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Everything posted by Deltac

  1. Also added Nauka to Mir, and did some experimenting with trusses (panels from SSTU):
  2. "Yes hi, I heard something about new textures? Am I too late?" ~Farshot Engine
  3. Kerbals have the rare ability to shrink on the quantum scale. I thought everyone knew this! (is joke xD)
  4. Ooo nice! I had forgotten about that mod. I'm just using the stock Seperatron solid motors with decreased thrust and fuel via tweakables. I suppose I could DL this mod and do it the easy way I actually did that at first when I was testing the motors and getting the tweakables right. I'll have to add more rockets.
  5. By any chance will you make the heat shield decouple? Cause I have idea... I'll add rockets, just a request for decouple heat shield! And node on top of A-OGC Control Block for the eventual Launch Escape Tower
  6. Yes, but then I left Jeb in orbit around the Mun. He made it back with magic!
  7. SSTU https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/117090-wip131-sstulabs-low-part-count-solutions-orbiters-landers-lifters-dev-thread-10-09-17/
  8. I mad an N1-L3 rocket using parts from Contares and SSTU (hurray, imgur album thing isn't working here.) Green! \o/
  9. Hey there! Got any download links? I'd like to play around with this and try to make a Mig-17, or 19, or a giant metal cigar that goes nowhere!
  10. I read somewhere about "Easy configs", but I can't find any. I basically just want the visuals of a base, but I'm not currently in the life support and resources mood xP If anyone could steer me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it! ^^
  11. Informing us on the status of the mod is 100% acceptable
  12. So is this mod 100% dead? Should we have a moderator close this topic or at the very least keep people on topic (if it isn't actually dead)? Getting tired of seeing this topic get a new post and it's just another "He's in Jail" thing. If it's actually dead, close the thread. If it's coming back, let's stay on track! And yes, I had to rhyme
  13. We need not the ejection seat, only adds weight! Astronauts will use the force to keep spacecraft safe!
  14. Compromise, we build half of Buran, and other half is made from leftover school buses. Save money and get children to school faster!
  15. If you're talking about the pictures Pak has shown, as he has stated they are in production, not released yet.
  16. So I DL'd KJR and got everything working, and got to the mun and back! Love the IVAs, you did a wonderful job! So my only problem right now is that the Ares V is larger than the Bluedog Design Bureau Saturn V. It's not a huge issue (I think that might be a pun), and I can't see how to scale the Altair down so the Ares V could be scaled down and Kerbals could still fit in it. My only thought would be to shrink the Altair's Descent stage diameter down so it could fit in a smaller version of the Ares V. Like an Altair Ares V lite edition for stock-alike sizes. If I could ever figure out how to rescale parts in the configs, I'd love to tackle this xD Enough of my ramblings, keep up the great work!
  17. Bug Report! It seems all the joints in this mod and your Hoyo and Ares 1 mods are very flexible: Are you relying on KJR by any chance? Shouldn't have to. I can mostly correct these flexies with struts, but when it comes to the Hoyo docked to the Altair, I tried using KAS struts, but the vessels just break apart. All my other craft operate just fine, it's just your parts. I tried in a fresh install as well. I'm pretty sure I installed everything correctly.
  18. Awesome! Been waiting for this I'd recommend adding space lasers in case any Fascists are on the Mun!
  19. Decided to try building MIR again with more details and inclusion of Contares parts:
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