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    Curious George

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  1. Yeah, for me the notifications, constantly popping up in minute intervals are a freaking annoyance. I don't understand, devs didn't already implement a option to filter/mute messages in stock game . 99% of the info showing up is because of highest warps and celestial signal blocking/ energy shortage on dark side.
  2. Thanks, found & german added. Short test ingame in VAB / flight / menu. I noticed, the mod options menu isn't in the translation file. Yeah the idea extends the content quite a bit, i just thought about improving the depth with creating a new cog in the engine called "life support". Probably this would be sort of a Addon to the life support you created, that can also exists standalone. But it's beyond my ability to create things. I'm more of a dumb translator/ balance lover/ stickler. But i like to participate in the community by helping to translate stuff. Actually you have "Greenhouse" as function header on the Composter and Greenhouse modules. May i suggest "Cultivation System" or maybe "Plant Cultivation System" instead to better describe all processes/modules around growing food sources? These are used terms for the plant growing cycle also in space. PCS looks fine on FHD resolution, so does CS. CS is for plants and other sources like algae (who are not plants), if you ever decide to expand KLSS modules in a different way, but don't wake the Kraken. Algae are quite popular for space stuff. They also can be used for 3D printing. ^^
  3. Played KSP 1 for hundreds of hours and now starting to like KSP 2 too. The fiddling with the half hidden nodes in KSP 2 becomes nerve wrecking, so i switch to MNC right now. Thanks for providing a alternative option to adjust nodes!
  4. Okay, that explains it. Thanks for reply. I try to play efficient as possible with deltaV in science career, that's why i noticed it. I would suggest something like a normal tank's dry mass multiplier around *1.6 - 1.75. Not heavy enough to actually drop the KLSS completely, because it becomes inconvenient and needs a extra stage just to bring the snacks into orbit. But at same time heavy enough to prevent players from stuffing their manned rockets to the top with snacks. Especially if you go into deep space or play with transit method or all that in a x2.5 scaled sun system, then the life system ressources will weight a lot themselves. I can support KLSS with a german translation, but i wonder where the file is located or how i can submit the translation. I couldn't find a newer file with the russian translation added, as mentioned in the post before. plugin_template/localizations/localization.csv is 2 month old Just some thoughts for a deeper life support system. I have absolutely no idea what can be made in KSP 2, so yeah might be a bit utopian. It would be interesting to have something like home sickness or a depression state, where lonely Kerbals stop working now and then (f.e. give a uncontrollable vehicle state for a few days). That could be triggered after a initial period of a normal Kerbin system travel time like 60 days (like Kerbin - Minmus and back). This depression state could be prevented with a second or even a third Kerbal onboard (like after 360 days with 2 kerbals they stop working as above, while 3 kerbals = never home sick). That way deep space missions would have a higher challenge with a reasonable snacks management and it would give a bigger crew roster a right to exist.
  5. I appreciate the life support system you gave us with KLSS, but i wonder what is the reason behind the absurd dry mass of the LS containers? 500kg for a SM container, while the same sized fuel tank has 60kg weight. And then the MD size comes with a whopping 4 tons dry mass, while the empty fuel tank has 500kg. Compared to the content you can store in these containers, the mass of the container itself is nuts and highly inefficient. I hope this is an error from my installation. Is there a way to change them to a reasonable dry mass? The whole mod structure looks a bit different from KSP1.
  6. @JiMKesa i wonder, if you are interested in german translations for KESA/KESA Solar? If yes, how can i submit it and what is your prefered language order in 'kesa_localization.csv' Actually it's English,French,Chinese (Simplified). The parts i have seen ingame look great, well done. But i noticed several of the unlocked parts in tier 1/2 are a bit out of balance. Sadly there is no business career, where you can balance it over part's price tag. It seems, there is no easy way to balance them for own taste and difficulty, at least i couldn't find the configs for the parts. The solar panels in tier 1/2 look better balanced and are visually beautiful. I don't know why, but i love solar panels. Already did in KSP 1 . The Vinci gimbal is quite hard to work with., It reacts very hard even at 20% limit. I had much better control without rocket wiggling around when i deactivated gimbal on Vinci and just use SAS wheel. The EPC-S sound loop is sadly nerve wrecking (but i like the visual effect on it), it's sound pitch is too high and loop too short. I would stay closer to the stock booster sound loop from f.e. Kickback, what is much more subtle. Edit: I just loaded a autosave vessel in flight with Vinci ans active stage onboard, where the engine sound is on max while the engine is on zero thrust. The loading of a quicksave from the same vessel where Vinci is not the active stage works normal.
  7. Same for me. I can jump around, climb and jump on seat, no board possible. I have 104 mods. Perhaps i do check, what mod causes this or i don't do that and take another rover. Haven't noticed this issue in the last longer game i played around KSP 1.2-1.3 with 90% of the same mods i use now. Seems for me the external seat is broken too. Soooo...
  8. 1. Yes, now i have more options. But why do these options include ressources i've never seen in one of my mods. Where do he takes these ressources from? 2. What do i have to change to just see normal fuels like lfo, lf, xenon, mono. Or argon for my NF-engines. Do you have somewhere LiterVolume presets, that can be easily interchanged for wrapper tanks? I only want to use these fine parts. 3. In this picture the part description give me mono/ xenon option, but none of the tanks with this option can be switched to mono, xenon. B9 part switch conflict? And can these volume numbers set in global relation like VolumeLiter to be useful for Xenon, what is much more compressed? Normally i try to do small .cfg-changes myself, but IFS is out of my range. Dozens configs, some related to not existing .cfg-files. That confuses me. (folder patch manger->lfopatch.cfg leads to same folder/plugindata/-> not existing .cfg) Some hints are welcome to solve this myself.
  9. delete the sounding rockets.cfg in real plume-stock config folder. i prefer stock plumes over missing sound and custom plumes.
  10. Same here. I forgot to say, i'm running on SVE, SVT, EVE, PlanetShine and Distant Objects Enhancement.
  11. 105 mods running with my Riva Tuner locked 60 FPS on launchpad. Audio Muffler Redux hits FPS to 38 in same scenario. If helpful, i can provide you with all logs you want.
  12. That's so bad... I thought something were from with my mod list, but i see, i'm not alone. These jet sounds are ugly ass hell and disturb my gaming experience. Reducing engine volume turns normal rockets in super silent engines. Bad step from Squad.
  13. For me Wrapper Tanks are not switchable in editor. Used latest IFS with whole archive content in a stock 1.4.2 game. Any ideas?
  14. urgs, after these updates, i have to disable other mods, otherwise my game will explode with all the parts in there. The quality of Nertea mods is so good.
  15. CX-Series is not optimal controllable. The control surfaces are without function modeled and you can't add control surfaces there very good, it's suboptimal to use. Would be cool to see the control surfaces cut off and separated into 5 parts. wing control left & right, winglet left & right and main body. Or just cut them off to use stock alternative control surfaces from other mods/ stock. Should be the same for all CX-models, Hermes...
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