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Everything posted by Poodmund

  1. @blackrack, it says on the Wiki that: Generating precomputed atmospheric scattering tables Since version 0.0824 you can just generate the atmosphere directly in-game, from the atmosphere tab in the UI. Previous versions need to use the config tool to export atmosphere files. ... however, I presume that if you're implementing a Scatterer atmosphere on a new body, you still have to go through the process of generating the textures with the Proland tool, then prepopulating configs for the body to allow for the in-game GUI to then pick up a 'base' atmosphere for it to then adjust? Also, with the Proland tool textures now not being handled as they were previously, now being held in the ScattererAtmosphereCache folder, how do we distribute the custom textures for bodies?
  2. Is the direct power strength 0 in the case of the antenna selected being a direct antenna and not a relay?
  3. Does the opacity of the cloud cover at any given position depend on the opacity of the pixel of the scaled space texture?
  4. And not once did I ever ask about it. (yeah right, did I?!) It would be amazing to see US2 get a last stretch 'hurrah!' and good for KSP 1.12. Its one of those pinnacle KSP mods, a cornerstone of the modding scene.
  5. OPM doesn't provide EVE or Scatterer support. Go raise it with whatever mod provides it.
  6. Use Simga Loading Screens and block the defaults.
  7. https://github.com/Sigma88/Sigma-LoadingScreens
  8. The latest version of CBK only works in Career mode for me at the moment. YMMV
  9. I'd just like to remind, there are 300+ parts revamped/created in this mod. If the main contributors are saying that there is no further content planned then please be grateful that they've made the effort to revamp/create 300+ parts for the game. These kind of remarks can lead to antipathy for further development.
  10. Please see: https://github.com/PorktoberRevolution/ReStocked/issues/965
  11. I hope the highlighted word is a accurate in most of its entirety. Huge optimisations would be really appreciated by all. It would be great to get this publicised in the future, in some manner, for the mod developers to also get some information on not only the modules but each parameter. The current API falls down somewhat in this regard.
  12. Thanks, Bob, this is one of those things that is likely never accounted for in the stock game. I'll note it down for future reference, cheers for the heads up.
  13. Making a point over a personal issue Vs killing the KSP modding scene, your choice here. I hope you appreciate the community wide effect. If you get fouled during a game, you don't go and puncture the ball. Unity games whose developers claim to support the modding of their game and the modding community utilising Harmony to create mods for the games: 7 Days To Die BattleTech Besiege Cities:Skylines Oxygen Not Included Raft Ravenfield Rimworld Sheltered Stardew Valley Staxel Subnautica Unturned Non-Unity games whose developers claim to support the modding of their game and the modding community utilising Harmony to create mods for the games: Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord You game either claims to support the modding scene or it doesn't.
  14. Regardless, Linux, by not changing out the stock ModuleDockingNode you make it a lot safer and more of a catch all scenario when considering interopability.
  15. Oh no absolutely, I think I express my wholehearted thank you from everyone for making this available. I think the wording of your previous post made it sound as if there was likely never to be another bug-fix patch to the game which had us a little spooked.
  16. Sure but it did also preface that statement with: "Even though we still may release a minor patch here and there when needed..." I guess it depends on how 'game-breaking' this issue is to be judged alongside others like persistent issues with the new alarm clock and ground anchors. I would hope to see a 1.12.3 at some point, not soon... but at some point, to give the game one last pat on the head.
  17. I would not be the correct person to ask about this, however, I would refer to the stock configs and just replace the mu specified with your own mu as exported through Unity... the same as any model for KSP.
  18. Further to the above and in addition: 1.12.2 is out. Some parts have changed. Yes we know. Thank you, kindly.
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