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Everything posted by Poodmund

  1. What the hell? What is this garbage nomination?
  2. Yeah but the single Boar engine is a ReStock Plus part so it is entirely within scope to balance this part. It seems the 12,000 funds may be a bit pricey, yes, when comparing it to the dry cost of the Twin Boar of around 14,000 funds. It would probably make sense to re-cost it down to around 7,000 funds. Please raise an issue on the GitHub tracker, @boccelounge, so that this issue does not get forgotten. :D
  3. Phew, it would be a crying shame if KSPedia functionality was removed from in-game as its really the only platform supported by KSP to allow for modders to implement documentation for their mods.
  4. I find it quite funny how much "debate" has gone on in this thread when a simple posting of a letter to T2I would suffice in all cases to those bothered.
  5. You most likely installed "Near Future Solar - Core" and not the "Near Future Solar" mod. The "Core" mod is just the plugin that allows for the solar panels in the NF:Solar mod to function, the actual NF:Solar mod, listed separately, is the mod that has the solar panel parts. Nertea does support CKAN listings and has slowly been propagating the NetKAN metadata for his mods to be hosted and managed by himself and not by the community NetKAN maintainers.
  6. Change the 'landscape' factor value in the config that you are using, for example: https://github.com/Galileo88/Rescale/blob/master/RESCALE_64/GameData/RESCALE_64/6.4xKSP.cfg#L13 The value basically is a multiplier on the terrain height so any value between 0 - 1 acts as a 'flattener'.
  7. I assembled the first two station core modules, docked up together, in low Kerbin orbit. Coincidentally, I don't think there is a single bit of stock SQUAD artwork in this entire screenshot.
  8. Just made a pull request to add in 0.625m and 1.875m variants of the KW Rocketry fairings. Thank you Blowfish for the best fairing mod in KSP!
  9. This is usually an after effect of Scatterer patches not being invoked properly into their own nodes and then using the 'Save' button in the GUI. You can tell when this is happening because the texture path URLs will not be pointing to the correct body in the GUI.
  10. @Paul Kingtiger, not sure if its been mentioned yet or not but the version file hosted on the AVC site references the latest version as v1.6.0.9 http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net/version.php?id=591 but the .version file bundled in the latest downloadable release states the mod as v1.5.1.9. Not an issue as so far as KSP-AVC pops up the dialog box every start telling you that there's a new version of the mod when in fact there is not.
  11. I always forget to install this contract pack as its not listed on CKAN. I know CKAN support is in the roadmap but would there be any objection to submitting it?
  12. @The_evil_martians it is worth reading this thread to get to grips with how mods are installed for KSP: Please read the entire first post to become familiar with the process. Also, if you, for some reason, cannot seem to get the hang of the folder locations or something, there is always the possibility you can use CKAN to install this mod for you: Whilst you are having trouble installing ReStock for your game, this thread is not intended for discussion as to how to install KSP mods, being intended for the discussion for the development of ReStock. Please refer to the Modded Support section of the forum if you require further help from the community as to how to manage your install of KSP: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/70-technical-support-pc-modded-installs/
  13. Take the parts off the vessel in the editor and delete them, save the vehicle, then pick a new copy of the part from the part list and add it to the vehicle. Resave the vessel, then create a subassembly from it. This should in effect flush any erroneous modules or part modifiers from the parts affected by removing and deleting them.
  14. @iAmJimmyHoffa, @Avera9eJoe, this is because the game is being started forcing DirectX11 over DirectX9. Nothing to do with ReStock, Near Future, OPM, SVE or EVE.
  15. My guess is that you have Missing History installed. There are several parts in that mod that are no longer required if ReStock is installed. Delete the following folders from your install: GameData/MissingHistory/files/PorkjetParts/Engine/ GameData/MissingHistory/files/PorkjetParts/FuelTank/ Once deleted, restart you game and see whether the issue is resolved. If you have RealPlume install too, you can also delete these following files to fix the plumes: GameData/RealPlume-Stock/MissingHistory/liquidEngineLV-303.cfg GameData/RealPlume-Stock/MissingHistory/liquidEngineLV-909.cfg GameData/RealPlume-Stock/MissingHistory/liquidEngineLV-T15.cfg GameData/RealPlume-Stock/MissingHistory/liquidEngineLV-T30.cfg GameData/RealPlume-Stock/MissingHistory/liquidEngineLV-T45.cfg
  16. https://github.com/PorktoberRevolution/ReStocked/blob/master/CKAN/ReStock.netkan Nope, they're fine.
