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Everything posted by theJesuit

  1. @zulu354. Had some more play and discovered some funky little parts. It's gonna get sorted. Peace.
  2. That's why we send humans kerbals :). They do the analysing in situ rather than send the stuff home. I agree with robotoic samples not being done. Peace.
  3. Hi @zulu354 I've now had a wee play around with Sounding Rockets. TBH I'm not convinced I'd do much more then what they currently do, or change where they are placed. Would you like to make a suggestion? Looking at it, I can see a balance issue issue with those SRB engines being in the same node as the swivel. Im not sure I'd change the swivel of the face of it. Perhaps make all the sounding engine parts in 'start'? Even the engine nerf I can't see as being an issue. As has been noted above ny others, Sounding Rockets potenially don't get to space, only maybe to near vacuum conditions say at around 45 kilometres. If the engine nerf DOESN'T work for you, the you can delete the simplexengines.cfg which will affect all new craft designed and then launched. I'll be grateful if you can tell where you would suggest the parts should be placed. Peace.
  4. Life Support+ extras. With new and interesting ways for your kerbals to die. Peace.
  5. Possibly. I'll look into it when I get the chance in the next couple of days
  6. Thanks for the feedback. What you see is what you get. This would be the 1.8 release with small sub twigs? off the branch. No further clutter than this. I looked at several options for locating them but this what I settled on as it was compact and obvious. Perhaps I'll leave the nerf in. Then have the EngineUpgrades as a separate config so that if you don't like it you can delete it. I wanted to offer block 2 and block 3 (so two upgrades) inspired by SpaceX up to Block 5. Another option would be to have the block 3 the next main node and block two small node halfway but I'm not sure that its possible to not have the block 3 available if block 2 hasn't been researched. The way itse setup is that you can ignore the upgrades. Having only the next node means you get them by default. (Maybe with some funds?) But funds are easy to come by. Peace.
  7. Hi all, Copied from the TechTree thread Inspired by the SAFIRE mod which adjusts the oxidizer/fuel levels to 3:1 instead of the stock 1.1:0.9 and the tank ratios to compensate, I'm thinking of adding that into Simplex Resources. It changes nothing for the mass of craft overall, nor delta-vee. The same mass gives the same delta-vee. The borrowed idea continues with oxidizer being easier to make (using NaturalOre), and Liquid fuel (that you don't need so much of), is only able to be made later in the tech tree and requires a rarer resource (so HydrateOre would be nerfed too). But unlike SAFIRE, I won't adjust the densities of the fuels. I'd also make this work in with NF suite and SSPX for the B9 tank switches, and look at supporting other tank mods that use B9. Part mods that have vanilla ksp definitions would be supported anyway. Part of this thought process is to spin this off the engine nerfs and the fuel adjustment outlined here into its own mod. I'd be keen on thoughts. This would be optional by deleting the config file in the same way that the engine nerf is optional in the TechTree. Thoughts? Peace.
  8. Hi all, Working slowly on 1.8 currently. But I'll drop this as a slight teaser. The Block 2 and Block 3 upgrades are nodes that will cost about 3/5 of the cost of the main parent node (I was going to make it 2/3 but the numbers had the silly divide 1/3 remainders). o to upgrade the Reliant engine to Block 2 will cost another 27 science, and then 27 science again to Block 3. To upgrade the Mainsail, will cost 330 each time. Basically it is to help with decisions to spend what you have to improve launch lifting power of the engine, or save points for the next node and more powerful engine. The upgrades will only be for engines specified in the config. Currently (in order of techtree), Swivel; Reliant; Thud; Skipper; Mainsail; finally Vector, Mammoth, Twinboar and Rhino all being Kerbodyne all are in one upgraded node. Other engines are not specified so aren't affected. I'll do the Making History and Missing History engines before release to include the Porkjet extras. The upgrades increase the atmospheric ability by decreasing the nerf. So the nerf multiples an engine's stock sea level atmospheric pressure power (Key 1 in the config) by 0.7. Block 2 changes it to .8 (and adjusts the atmoshperic curve). Block 3 adjusts to .9. So you never quite get back to stock, but hey, it is what it is. Whatever. Currently everything for the nerfs are contained in a single config. So users of the mod can still delete just this file and not have the nerfs, nor the enine upgrades. Another thought. Inspired by the SAFIRE mod which adjusts the oxidizer/fuel levels to 3:1 instead of the stock 1.1:0.9 and the tank to compensate, I'm thinking of adding that into Simplex Resources. It changes nothing for the mass of craft overall, nor delta-vee. The same mass gives the same delta-vee. The borrowed idea continues with oxidizer being easier to make (using NaturalOre), and Liquid fuel (that you don't need so much of), is only able to be made later in the tech tree and requires a rarer resource (HydrateOre is nerfed too). But unlike SAFIRE, I won't adjust the densities of the fuels. Part of this though process is to spin this off the engine nerfs and the fuel adjustment outlined here into its own mod. Or perhaps keep the nerf here regardless and have the separate mod that extends it. I'd be keen on thoughts. Would most people like me to remove the engine nerf from the TechTree? Peace.
