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Everything posted by Poodmund

  1. Not *easily* but: Delete Kerbal Space Program/GameData/OPM/Cache/Eeloo.bin Delete these lines from Kerbal Space Program/GameData/OPM/KopernicusConfigs/SarnusMoons/Eeloo.cfg: https://github.com/Poodmund/Outer-Planets-Mod/blob/master/GameData/OPM/KopernicusConfigs/SarnusMoons/Eeloo.cfg#L44-L48 & https://github.com/Poodmund/Outer-Planets-Mod/blob/master/GameData/OPM/KopernicusConfigs/SarnusMoons/Eeloo.cfg#L159-L205 Then re-run the game and it should remove those procedural craters and also revert back to the stock scaledspace textures. It works with KSP 1.10.1 if you satisfy the dependencies as listed in the OP, specifically, for KSP 1.10.1 this means you need to use RTB's Kopernicus Bleeding Edge edition for 1.10.1.
  2. Arguing with a content creator trying to convince them to create more content is a sure fire way to make them not want to create more content.
  3. Linux, if you date stamped the titles, using verbose dates to avoid confusion i.e. 3rd Oct. 20, then people may not ask as they have a reference as to when the update has occurred maybe?
  4. I wasn't saying that the act of copying the configs from an ethics standpoint is the issue... I was saying that the copying of configs with preexisting issues that then propagate down through to commonly copied configs/templates are the issue.
  5. So if I have Vanilla KSP and install Kopernicus BE, Jool's moons do not use that shader, correct? Kopernicus is not overriding stock behaviour. Specification/usage of that shader is fine on any PQS-based body, it just has to be utilised properly. The plageurism (a bit strong but basically what it is) of configs has always been a big issue with Kopernicus based mods and issues get very widespread without any understanding.
  6. Why are they getting that material shader applied to them? Those stock bodies do not use that shader.
  7. Cheating to orbit 'should' be fine if you completely reset the camera scene, i.e. Cheat to orbit -> Go back to the Space Center -> Go to Tracking Station -> Go back to vessel... then do your testing and make your assumptions.
  8. They have been resolved, please review the release Changelogs to see what has been 'fixed' between release versions.
  9. It will just use whatever settings you have chosen to be set in the Graphics Settings menu. As a user, I'd expect whatever settings *I* set, to persist between game sessions, regardless of whether it causes issues in-game or not.
  10. I just saw the release. Thanks for doing that. I feel that a band aid solution to act as a crutch for I'll informed users should not be a hindrance to well informed users. I think this is the right approach. Thanks for highlighting this.
  11. Thanks for the heads up, OPM does not implement and of the atlased texture shaders and as such I feel this terrain quality setting should be left up to the user to enforce themselves. You say that Kopernicus now enforces level 2 by default... so if I go into my settings, set it to Ultra, save the settings then close and restart the game, the setting will revert to High upon the new load? I feel that Kopernicus should not enforce ANY setting upon the user by default, this should be left to the planet pack author if they wish to do so.
  12. How do I go about hiring Star Crusher to revamp some of OPM for me too? I'm loving Jool, that looks awesome.
  13. Top - Vanilla KSP 1.10.1 Bottom - Vanilla KSP 1.10.1 + Kopernicus Bleeding Edge + OPM (with necessary dependencies)
  14. The MH replacement parts should operate exactly the same as the RS+ (non-MH) parts aside from maybe some balance changes. If they do not, then please raise an issue on GitHub with full logs, screenshots and reproduction steps.
  15. These ReStock+ parts should not appear to be used if Making History is installed, they should just replace the Making History parts, however, they still appear in search results unfortunately. You should not be seeing duplicate parts from both MH and RS+.
  16. Most decent 'planet packs' do this already in their own configs and mods like SVT that used to enable the stock colliders are no longer widely used and/or desirable due to the recent revamps so this mod just supplies a way to enable the stock scatter colliders in this case. If a 'planet pack' mod you're using doesn't enable them, go to the author of said mod and either create a pull request or suggest inclusion in thier mod.
  17. Thats all well and nice but if a texture is not of a DDS filetype upon game load, Unity converts it to DXT5... so you end up with longer load times and also textures with no need for an alpha channel getting one increasing memory usage.
