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Everything posted by politas

  1. Glad you like it! Kethane is one of the mods that we can't auto-index, so we rely on reports such as yours to get new versions listed. It should be available soon. Thanks for helping make CKAN better!
  2. Arduino-based controller, next? Could you keep the version number as the version number, rather than confusingly part of the name? maybe rename it to Telemachus-Revived or some such?
  3. Hi there! I'm a friendly CKAN-wizard offering to help you out with getting your mod listed in CKAN. 

    Your KRnD.netkan looks pretty good, apart from the license, which I'm guessing you updated after creating it. The reason you're getting JSON deserialisation errors (and I am too), is that your Github releases don't have a packaged ZIP file in the release contents. There is an undocumented feature implemented earlier this year that will let us use your GitHub releases as they are, though.

    If you would like to self-host your netkan, so you can update the KSP version compatibility as required, I can submit changes to your netkan file and then add a metanetkan pointer to your github.

    Or if you'r rather we CKAN people handle it for you, I can just put all the details into the main Netkan repo.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. -MM-


      Ok, done.

    3. politas


      Cool. It's now in CKAN, using your self-hosted netkan metadata, so you can keep it up to date. Feel free to send me a message if there's any questions you have about how to best make changes in the future.

    4. -MM-


      I've just tried it and it works great. Thank you again for your help.

  4. I once tried to submit the mod to the ckan-repo (as you can tell by my already included .netkan-file in the git-repo). But the netkan validation-tool always just said "JSON deserialization error", which I was unable to fix. So I just stopped trying a while ago. If there is a ckan-wizard out there who can give me a few pointers or even add the mod for me? That would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi there! I'm a friendly CKAN-wizard offering to help you out with getting your mod listed in CKAN. 

    Your KRnD.netkan looks pretty good, apart from the license, which I'm guessing you updated after creating it. The reason you're getting JSON deserialisation errors (and I am too), is that your Github releases don't have a packaged ZIP file in the release contents. When drafting your releases on Github, there's a text/data entry field taht appears, into which you can click and drag files from your computer. If you make a ZIP file containing just the files a user needs to install (leaving out the source code) and attach it there, CKAN will use that as the download for the release. The Source Code files that are automatically generated are unfortunately not available for downloading.

    You can look at my own tiny little mod's github releases to see the difference - You can see that in addition to the "Source Code" zips, there is Sarkomand-1.0.zip in the Downloads section, which is the release zip I created locally and attached to the release when I created it.


    1. politas


      Ah, turns out I had missed an undocumented feature implemented earlier this year that will let us use your GitHub releases as they are. 

      If you would like to self-host your netkan, so you can update the KSP version compatibility as required, I can submit changes to your netkan file and then add a metanetkan pointer to your github.

      Or if you'r rather we CKAN people handle it for you, I can just put all the details into the main Netkan repo.

    2. JeffreyCor


      I think you mean that to go to -MM- rather than myself :)

  5. Anyone who has this mod installed via CKAN is advised to uninstall it, delete the "Endurance" folder from GameData, and then reinstall. There have been some significant changes to the metadata including the removal of the dependency on Habitat Plugin. If you are not using Habitat Plugin for any other mods, you can uninstall it, too.
  6. Actually, it got replaced 9 hours ago. There was already a copy up. Your link, as I said, was to an old commit (thus the big hexadecimal string in the URL)
  7. That metadata link you gave is to a previous commit branch, not the master. v1.0.0.0 is already up in CKAN, though there are some new recommendations and other changes I can see in the forum thread that I'm adding here. For reference, we don't add extra Netkans, we modify the existing ones in order to update a mod's details.
  8. It's certainly not a like-for-like comparison to mods marked as favourites.
  9. We might be able to get that from Spacedock, but I don't know how we would include Github or Curse data.
  10. It would certainly make my game easier when making upper stages that bring themselves home. I hate making a probe core a major structural element. In other news, this mod is now available for download via CKAN.
  11. Didn't realise they were already working as decouplers; that's great. Hollow is great; does it have an internal skin and a door? ==================== / ============== \ / | Probe | \ / | Core | \ / ============== \ / | Battery | \ / | | \ / ============== \ ================================== | Fairing | | Adapter | ==================================== That's what I'd like to do, basically. Without having to do any clipping.
  12. Now, what I'd really like to see is these done as a service bay, so you can put a probe core and a battery inside, with a decoupler at the top.
  13. All my backups were saying FAILED on the status page, until I switched to using backslashes for my backup path. I'm on Linux, so that is very weird. EDIT. OK, that didn't work the way I wanted. It created a folder with backslashes in the name in my Gameroot. I want to store my backups on a different filesystem. Symlink time, I guess
  14. The Spacedock IRC channel says: I'm not sure exactly what you mean in regards to your proxy settings. There is a Spacedock thread, too.
  15. Actually, as @NHawks17 said on the last page here, you get the MR textures, not LR. And to answer your question, no. We cannot make the full range of resolutions available until NHawks17 releases them in a way we can scrape them. Currently, Spacedock has the only versions we can scrape, because the GitHub files are not actually releases, they are pre-releases. If you download a zip file from GitHub, you can overwrite the texture files after CKAN has installed them. CKAN will not notice that the files are suddenly larger. That's what I'm doing for now.
  16. Yeah, that stopped working, and the person who wrote it seems to have moved on to other things. I'm not sure it was ever really reliable.
  17. It was before, so sure! If you remove an auto-detected mod that other mods have as a dependency, CKAN crashes. It's a known bug. ModuleManager is one of the most common dependencies there is, so the only way to get it back into CKAN management is to export your modlist to a "favourites" .ckan, uninstall everything, clean your GameData folder back to just the Squad folder, Refresh and reload CKAN, and then install your favourites .ckan.
  18. I'm afraid I rather shamelessly take advantage of the lack of collider mesh on the inflatable parachutes. AS a result - I present... The Flying Dumbell!
  19. ¡Hola!

    Lo siento, mi español no es muy bueno. 

    Soy ver lo submisión por su mod, "Races!" en CKAN. ¿Los folder "Racetracks" va a en "GameData"?

  20. Does Dres' new SOI remain clear of Jool's at closest approach?
  21. CKAN is updated. Good to see this one back!
  22. SIgma Binary-Duna + Ike should be fixed now, though you may need to uninstall, refresh and reload CKAN to get a clean upgrade path. version v1.1.1 should not have been shown as 1.1.2 compatible at all. Station Science, being on Curse, still requires manual updating for every release, so we rely on reports such as yours to know when it's updated. So thanks hugely for letting us know! It'll be fixed up shortly.
  23. TAC Life Support is only available for KSP 1.1.2 with the Realism Overhaul config so far, though that shouldn't prevent it from having a check box. What version of KSP are you playing?
  24. Sorry if you felt offended by the "basic computer knowledge" comment. I have known many extremely intelligent people, including several with extensive technical knowledge about computer systems, who are still lacking in a wide base of basic computer knowledge. It was my mistake to assume specific familiarity; not intended to be an insult.

    1. TBryson2


      Ok, thanks.  No worries. Been a rough week & I guess I got sensitive.  You did put me on the right track for which I am grateful.  I knew there was a Linux link command (although I haven't used it in years). I googled mklink but got more confusing the more I read. You sent the command line I needed. (Well, sort of). LOL :lol:

      Thanks again. 


  25. There's a file in your <ksp install dir>\CKAN directory called "registry.json". If you can upload that file to pastebin or Dropbox or some such, and provide a link, we can see if we can work out what's going wrong with it (I think that's what's gotten corrupted). You could try running "ckan repair" from a command line first, though.
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