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Thunderous Echo

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Everything posted by Thunderous Echo

  1. Years after sending Jeb to Eve, we now have a plan to get him home. Xannari Ferrows will send a rover to transport him from the water base to the top of Helgrind. Then someone will send the Hades EAV in the craft file repository to the top of Helgrind and it will take Jeb to Eve orbit. Then the future Eve Station will have a vessel for him to return to Kerbin in.
  2. Might be a problem with .rar files. I've created a .zip of this. Otherwise, it might be a problem with how you've organized your saves folder. what's your problem? (persistent works fine for me)
  3. Raincrafter does not appear to be available, someone else may go before him.
  4. You could fly it. Now that the Conqueror's done, it's ready for whoever to take it for a spin. Just remember to leave some fuel at Duna.
  5. Is anyone else having problems accessing the shared folder? Musil can only preview and not edit.
  6. Stock version of Xannari's rover created. Now we just need someone to send it to Eve.
  7. I'm going to make a stock version of this so we can use it. Also, we officially have our first stranded kerbal! Well, technically, they're all stranded, but this one was on accident! (Or so I'm told.)
  8. The part count rules didn't make sense for some applications, so I've made some modifications. And, Starwhip, it's your turn. Take it before your reservation is invalidated.
  9. No, not the whole base, just Jeb. You will have to figure out if KAS or MM bug out the save. I want to put as few things on this mothership as possible.
  10. I want one for Eve. It needs to be able to drive from the Eve Base (79.4 degrees west, 1.4 degrees south) to the mountain to the south of it (79.0 degrees west, 2.8) degrees south and any slope that entails. Looks like about 21 degrees max. Also, it would be nice if it was amphibious.
  11. Welcome, RAINCRAFTER! I'm not that capable either, I've only done the Jool-5 twice, a Kerbol Grand Tour once, built an SSTO that can deliver 36 tons to Minmus, and gone to Duna and back with only one engine. No biggie. You would have to construct the space station over the course of 3 turns. However, you could make 3 refueling depots 50 parts each. But, does a refueling depot really need that many parts? You can get away with some pretty big stuff with just 50 parts. Look at this guy from Nauthy's KSPCB:
  12. I was considering multiple saves, now that we have 18 users... Let me repeat this: Whatever you want. If you follow all the rules you can send up a thousand ships and dock them all to other crafts.
  13. Welcome, GregoxMun! I'll sum it up if the instructions aren't clear: 1) You wait until no one is using the save file. 2) You take it, do (almost) whatever you want to it, and then re-upload it to the shared folder. There are a few rules I didn't mention, and a few extra steps you have to take, but that's the gist of it. Refer to the OP for more info. Good luck on the HypeTrain, 50 parts is less than you think.
  14. So, so far we're going to have/already have an Eve base (started), a Duna mothership (started), a decorative Kerbin Space station (started), a refueling Kerbin space station (planned), an emergency fuel depot that can be sent to any planet (maybe), a Jool space taxi (built), and an Eve space station (maybe). Also, to craft-file-ists, there is not a craft file request doc. We especially need an Eve Ascent Vehicle.
  15. Actually, the answer is whichever one has a lower part count. However, other people might tell you differently. But remember that this is a "do whatever you want" collab, so whichever makes you happy.
  16. To make sure you get to put it on the ship before someone else does, you should consider reserving yourself as next player. Interesting that you used RCS. Make sure to add a RCS fuel store to the mothership for refueling.
  17. It will be unbalanced, but not by much. The lander goes on an open docking port at the top. I'm assuming by heavy duty lander, you mean heavy lander, because that thing could go to Moho and back. Not after we stick a lander or two on there. Also, we're leaving some fuel behind at Duna. Welcome, Alchemist! Hopefully, our Duna mothership is a bit easier.
  18. Actually, the nuclear engines need to not be triple-docked, because when we return to Kerbin, we need to take only one of the tanks and one engine. In the shared Drive folder, each craft's info file has a list of needed/wanted things. Welcome, Starwhip!
  19. Welcome, Xannari Ferrows! - - - Updated - - - Removing fuel does not make it more efficient. We should go to Duna with the current fuel level, even if there are small Oberth losses. Also, what sort of contraption did you use to get the nukes on?
  20. Also, guys, please look at the "Jool Club" suggestion in the shared folder and tell Musil what you think.
  21. Yes. Yes, but this time we don't have Kessler to help us. I will back up all previous sfs files. Welcome, Yukon0009! Welcome, Monopropellant!
  22. Welcome, Godit! Um... I originally though I could invite to dropbox folders via link, but it can only be done though email. so I'm looking at other file sharing services. - - - Updated - - - Right. So. Dropbox always requires sharing by email to allow editing. So, I've had to use Google Docs instead, which can give editing priveledges by link. Here is the folder: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B99mIHx34OkjSXBvdlBMejRDWm8&usp=sharing - - - Updated - - - So, whoever wants to go next can go now. Really this time.
  23. Welcome, Robotengineer! No need for the K3 google doc, this is a completely separate thing. "Yes, please" on the craft files.
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