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Everything posted by Dman979

  1. Hello, @LoSBoL, and welcome aboard! It seems like you've had the typical forum experience with KSP. You'll be right at home here. I have to say, those are some great HD photos. I look forward to seeing more!
  2. This power-exchanging spacecraft has been moved to the Spacecraft Exchange.
  3. Hi, @Roxas2541, and welcome aboard! It looks like your file is not publicly viewable. You'll need to change the permissions before anyone is able to help you. Also, in the future you might want to include more information in your post, such as what mods you have.
  4. OK, guys, tone it down here. There's no need to get personal.
  5. Oh, no, I did. I just wanted to clarify that you do not want to earn points for those who might not understand the sarcasm.
  6. Thread locked at the request of new owner.
  7. Some posts in this thread have been removed or edited. Please refrain from personal attacks. ... and let's keep this about SpaceX, folks.
  8. No. Don't poke the bears. @Kerbal101?
  9. Click on your name in the top right. "Profile" Click the mountains in the left side of your profile, underneath your current picture. Decide how you want to change your profile. "Save"
  10. Do you have links? What are you planing to do here?
  11. Hey, nice work! A few of the screenshots are really great!
  12. Nice work on a challenging build. What about the U2?
  13. Hi BradySpace204, Like all things in the software field, updates take time to make. There is no set date for the release now. Thread locked.
  14. Uh, no! @Frybert? Also- yeah, you can all ping me now.
  15. @Kuzzter your entire readership is glad to have you back. So, when the Kerbulans hear Dilsby say "they're just like us," does that mean they'll think Our Heroes are hostile?
  16. Yeah, if you start something out as a joke but your readers get upset and break out the pitchforks, torches, and ICBMs, it offers very little incentive to continue the story after the joke. It stops feeling like fun, and starts feeling more like demands.
  17. Something, something, bigger boat... Nice work! I'm really impressed by the sharks. They move so smoothly! Also, the chains are great, too. All we need now is tethers for spacewalks!
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