atmosphereCurve { @key,0 = 0 281 @key,1 = 1 235 // official } // atmosphereCurve } // ModuleEngines @MODULE[ModuleRCS] { @thrusterPower = 2 // let's say it's Aerojet's R-40B @atmosphereCurve { @key,0 = 0 293 @key,1 = 1 170 } // atmosphereCurve } // ModuleRCS %MODULE[TweakScale]:NEEDS[TweakScale] { %type = surface } } // PART //8 Superdracos will have an axial thrust of 570kN. The current dragon has a dry mass of 4200kg, propellant mass of 1290kg, and maximum cargo mass of 7200kg, totalling 12690kg. Let's just leave that figure at that because if it were carrying people, I doubt cargo and added life support and people would total 7200kg, but Dragon 2 will likely be heavier. That gives us an acceleration of about 44m/s2 or about 4.5G's Note that @thrusterPower = 2 makes it 4kN according to RCSBuildAid, as that R-40B should be.
  19. I checked with latest PP, latest TE and latest KSPAPIExtensions.dll but on KSP 1.0.2 - still the problem exists; reverting back to that dev build for the time being. As a side note, I grok that MM is 2.6.6 now ;-) Add: yeah, latest PP, despite it complaints that it won't work for 1.0.2, actually works just fine.
  20. I remember this as "summer" because we were'nt allowed by parents to go to school anymore, despite they called and - naturally - demanded. So for us, kids, this was associated with summer a.k.a holidays. From those who went, some kids lost their hair later, I think it's because of prevailing winds at that time. Carried some rains from there - and those contained dust.Now please remind me what can I do to those heat exchangers to improve heat transfer somewhat? Just increase heatConductivity and that's all? Cause models are indeed nicely done, clever radiator attachment points, would be a shame to not use them.
  21. Dibamus engine/RCS block has slanted RCS transforms, despite model shows that RCS nozzles are straight. This implies cosine losses (and -25% RCS dV!). Please fix. Also, for some reason, the amount I put into ModuleRCS thrusterPower is doubled - are RCStransforms doubled too?...
  22. Every time I scroll thru Heat Control parts in FilterExtensions, I'm reminded of that summer. We were living in Ukraine back then, and my father, knowing first hand what radiation is, won't let us play outside, despite the weather was exceptional, not counting occasional rain from there, after which I saw yellowish bubbles and spooky-looking dust flowing on the puddles of rainwater. Instead we were sitting at home with mom, and all the windows sere not only closed, but every hole was tucked with a wet cloth that was changed twice a day. Our father was mostly absent outside - he was desperately searching for some means to escape that territory, coming home late and very tired. But after some time he found one possibility, so we moved. I recall this "don't tell any kids where you came from" - I broke that promise and told some, and after that their moms prohibited them to be near us... RBMK-1000 and RBMK-1500 aren't the best names for parts IME. Moreover, Heat Management's AHMS are vastly superior.
  23. What is the intended purpose of heat sinks? I've tried them with radiators next to hot part, but had overheat problems, and found AHMS vastly superior. Considering pruning them, unless someone explains what they are.
  24. I don't like this. I liked when it was transparent - made putting batteries underneath so much easier. How to modify this feature back in?
  25. I can't see how that can be the case. I'm using 1.1.3 - to my understanding that's the latest for 1.0.2 KSP (still hesitant to migrate to 1.0.4). Unless You know the better source than its github...I'll check KSPAPIExtensions it was shipped with (if any), though. Note that problem occurs on clean 1.0.2 install with just the TE and PP. Installing previous dev version from this thread (not the latest dev version!) of TE solves this. To repeat, PP problem was introduced in last dev version prior to release of TE. Edit: despite PP 1.1.6 cries that it is incompatible with KSP 1.0.2, parts themselves seem to work. Will test with that (it has KSPAPIExtensions 1.7.5 AFAIK)
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