  18. I saw that you posted this in the Parallax thread... well... RP no more! (see OP)
  19. There is a small applet called WinExplorer than can do this when you have a borderless windowed KSP open that's not the full resolution of your screen: https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/winexp.html But yeah, it'd be super neat if AnyRes could somehow do this.
  20. It's also worth wondering whether you want to tag on the Non-Commercial portion onto the license on not. Running a Patreon alongside the mod is not an issue as long as the mod is not gatekept behind Patreon access. The only grey area with the Non-Derivative license is how others can package up your mod into their mod packs. If left unaltered, some view it as okay to do so as the distribution is not a derivative version of your work whereas others see the compilation of your work inside another distribution as a derivative piece of work... there are even Moderators on this forum who view this slightly differently. It's a bit messy but it's also the license I also think is the most appropriate when it comes to mods like this that contain artwork (hence why a lot of planet mod packs also use this licenses. EDIT: It's also worth mentioning that you can license different parts of your mod under different licenses i.e. code under ARR, art assets under CC etc. etc. if you felt like it's appropriate to do so.
  21. I for one support the choice to go for the ARR licence, it's your hard work buddy and no one else's. Pouring months of hard work into a project compared to spending 30 seconds going 'make it open source' is not equatable or reasonable on any level. You do you.
  22. @etmoonshade coincidentally I've also being working on this yesterday when I saw the discussion about it get brought up. I made something similar to yourself but it seems to work, as severedsolo mentioned above, due to my patch converting the floats to ints. // Where Can I Go? - Universal Sigma Dimensions Rescale // - Poodmund @WHERE_CAN_I_GO:LAST[SigDim2] { // rescaleFactor determines the orbital radius parameter rescaleFactor = #$@SigmaDimensions/Rescale$ @rescaleFactor != 0.5 // resizeFactor determines the celestial body radius parameter resizeFactor = #$@SigmaDimensions/Resize$ @resizeFactor != 0.5 @BODY[*]:HAS[#flybyDV[-1],#landDV[-1],#returnFromFlybyDV[-1],#returnFromLandingDV[-1]] { // multiply values by rescale/resize parameters @orbitDV *= #$../rescaleFactor$ @synchronousDV *= #$../rescaleFactor$ @returnFromOrbitDV *= #$../rescaleFactor$ // turn floats into integers for mod compatibility @orbitDV = #$orbitDV[0,.]$ @synchronousDV = #$synchronousDV[0,.]$ @returnFromOrbitDV = #$returnFromOrbitDV[0,.]$ } @BODY[*]:HAS[~flybyDV[-1],#landDV[-1],#returnFromLandingDV[-1]] { @flybyDV *= #$../rescaleFactor$ @orbitDV *= #$../rescaleFactor$ @synchronousDV *= #$../rescaleFactor$ @returnFromFlybyDV *= #$../rescaleFactor$ @returnFromOrbitDV *= #$../rescaleFactor$ @flybyDV = #$flybyDV[0,.]$ @orbitDV = #$orbitDV[0,.]$ @synchronousDV = #$synchronousDV[0,.]$ @returnFromFlybyDV = #$returnFromFlybyDV[0,.]$ @returnFromOrbitDV = #$returnFromOrbitDV[0,.]$ } @BODY[*]:HAS[~landDV[-1],~returnFromLandingDV[-1]] { @flybyDV *= #$../rescaleFactor$ @orbitDV *= #$../rescaleFactor$ @synchronousDV *= #$../rescaleFactor$ @landDV *= #$../rescaleFactor$ @returnFromFlybyDV *= #$../rescaleFactor$ @returnFromOrbitDV *= #$../rescaleFactor$ @returnFromLandingDV *= #$../rescaleFactor$ @flybyDV = #$flybyDV[0,.]$ @orbitDV = #$orbitDV[0,.]$ @synchronousDV = #$synchronousDV[0,.]$ @landDV = #$landDV[0,.]$ @returnFromFlybyDV = #$returnFromFlybyDV[0,.]$ @returnFromOrbitDV = #$returnFromOrbitDV[0,.]$ @returnFromLandingDV = #$returnFromLandingDV[0,.]$ } } I've sent the patch to serveredsolo anyway so something will probably make its way into the core mod at some point in the future.
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