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Everything posted by Gaarst

  1. We've also probably found dozens of other planets and they probably can give you the code of a nuclear strike order if you put some numbers in whatever order you want.
  2. Other than flipping the entire vessel (with or without the root part, I don't remember) I don't know. I'm going to wait here for an answer too.
  3. One RTG generates 45 EC/min or 0.75 EC/s. An ion thruster at full thrust uses over 8 EC/s. So, no one RTG is not enough. And solar panels are almost useless past Dres.
  4. There can be many causes for a crash upon loading especially with heavy modpacks such as RO. We would need your logs to determine the exact cause of your crash, but I see two options: As you said memory: it is frequent that RO installs reach the memory limit when booted for the first time, I think this is linked to ATM and as it compresses textures when first loading them, it should work after a few tries. As RO is a very complex modpack with a lot of components and requirements you might be missing some required files that cause KSP to crash when searching for them. This is likely when manually installing RO which is why RO's thread strongly recommands using CKAN, to make sure you have all mods needed and the correct configs.
  5. Please read this thread (and this thread too if you're using mods), and post the required information: without it it is impossible to find the cause of your bug.
  6. Aerodynamic stress is fun, disintegrates rockets and makes surviving boosters do fun things.
  7. There's definitely an issue other than KSP's 32bits here. Because U4 doesn't support multithreading and KSP uses your CPU a lot, performance relies mostly on single-thread performance, ie: clock speed. An i5 at 4.2GHz should have no problem running KSP so this is not the cause of your poor framerate. But I'm afraid I am not going to be able to help you any further. Also, know that due to 32bit, KSP cannot use more than 4GB of RAM before crashing, no matter what you do (actually closer to 3.7GB).
  8. The Karman (sorry for accents) line is a fictious line and is not an actual physical boundary between atmosphere and space. Earth's atmosphere actually extends to thousands of kilometres but is too thin to be modeled by KSP. I guess putting the edge of space at 130km allows for a smooth enough gradient between vacuum and extremely thin atmosphere for a vessel to survive when hitting it at interplanetary speeds (>11km/s).
  9. KSP's VR is stored in some dark place even darker than the dark place in which are stored multiplayer, multithreading and gas planet 2, it's called imagination (some custom engines also hang around there). Seriously now, this would be a great thing but requires too much rework on the game system/UI to be even considered by the devs. Also, this (I guess it fits in the UI section). More a WNTS thing than a common suggestion but the change is new, and I'm slow to change my habits.
  10. Flyby Finder (program) and Transfer Window Planner (in-game mod) both work with RSS.
  11. I don't think this is a good idea, it will do nothing but push some users towards making more of these "odd" challenges and finding decent challenges amogst these will become harder. It is better to just leave the "odd ones" reach the 2nd Page of Forsakenness and focus on the valuable ones. Also, whoever digs a challenge from 2011-2 will insta-win, so necro and everything... But maybe I'm just pessimistic... This is an original idea though, you've got that going for you.
  12. Take two random assemblies A and B. If A looks better, then use A. If B looks better, then use B. If none look (or looks?) better, then grab an assembly C and restart. Also, if part count gets over 150 start to watch it, I don't like slideshows.
  13. This mod just has so much potential ! Staying tuned to see where this goes.
  14. Docked a small crew shuttle I'm working on to my LEO station. Launch went fine (except I messed up ascent profile and spent a bit too much dV to rendez-vous for my taste) but as the shuttle packs only 4 days of supplies for the trip and nothing for the 150 days aboard the station I have to send a cargo to resupply the station which ends up being more expensive than a non-resuable capsule which brings the supplies itself. So this is probably going to be the only real mission of this shuttle (plus two test flights, one of which killed the pilot).
  15. Insert the image normally and double-click on it in the editor to add a link.
  16. Wait what ? Is there a new version of KSP that breaks KER ? Mine works perfectly on 1.0.5
  17. I don't remember exactly, it was at the time I started playing RSS so somewhere after 1.0. Thank you for your advice!
  18. [insert-cynical-thing-about-how-often-these-threads-appear-and-how-no-one-cares]
  19. Does it ? I did try FAR some time ago, but I think I was expecting too much of it and was a bit disappointed with the results. I will give it another try though.
  20. Here are a few I use on my main RSS save: LES on all manned flights; More ablator and life support resources that would be needed in the worst case scenario; No launcher debris, spent orbital stages are allowed, but sent to crash trajectories when possible; No high G-forces on manned missions: keep it under 3.5g during launch and under 8g during reentry; Make all living space connected by pressurised parts (Stock Station Parts Expansion mostly); No crew over 150 days in orbital stations (subject to change when considering interplanetary missions); Test flights, a lot of test flights: my first manned Moon landing was the 17th mission of the program and 6th landing, including unmanned missions; Realistic designs: no upper stage radial non-sensical boosters, aerodynamic rockets only, avoid non-chemical propulsions if possible... Extreme caution with nuclear stuff: no radioactive debris sent down to Earth, no RTG or nuclear propulsion on manned flights (for now), use RTG only if absolutely necessary (outer solar system probes); No cryogenic fuels for long terms missions; Some mods I use: TAC Life Support, Real Heat, Real Fuels... I've been following these few laws to add a little challenge to my space program, and as a result of the security measures I only lost one Kerbal because I did some important modifications to a crew shuttle without testing and because I didn't make sure I had enough resources for an emergency situation, the result: EC ran out during a reentry at night because batteries were drained by a probe core, couldn't maintain the AoA anymore so the cockpit overheated and exploded.
  21. Docking under 1m/s is usually safe, so there should be no problem at all at 0.1-0.2m/s. If you have some clipped parts in your ship, they might cause the explosion upon docking. As said above, a screenshot would be useful here.
  22. You're welcome! But a 10 year old pc with 1GB of RAM ? I'm afraid there's no miracle to be done here, I'm already impressed you manage to run 0.23 at all! Anyway, good luck with your PC and I hope you don't find 0.23 too boring/old/outdated/insert-adjective-here.
  23. I had this thing happenning in 1.0.5 too. Luckily, I had a probe core on my rover and was still able to drive it after my two Kerbals were "knocked out" (not able to move, leave seat, etc). Doing some sharp turns make the Kerbals fall out of their seats, and they get back to normal once they are on the ground (getting back up as if they just fell normally); so it seems that the Kerbals are unconscious like when they fall, but are also ejected out of the seat (which is why they fall from it easily), yet they are somehow clipping into the seat and therefore seem to still be seated and never "get back up" as they should until they are forced out of the seat (sharp turns work, maybe pushing them with another Kerbal might work).
  24. Nope, every version if KSP performs slightly worse than the previous one, at least since Beta. This is mostly visible with large parts crafts: 1.0.5 lags quite more than 1.0.4. @nonnodacciaio, apart from KerbalStuff, most mods released on GitHub have available versions since early alpha or whenever they were created. Curse probably does that too, but no one uses it (sarcasm, don't flame me), including myself, so I can't tell. Anyway, your best chances would be to search for up-to-date mods, and then go look for older releases. Also, it is strange your PC can only run 0.23: do the other version just not start, or do they lag, or is your problem something else ? We can probably help you on this if you provide more information on your computer, though creating a new thread in Support (Unmodded Installs) describing your issue would be more appropriate.
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