  9. Hi all, Currently Jool system looks like Stockish like this: Next SIMPLEX Living update will mean it looks like this: Kopernicus config taken from here: https://github.com/mockingbirdnest/Principia/wiki/Installing,-reporting-bugs,-and-frequently-asked-questions#kopernicus-users
  10. Soccer balls from the Kerbin Cup (on curse)
  11. Yes. It isn't needed as kerbalism changes the way the science is handled. Basically probe cores, kerbals and most crewed pods have hard disks that store the science as data. Peace.
  12. The engine nerf basically squeezes the atmospheric part curve. So engines at sea level would be only .7 the power of vanilla but as it approaches vacuum it gets closer to stock. It affects all engines srb, ion (why would you use it in lower atmosphere anyway) and jets. So if sounding rockets are balanced then they'll need some special attention by the mod. Peace.
  13. I saw this post, wondered who would dislike Smurfs then looked at the poster. I LOLed and disturbed my 3yo. Peace.
  14. It is even being worked on currently it seems.
  15. I've passed this up to the discord server. If you could login there please you may he able to help by supplying logs etc.
  16. @zulu354 is this what you are looking for? I'll add it in if it's a yes. Peace.
  17. I'm confused with the replacing and such. Simplex Living requires kerbalism. I recommend a new save. The mechanisms that do the breathing, eating etc and such won't work anymore if you change profiles half way through with current craft, so all kerbals in current craft will die. However if all crewed craft are deorbited then you could swap in the new profile I'd imagine. Make sure that your saved craft files have the parts swapped out otherwise the command pods and storage parts on previously saved craft in the VAB won't have the right resources. Peace.
  18. You may find more recent Kerbalisms needing lots of resouces - Oxygen, Nitrogen, Ammonia Hydrogen etc. as well as the food/water etc. I can recommend Simplex Living which is a kerbalism profile that makes things a little more straight forward #shamelessplug Peace.
  19. The smallest reaction wheel is in tier 2 (45 science points) split after stability. You already get smaller reaction wheels built into the Octo (basic science tier 1) I think, but definitly in the mk1 command pod (survivability tier 1). So it is providing a specialist part for something later in the techtree. The fairing I believe is also tier 2. If your first rockets are flea/ nosecone/cargo bay with octo and some fins from some of the tier 1 then is this not a sounding rocket? You name the mod and I'll support it. thanks IFILS is also supported with its unique tech tree nodes. Kerbalism is also supported. I'm looking forward to it too. Thanks. It's slow work and I'm spreading my limited ksp time across several projects to limit burnout. Peace.
  20. Just had another thought... What if each part had a resource: Like one unit of buildTimer. Then, launch clamps only are able to stage when buildTimer is at zero and they consume the resource slowly. More parts means more to consume. Make the lauchclamps expensive so that launch clamp spam isn't a thing. Or, instead use an additional part that consumes the resource, but make it so that you would be able to use only one of them. Like the modular launchpad things that then are also required to ignite big engines like ullage. Peace.
  21. Less than a month since last here though. It takes me a month to get something that I should expect to take two days because LifeTM. But would any coder like to try their hand at this? Peace.
  22. Unfortunately not. Like stock ksp, terrain textures, launch site buildings, and suit and such are encoded in same dll file. Only part files and icons are external. So by Making Less History forcing the dll not to load, or deleting the files that aren't parts, then you don't get the suits, or the launch sites loaded along with the no mission planner. First time I'm jealous of the Consoles @SQUAD. How about splitting Making History into two dlls to achieve this in the next PC update please? Peace.
  23. I would but it removes the launch sites and maybe vintage suits too. Peace.
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