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Everything posted by selfish_meme

  1. Yeah we realised something was wrong when DirectX 11 users got black parts in 1.05, and the parts are also black for OpenGL users in the new 1.1 but they worked fine in 1.05, DirectX 9 users seem to have all the cool stuff
  2. I suggest you rename it to Top KerbalX Downloads Showcase and make no mention of 'best', limit it to 1.05, 1.1 and make a list at the top of the downloads and maintain that list as people add their craft. Reasoning: Older craft will have more downloads, take for example your craft, it was built in 1.04, a 1.05 craft would be at a serious disadvantage because it has not been up as long, also it means people can download and test the craft if it is restricted to current builds.
  3. Texel put a link to the source on the front page https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/82486/ModulePaintable.cs We only did part masks and configs we never had the code before
  4. He can't do OpenGL until squad fix it for windows and that is what we get in ksp 1.1 it works correctly in KSP 1.05 with the correct version of scatterer
  5. @blackrack we were just discussing this on reddit, rendering waves on the underside of the ocean surface? The viewable distance would be quite small and the scattering much greater
  6. You will want to relay these things OS you are using, Windows, OSX, Linux etc What version, 7, 8, 10 etc What version of KSP and whether it is running 32bit or 64bit What version of EVE What version of Scatterer If possible a ksp.log file
  7. Are you going to split up the cabin into sections with hatches, seats etc? I don't know why but I really want to try this mod.
  8. Atmospheric scattering and wave effects take work, this will detract from your computer to produce frames, the only way to make more frames is to make it do less. Turn off some of the functions and see which ones get you to where you want to be interns of looks and FPS
  9. Grumble grumble, I have several hours of footage that now needs to be redone....because this is awesome!
  10. My small landing gear became large landing gear, not sure why
  11. No i loaded a new part, any part that was paintable was black, it would do the purple highlight but no UI would popup (which makes sense as it's a new ui model)
  12. I'm pretty sure they pushed back the new shader, but the new engine will have updated DirectX and OpenGL capabilities anyway, which is why we probably get the effect forcing DirectX11 gave. Maybe Chris would be up for a texture realignment on the mark 3 and 2 parts as well so we could paint the bottoms black...crosses fingers.
  13. Ok there is a new MM here, so tested KerbPaint But now I get black parts, just like people described when using DirectX11, but I am using OpenGL
  14. Nope not that, found MM does have an update for 1.1 but NoOffsetLimits still not working and does not use MM as far as I can tell.
  15. It might be due to ModuleManager, I know we can't even look at KerbPaint till we get a version of MM that works
  16. Been working on a reduced part count shuttle system for 1.1, when the actual high part count one I have been testing actually works at a reasonable frame rate.
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