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Everything posted by theJesuit

  1. I wonder if exotopes could be used through a 'language' change? We could have a proper English language pack called UK or QE for Queen's English.
  2. Hi all, I'm planning a 1.8.1 patch just for the updated 1.7 parts. Should be ready by this weekend. I'm then going to do a balance release across other SIMPLEX mods. PSA for Kerbalism 2.2.0. When these officially drops there will be a change in how science is collected and the amount of science available at the KSC using KEI (i.e. none). This will have implications for those who play with the SIMPLEX TechTree, especially on 50% science. What I plan to do, is add a config file into kerbalism itself for when SIMPLEX TechTree is installed. This will buff slightly the amount of science available in biomes on kerbin's surface and in atmoshperic flight over Kerbin, but keep everything else the same. Kerbalism's science balance is geared towards stock based tech trees where the first two nodes are worth 5 sciences points, as opposed to Simplex with five at 15 points each. Plans for SIMPLEX TechTree 2.0 Still on going. This is more likely to a week after Easter. There may be some changes to the cost of nodes in tiers, with distinct early, mid and late game sets I'm currently considering this: Tier 1: 10 (5 nodes - currently 5 at 15) Tier 2: 30 (12 nodes - current 10 at 45) Tier 3: 90 (12 nodes - current 10 at 90) Tier 4: 120 (13 nodes - current 11 at 160) Tier 5: 240 (13 nodes - current 10 at 300) Tier 6: 480 (16 nodes - current 11 at 550) Tier 7: 720 (15 nodes - current 5 at 1000) Tier 8: 1080 (13 nodes) Tier 9: 1620 (12 nodes) Final: 2700 (5 nodes) Currently: Stock requires 18,648 science to complete the TechTree SIMPLEX requires 17,235 science to complete the TechTree with the additional extension it will require 71,630 science to complete that will require KSPIE, so without this KSPIE and so only the Near Future Suite, , i'd expect around 25,000 or so. Peace.
  3. Wow - awesome turn-around. Thanks so much for the release. We very much appreciate it. Peace,
  4. Depends on whether it was built where kerbals drive on the right side of the or the correct side of the road. Peace.
  5. Up again. Wow also... no hype train? Peace.
  6. The latest kerbal loading said this week coming... patience my young padawan.... Peace.
  7. I think it is a 2.1.2 issue. Bring it up on the discord server. Link in the OP.
  8. Simplex Resources with adds NaturalOre, HydrateOre and RareOre (and should remove stock Ore?) Simplex Living which is the Kerbalism profile - Air instead of O2 and N2, Consumables instead of Food and Water. Engines - an extention of the engine nerf in the Tech Tree. So rebalences the LF and Ox in your tanks, and engine burns to 3:1 rather than 1:1:0.9. LF has same mass as Ox so you end up with the same delta vee, but can only make LF later in the game. Like having to hydrogen to Mars to make fuel, until you begin to mine the icecaps for water. They should work independently or in any combination.
  9. I'm about to do the same! But with the Simplex Suite.
  10. A quick summary of science (from someone who has been play testing it a bit on the 2.2.0 pre release builds.) 2.2 isn't ready yet but as there is some discussion here is a quick overview. Kerbalism already used harddrives to store data. In the early game you'll be limited by the amount of data that can be stored so you'll need to transmit the data often. This shouldnt be an issue really but you will need power to do so. With a command pod power for suborbital science collection isn't the issue. The issue will be storage. Sample experienments (goo, material bay, surface) will have a limited amount of mass. They can't obviously be transmitted. You'll get to choose between leaving Bill on the Mün or taking your precious samples back. (Jks It's not that bad honest) Science experiments now take time. No more dipping 1 metre into Eve's atmosphere on a flyby and collecting all flying high data from a well timed group action key mash. All the science esperiments can be switched on to run all the time and will contniue to collect when you change environments. This makes mods such as x science et al. no longer neccessary. Using kerbalism's automation feature you can set them going when out of comm signal too. KSC biomes no longer feature which makes KEI no longer neccessary to collect experiments. I realise this could be an issue for those (who like me) use KEI to reduce start game grind. A LARGE amount of work is bring put into compatablity with other mods that create science experients such as SSPX but also Orbital Magic? NEOS. This is a WIP. But just a heads up. Peace.
