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Everything posted by Poodmund

  1. Anyone willing to test Space Dust configs, the first pass has been committed if you wish to download the resource configs manually for testing: https://github.com/Poodmund/Outer-Planets-Mod/commit/5eacd3f7f467a77cbefcee1b7cc2f7443b3d7a59 Please leave any feedback here: https://github.com/Poodmund/Outer-Planets-Mod/issues/47 EDIT: As a general rough guide for some of the resources, I took Nertea's stock planet abundance values and then factored them as such: originalAbundanceValue * ( newBodyResourceAbundance%byVol / originalBodyResourceAbundance%byVol ) * ( newBodyASLDensity / originalBodyASLDensity ) but it should be noted there were some liberal thoughts as to buffs and/or nerfs here and there for variation and gameplay.
  2. So any body with a magnetic field will have some form of a Van Allen belt which could house antimatter.
  3. I have ultimately decided against this as there is so much historic material that exists that is based on the pre-existing atmospheric models. To keep the exospheric bands tight'ish to the planetary bodies, similar to Jool, they will start where the atmosphere ends, effectively. You can see the Space Dust support plans here: https://github.com/Poodmund/Outer-Planets-Mod/issues/47
  4. Congratulations Ktosiu, as you have requested this feature in OPM I am currently in the process of fulfilling your request. Any more requests? As a side note, I am changing Sarnus', Urlum's and Neidon's atmospheres for the next release. Their max atmosphere heights will be reducing significantly as their atmospheres extended 100s of km above their surface at incredibly low density amounts i.e. >1kPa so I have curtailed their atmospheric curves to 1) Allow for exospheric resources to exist at lower altitudes without being inside the 'atmosphere' and 2) it should allow users to use higher warp speeds at lower altitudes as you won't be considered to be inside the atmosphere anymore.
  5. Because its on GitHub. GitHub is pretty fast, pretty reliable and has support from one of the wealthiest and most powerful software companies in the world.
  6. Outer Planets Mod v2.2.9 Added LiquidFuel as a mineable resource in Tekto's oceans. Fixed contracts from spawning requiring players to drill Ore from gas giants. Increased Neidon and Plock's (plus moons) Science Recovery Values slightly to increase their contract duration times. Hopefully this increase in potential science gain around Neidon and Plock will not unbalance the tech tree progression rate. https://github.com/Poodmund/Outer-Planets-Mod/releases/latest
  7. 2- allowing the user the single person using the CurseForge client to download and install the mod automatically with the CurseForge client EDIT: I didn't realise you released an update 4 days ago. Something.. something... CKAN didn't notify me so I was completely unaware.
  8. GameData\SigmaDimensions EDIT: Fixed.
  9. I think a fair bit of frustration with the public bug tracker is lack of communication and transparency. There are bugs on the tracker that are well documented, well known and have existed on there for over a year with no response from anyone on the QA or development team. This breeds frustration. I appreciate that these issues may have propagated over to the private tracker but without notice, communication or confirmation that this has either happened or even any kind of acknowledgement that the issue has been read, I am sure you can appreciate some of the misgivings that some people have towards the current state of the tracker. Examples: - Flickering Orbit Lines issue, very well know bug, been around for over 4 years, clear reproduction steps, significant lack of communication: https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/13101 - Antenna PAW information showing incorrectly relative to difficulty settings, 2 year old post, very clear reproduction steps, in depth information even with suggested fix or areas for resolution, complete lack of communication: https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/19996 Communication is key. I understand you cannot express information like, "we will fix this issue in due course" because that is 'kind of' declaring it will be fixed but confirmation of something along the lines of, "we have reproduced this internally" would let the author and any other contributors know that the issue they are posting about has been screened and tested.
  10. The problem is with that is that the references cited were all from one person who doesn't tend to make many parts mods and the jump in % increase falls down between Size 1, Size 1p5 and Size 2.
  11. Those numbers above seem whack, Size Profile is generally considered as ( Size Profile * 1.25 ) = Stack Diameter (m) ... but is a little wonky for Size 0 and below as these size names are not numbers per se. Size Profile Diameter Rel. to Size 1 Diameter (m) 000 12.5% 0.15625 00 25.0% 0.3125 0 50.0% 0.625 0p5 75.0% 0.9375 1 100.0% 1.25 1p2 120.0% 1.5 1p5 150.0% 1.875 2 200.0% 2.5 2p5 250.0% 3.125 3 300.0% 3.75 3p5 350.0% 4.375 4 400.0% 5 4p5 450.0% 5.625 5 500.0% 6.25 5p5 550.0% 6.875 6 600.0% 7.5 6p5 650.0% 8.125 7 700.0% 8.75 7p5 750.0% 9.375 8 800.0% 10 8p5 850.0% 10.625 9 900.0% 11.25 9p5 950.0% 11.875 10 1000.0% 12.5 10p5 1050.0% 13.125 11 1100.0% 13.75 11p5 1150.0% 14.375 12 1200.0% 15
  12. Why care what the clouds look like in the main menu, last time I checked, the is no game playability on the menu screens.
  13. It could be something to do with the fact this change was made for 1.11.1: * For parts using ModuleLight, the light turning on/off is controlled by code now, instead of using an animation. Will take a look in due course.
  14. If you use the existing "UseKopernicusAsteroidSystem = True" to have the options of True (Default), False (Off completely for use with a mod like Custom Asteroids) and Stock (uses the Vanilla implementation) then that would be great. It covers all bases, works well going forward as the default option would be compatible from a legacy standpoint and allows modders to patch that value if they wish to change it for their system or something.
  15. Personally, I removed all the support for asteroid/comet control for third party mods in OPM in favour of using, solely, Kopernicus' implementation because it's just another mod that has to be compatible with whatever version of Kopernicus you're supporting etc etc.
  16. Awesome. It shouldn't be a pet peeve, they should just patch correctly so they don't end up chucking loads and loads of patches into the wrong nodes.
  17. @JPLRepo with relation to the conversation above about part volume, was there any further decisions, chat or direction that can be shared in this regard? I appreciate 1.11.1 just dropped so you're probably very busy right now but I know a lot of modders were holding off defining their part volumes manually in configs in waiting to see if 1.11.1 was going to implement an intelligent method to handle this automatically.
  18. Are you playing on Linux? The Duna config has a case typo in the file URL path. Also it should be noted that Spectra is another mod that wastes on download size as it contains both .raw and .half Scatterer files. You can delete the .raw files to save space on your install as they're quite large. @geostationary_coffee, you can probably have both Spectra and Scatterer installed then delete the whole GameData/Spectra/Spectra_scatterer folder and you'll resolve that issue... and it'll probably look better in the process too as Scatterer's default configs have multiple config points for varying altitude and other new features defined whereas the Spectra configs do not.
  19. You might want to check what the mod Research Bodies actually does first.
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