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Thunderous Echo

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Everything posted by Thunderous Echo

  1. While playing with this pack, I accidentally escaped Kerbin while trying to fly a plane.
  2. I decided to punch some numbers into my calculator. Original image: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/34082-Planet-Size-Comparison-Graphic If I had drawn the runway, it would be the width of the image. Obviously, we need this. Also, Gilly would be 26 mk1 lander cans in diameter. [EDIT] I just realized I drew the VAB on Laythe. The size is correct, though.
  3. I would like to formally announce that the Mission Overview Generator is over 50% done! (It's probably more like 70%, but I'm not sure how long trajectories will take.) Ahhh. Much better.
  4. How the heck did you make this image?: http://i.imgur.com/fKhjaJI.png Good job, trevize1138!
  5. Whoops. I missed the Mun. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzsaCsmess Also, if you don't have a badge, you could probably ask Ziv.
  6. Holy mother of kracken what is that new camera mod and where can I get 7?
  7. HELP ME I CAN'T STOP Remember that scene from Airplane? In related news, I have just offered Ezrillic the position of UI Re-Organizer. Don't worry, the final version is going to be easy to use. This is not necessarily an indicator of the final version.
  8. Is planning, building, and flying a Jool-5 in less than 6 hrs. a great achievement, or is it ordinary? (I need to know whether to brag about it).
  9. Actually, come to think of it, the region where I landed didn't have any... They're not a huge loss, though. Right?
  10. Nevermind, reinstalling ksp fixed it. Looks like you don't have too much to worry about, Cupcake.
  11. Really? I'll change the video description, but I checked five points on the surface. As for landing a craft, you could have HyperEdit start 150m above the ground and lower the craft at a few m/s. I'll try that now. EDIT: No. This does not work. The glitchy bits spontaneously destroy your craft, even at 1.1 m/s. Now to reinstall KSP.
  12. Guys, I have some bad news. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5F2B04KOsU It seems that Pol is broken in 0.90.
  13. Cupcake, I have some bad news. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5F2B04KOsU It seems that Pol is broken in 0.90.
  14. I love this, I can't wait for the rest! The boat was great (how the heck did it go so fast?), the Geko was awesome (I loved that intake decoupling), and the music choice is as good as ever (it rivals that of Pol from last tour). I just want to say though, I think it could be a bit better if you lessened the frequency of Camera Tools' signature flybys/pans. The same camera angle/motion only looks good a couple times. But the rest of the cinematography was spot-on. Though a bit rushed near the end, it all looks great, and I'm excited. I especially liked the super-sped up (timelapsey) bits, and want to see more of those! (And you've reminded me that I want to do another Jool-5).
  15. 1) Yes. 2) Haven't gotten that far yet. Probably a dragging system. 3) Yes. 4) Does it matter which Kerbin you're talking about?
  16. The story so far: Some notes: The planet names are emanating from the Planets tab as a drop-down menu. The craft editing window is specific to the currently selected craft. I did not get a picture of the color selector, but you can look at it here: http://jscolor.com/ The windows labeled "A thing!" are slots for more windows. More features are to come. Please give me feedback on the UI so far.
  17. It's coming! (This is a hobby, I don't have as much time to do it as a professional.)
  18. Hyperedit is quite useful for testing ship designs on other planets. Faster and easier than save-file editing. It's always fun when you set your orbital height to 70 m instead of 70 km.
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