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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. Hi @sKotty, and welcome aboard! Normally this type of post would go in the Welcome Aboard subforum, but the mods will fix that for you. As for your computer- we're all waiting for 1.1 to come out. We've been told that the game will run better. It's an entirely different engine, altogether. P.S. INB4 @Starhawk!
  2. Hi @Overengineer1! This looks like an awesome mod. Does it work with Realism Overhaul and Real Solar System? I think it might help the Real Space Program's first manned flight, but I would like to know if it will work before I install it and recommend it to the team.
  3. Might the 17,000+ Module Manager patches have something to do with it?Mods I'm running: Log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-QIUTsNSBTQV1E1eTJxcWhXZFU
  4. No, that could be solved by removing the radiation from the machine. Better yet, don't use it, or even let the gel mention it. That way, we wouldn't have to wait for it to start smoking, and the N-body system could be replaced by the hydrodynamic influence of the electromagnetic capacitor on the polyvinyl chloride vectors.
  5. And now you're wrong! @Felbourn, I choose you!
  6. @Starhawk Thanks for the concern. I am indeed able to read the comics. Not sure if that is intentional on Kuzzter's part, but a big thank you to him anyway. On that note, if you dropped Dongun from a plane, would he land butter side up or butter side down?
  7. Yeah, WellItExplodedAgain was EECOM first. We can have two, for the different teams, I guess.
  8. Yeah, and it had a weird hydraulics system, too. There was a comic in The Wild Blue that showed a pilot with an overdeveloped left arm because the controls were unwieldy. But it looks good!
  9. Do whatever you need to. It's for a manned launch, if ready in time, so try and make sure it's safe...
  10. Even smaller, actually. We have about 3 tonnes of mass to get into orbit, and 8 tonne capacity is too much margin. Over-engineering, and all that.
  11. @Sequinox, just because it can lift 26 tonnes doesn't mean it can put them into orbit. Also, can you make something smaller? We only need the max mass to our standard orbit to be 3 tonnes, not 26.
  12. Ok, great! Let me know in the PM what mods it needs. Ullage motors don't count. The problem I'm having right now with using SRBs is that sometimes one doesn't light, and then you have an uneven force, making the rocket go bye bye. With LF engines, if one doesn't light we can program in a "cut all engines" command, and then abort away without worrying about aerodynamic forces too much.
  13. Send it to me. If it's done soon, we might be able to use it in the next launch. If not, we'll design a program for its launch profile and send it up later with a small payload.
  14. Hi Sequinox! I'm Dman979, Booster Systems Engineer. I'm in charge of collating and managing all the launch vehicles, as well as issuing specifications, mating payloads to boosters, and managing the console during launches. Right now, we could use a dedicated 3 tonne lifter. It must have a core stage radius of 2 meters, and be able to lift 3 tonnes to a 28o 180x180km orbit from Cape Canaveral Space Center. It can't exceed more than 3G during launch, because this is for a manned capsule. Ideally, this should be a 2 stage launcher, excluding any boosters (maximum of 1 strap on booster staging event). All engines should be liquid fueled. Obviously, you will need to use the standard RO/RSS install, but you may also use Ven's Stock Revamp, Procedural Parts, and Procedural Fairings. Any other mods should be cleared with me and ZooNamedGames before use.
  15. Looks like they also skipped the part where he says "Why climb the highest mountain? Why, 20 years ago, fly the Atlantic? Why does Rice play Texas? We choose to go to the moon and do the other things..." Or they skipped the second 2 sentences. Which is unfortunate, because it's my senior quote.
  16. It was, you're right. I confused the imperial with metric measurements. Don't worry, there's a precedent!
  17. Very nicely done! Is this actually going to happen?
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