  17. I was just about to comment, it seems as though the Blacklist plugin is working fine, hence the part assets being blocked from loading, but the paths to the new ReStock assets are not getting patched in, which would suggest that Module Manager is not present to do this task.
  18. Kerbal Space Program is a sandbox game, right? Where the player is able to tackle their objective from many multiple angles using a massive catalogue of parts and contraptions to achieve many solutions to their own imposed goals. Now introduce the Mission Editor and Missions... imposing strict limitations on the player to play within the boundaries of the imagination and competence of the mission creator in a much more linear fashion. Errr... I thought KSP was a sandbox game? I think this is the predominant reason as to why the Mission Editor is almost unanimously unused. Its almost the antithesis of KSP's genre. I think it's quite telling the most praised additions of MH are the VAB/SPH switcher and Launchpad Selector. These are not new gameplay modes, new parts or new fangled features in the most part. They are just well implemented, streamlined QoL additions that augment the gameplay we are accustomed to.
  19. It would basically be any forms of registration you have for any accounts you have associated with T2. For example, your KSP Forum username, a Grand Theft Auto Social Club username, Civilization 5 account username etc. Not me... that's why you try to not put yourself into that position in the first place.
  20. What is a Forced Arbitration Clause? A forced arbitration clause is a clause entered into a contract that requires the parties to resolve their disputes through an arbitration process, outside of the court of jurisdiction, by a third party. By agreeing to the EULA, it will be stated that you are forced to agree to this arbitration clause by the terms set in the EULA. Why would Take Two want to enforce this? By enforcing all players and forum goers to this agreement a dispute that a consumer may have is deprived of the right to access the public court system. This denial of that access - without you being able to make a meaningful voluntary choice to surrender that right - could potentially be a significant loss on a personal level depending on the situation, for example, if your Add-On license was being violated by Take Two or if you had a monetary dispute outstanding. Ensuring that all consumers waive the right to push these disputes to the public court system and instead settle disputes with a third party arbitrator has historically favoured the party with the most money to throw at the issue... i.e. its generally easier for the bigger, wealthier party to make a dispute dissapear. *Shaking my pitchfork* "So it seems Take Two are the Devil and are taking away my rights!" Well, kinda, yes, but so are a plethora of other businesses such as Amazon, eBay, Netflix, EA, Snapchat... etc. etc. the list goes on (just look at a short list of these companies: Link). Its almost standard practice for large businesses to enforce this agreement on its consumers as it heavily favours the enterprise in a dispute. "Meh, I don't care, I have nothing to complain about so this won't have a meaningful affect on me..." In reality you are most likely correct. Business will continue as usual just as it has been for years here with Kerbal Space Program and on these forums. "... but what if something were to go awry?" Well, come the EULA change, you won't have much of a leg to stand on unless you have pockets deep enough to take on Take Two Interactive if you so desired in a legal battle, however, if you submit an Opt-Out of the Forced Arbitration Agreement you could instead take your case to a public court and let them handle the case for you in a more grounded manner. "So how do I opt-out of this agreement? As stated elsewhere, "if you do not want to participate in arbitration, there is an opt out period of 30 days starting from the day of the change’s implementation on March 15, 2019. In order to opt out, a written notification must be mailed to Take Two Interactive Software, Legal Department, Attn: Arbitration Opt Out, 110 West 44th Street, New York, New York, 10036. The notice must include (1) your full name; (2) your mailing address; and (3) a clear statement that you do not wish to resolve disputes with the Company through arbitration. You are responsible for ensuring the Company’s receipt of your opt-out notice, and you therefore may wish to send a notice by means that provide a written receipt." If you feel that you want to opt-out of this agreement, please feel free to view, download, edit and send off an opt-out notice using this template as a guide for you to create your letter. It is not by any means exhaustive but should give you a basis to work from: Arbitration Agreement Opt-Out Letter Template If you do decide to issue a declaration to opt-out, I would absolutely recommend sending your letter via a recorded delivery service to ensure that you have confirmation of your sending and confirmation of receipt of your letter. ------------------------------ I'm sure some forum members may discuss the ins and outs of this topic below but I just felt that the consumers here (us) should get a little more explanation as to what the EULA change announcement actually entails rather than a short snippet of text.
  21. As suggested recently in the thread, close the game, navigate to KSP's root folder, Drive:/Path/Kerbal Space Program/, and delete the file 'PartDatabase.cfg' and then re-run the game and see if it resolves the issue.
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