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Thunderous Echo

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Everything posted by Thunderous Echo

  1. Alright, I'm ready to start my attempt. If my hurried estimations are correct, I will use a little below $65 per kerbal.
  2. KERBOL GRAND TOURS ANY MISSION TO EVERY PLANET This is a thread for all people who have landed on every celestial body in the game in one mission (except Jool and Sun-Kerbol, of course). Everybody plays by different rules, so post anything you think qualifies. I did not realize I had to say this, but please post only this type of missions, not flyby tours. Also, please only stock or stockalike tours, warp drives and kethane hopping are not quite the spirit of this thread. Rep will be distributed. Also, should you want a badge to commemorate your efforts, please visit this generally accepted badge system: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25188-Planet-Ribbons-Redux
  3. aw yiss. Science Packages: Since I was only bringing the minimum science possible to do the challenge, 5 packages were lighter than 1 and a lab. Plus, I could have not done the Pol-Bop part with only 1 package. The Tylo-Nuke Solution: It was the cheapest lander I could think of that could bring a Science package to Tylo and back. It ended up not being able to do it on its own though, so I had to use a tug. This solution also gave me the extra functionality of being able to do the Pol-Bop part and treated me well when the fuel lines on Hermes failed. Flag on Kerbin: That was for the Hey, Where's My Wallet? Reddit Weekly Challenge. Minimalistic solutions: I'm sorry, what? Laythe Ion Rover: Tried to do the Ribbit, Ribbit challenge, but Laythe's ice caps have weird slopes.
  4. Well more passengers means more weight, which doesn't really help me. However, I have found a couple minor improvements that could be made to Kulebron's design that could save me the difference.
  5. Cupcake, I just watched your building video. Using HyperEdit to check that your center of mass is in front of your center of thrust is sort of unnecessarily time-consuming. RCS Build Aid can do that for you in the SPH.
  6. Question: Part Clipping: Is it debug menu? It provides no real advantage. Actually I've done some testing, I don't think Kulebron can be beat by much.
  7. Thank you! I do realize it was confusing, I left several dockings and refuelings to assumption for sake of video length. Also, I sort of teased you with RSS, but first I'm going to try aerial docking.
  8. Sorry, been out of town and didn't warn anyone. The lander started fully fueled, the tug started half-fueled. (1:30). The lander's fuel tanks were locked, so the indicators seen while draining from the tug showed how mush fuel the tug had left. Fuel was drained from the tug (1:35) until it was empty, and then it was decoupled. The lander's tanks were then unlocked, and since no fuel had drained from the lander, they were full (1:37). The indicators now showed full fuel. The reason I want a wordless badge is that I like a non-distracting sig. However, I am content with the standard badge, if standardization pleases you.
  9. I should give Ziv 1.5 days or more to process my entry, right? Special Request: Can I have the Jool-5 badge without the words: "The Jool-5 Challenge Accomplished"? I'll still link it, of course.
  10. I'm a little sad I didn't have time to get better camera angles, what with having to land on 14 celestial bodies. I'll definitely take time to take those when I'm working with RSS, though. What made the last video special? I didn't really like that one, personally. I'd like to know what I did right for future reference, if you could please help me. Also, you say graceful, but all I see is over 1000 parts and several thousand tons.
  11. It has been an amazing two months. I would finally, proudly, like to announce to completion of: ECHO'S KERBOL GRAND TOUR (Ultimate Jool-5 Jebediah's Level + Grand Tour + 17 Reddit Weekly Challenges)
  12. Giving CKAN a shot. I'm only installing RSS though, not Realism Overhaul. Seems to be working so far...
  13. Where do I put them? The mod doesn't seem to do anything to my game.
  14. Now that my Grand Tour's done, I guess this is the next level.
  15. It has been an amazing two months. I would finally, proudly, like to announce to completion of: ECHO'S KERBOL GRAND TOUR (Jebediah's Level + Grand Tour + 17 Reddit Weekly Challenges)
  16. If none of you guys have ever been to Dres or Eeloo, they are worth the effort. It doesn't seem like that big of a thing, but those two (dwarf) planets really imbue you with some feeling that you can't find elsewhere in KSP because all the other planets are too busy being silly (a.k.a. kerbal). (Except Dres canyon,that's still pretty silly)
  17. Bug Report! (ish) If you somehow set your orbits or landings to a number greater than the cap, the drop-down menu will display 0, but the badge preview will display that number of spikes.
  18. Pip slots? Aren't there 7? 7 silver spike slots * 5 golden spikes per silver spike + 1 Central Device= 35 golden spikes + 1 Central Device = 36 landings/orbits. Theoretically, this system could accommodate 36 landings an 36 orbits with 7 silver spikes on each side of the badge. In actuality, however: The exact wording is one spike per world​, not landing, so yes, you wouldn't need more than 14.
  19. I will try this, however, I must ask: Could RSS fit into this in some way? I'd be going to Laythe-Titan, the largest moon of Dres-Saturn.
  20. Problem Report: The Ribbon Generator caps out at 16 orbits/landings. There are 2 problems with this. 1) Jool and Kerbol(Sun) cannot be reasonably landed on, so landings should cap out at 14, if anything. 2) What if you land on the same planet twice? Or three times? (I realize the design becomes iffy if you go above 36 landings/orbits, so maybe that should be the cap). EDIT: Diregard #2, spikes are awarded per world, not per landing/orbit.
  21. I have learned a few things in my time on Laythe: 1) If your lander is too topheavy, land on the poles. They're pretty flat. 2) Saying that, the poles may be too flat. As in, flatter than Minmus. It just doesn't make good scenery. 3) So flat, in fact, you can reach 43 m/s in an ION POWERED ROVER. 4) If a kerbal gets out of a chair while underneath your lander, he ends up on top of your lander (This is especially useful if you docked your modular lander in the wrong order and your ladder is inaccessible). 5) Laythe's atmosphere is 55 km tall. Jet engines still work past 65 km, with a barometric pressure of "IN VACUUM". Should I be alarmed? 6) On the very edge of Laythe's atmosphere, the drag actually appears to be negative. The air speeds you up at high altitudes. Again, should I be alarmed? P.S. I pulled an Apollo 11 when I lifted off from Tylo.
  22. Well, I know what I'm doing after I finish my Grand Tour. The RSS Jupiter-4 Challenge. (Or maybe I'll hack an asteroid into orbit and do Jupiter-5).
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