  11. Yup. In the ingame settings use the the stock messages. Peace.
  12. I agree with Tyko. This mod has been a mainstay of my game for many, many Müns. Years in fact. Thanks for your ongoing support. The best feature? Mapping keys to edit the manouver nodes and the circlurisation. Peace.
  13. Interesting... in the settings.cfg file there is a reliability setting. Open it with a text editor such as notepad and change it to Reliability = false. Peace.
  14. Hi esteemed all, I want to give all probes a little boost in electrical capability. Can you please give me a pointer as this doesn't work: @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand],#CrewCapacity[>0]] { @RESOURCE[ElectricCharge] { @amount *= 5 // 10 @maxAmount *= 5 // 10 } } And the next one does, but with an obvious MM warning: @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]]:HAS[#CrewCapacity[>0]] { @RESOURCE[ElectricCharge] { @amount *= 5 // 10 @maxAmount *= 5 // 10 } } And I get why there is a warning, two HAS. So can you please let me know how I combine the two HAS in a way that works? Thanks and peace.
  15. I'll just put this here as well. Full ups to our glorious foolster Sarbian. If you haven't liked Module Manager you should give some rep!
  16. Hi all, I am aware that with a new normal career save with kerbalism 2.2.0 that it is basically impossible to progress to even tier 1 without MASSIVE grind. I'm looking at how this might be addressed... either with a patch for kerbalism in the techtree , or helping with balancing out kerbalism itself. Peace.
  17. Hi all, Kerbalism 2.2.0 is out, and will break saves. I think Simplex Living will operate as per normal if you don't use B9 part switching, as the new kerbalism will use B9 part switching for the containers rather than the stock. I'll be working on patching (with US2 support as well) over the week, but I have a busy one. Peace.
  18. @sarbian Thank you for reminding me of the date today, through the use of the flying Nyan Cats. May you be always blessed through a lack of the Kracken visits. Bring on 2 April for a cats to go back in the box with their poison vials and hide from the world's observations once again.
  19. Great idea. Looking forward to seeing what you could do with it. When i first came in I did think it would be a mission split type mod. This is what I think Squad should do as a DLC. People on different PCs would play the same game literally. One mission controller seeing only the map view and hit the time warp. Another constructor who can observe outside vab nut us the only one who can work inside. Another iva only player controlling the vessel. Each person playing can EVA a different kerbal - at that point it is multiplayer perhaps. Observers can see only from Hullcam cameras maybe. Maybe even a mission controller (map view person) can assign and reassign roles on the fly as it were. EVA can be distributed that way. The benefit of this could be that you could then set yourself up with different PCs (or if the mod is powerful enough with an app) to run this at home perhaps even using old tech. Anywho. Thanks @linuxgurugamer for looking at this. Awesome. Peace.
  20. It will now i think due to science changes. Sorry!
  21. When I tried it it did, with the Simplex Resources, but can't remember if it was the latest. I haven't played in a while, and this was at least a MONTH ago... I haven't had a chance to put in recipes to the Kerbalism branch yet. How are you at coding MM patches? To ensure compatibility, i found there needs to be recipes for the psudo-resources that kerbalism uses. Not hard. Peace.
  22. Please, oh please don't give up your day job [of maintaining so many mods]... And please, oh please accept this message as a token of our appreciation in the good humour and graciousness of which I am writing it . Peace.
  23. And with quarterly updates, the first arrived a month early in late December which makes it 3 months since the last one now. But also they can't make us sign up to a new EULA without an update... so... maybe, just maybe. Just pointed out that the EULA announcement for the 27th March occurred in NZ time on the 28th. LMAO. Not complaining, just found it hilarious. Peace.
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