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Everything posted by Poodmund

  1. Here are my favourite screenshots that I've taken seeing as this is the 'Show your favourite screenshots' thread.
  2. To expand on Zorg's response, if you don't already, install Blizzy's Toolbar Mod. The Smokescreen button should then appear to be clickable in that tool where you can open the Smokescreen GUI. The name of the Toolbar Continued mod can be a little confusing now that its not named 'Blizzy's Toolbar' anymore as the stock toolbar on the right hand side of the flight screen is also referred to as the 'Toolbar'.
  3. Just thought I needed to post this to stop the possible spread of misinformation. The FAR aero codebase is licensed under GNU GPL v3 and as such can be further developed and released as has been done. See: Only the aero shader and art assets were licensed under ARR.
  4. I hope that with any artworks/screenshots chose to be used that they fit in with a coherant design direction. The current ones are really good as they focus directly on the Kerbals as the stars of the show putting them into precarious or whimsical situations. Rather than screenshots, it would be great to see artwork like the NASA/JPL posters advertising the Kerbolar (canon now?) system: https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/visions-of-the-future/ https://exoplanets.nasa.gov/multimedia/exoplanet-travel-bureau/ https://mars.nasa.gov/multimedia/resources/mars-posters-explorers-wanted/
  5. Can Unity UIs distinguish between left click button presses and right click button presses? I was thinking that it could be a potential QoL improvement if the Celestial Body selector button in the electrical panel could increment ++ with a left click and -- with a right click so that you don't have to cycle all the way through all the bodies if you accidentally pass the one you need.
  6. xXx_SePhIrOtH_LiVeS_69_420_xXx was taken for me too. Welcome to the KSP Community.
  7. Thanks for the update Flart. I also updated the issue on the KSP Bug Tracker: https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/19996. It's nice to know someone actually gives a damn about this stuff.
  8. Hey Linux, I just noticed that this mod is producing a lot of Log Spam and not sure if its necessary or not, around 90 or so lines a second: Please let me know if you need anything, specifically, to help diagnose the issue if you look into this further.
  9. The atmospheric density also is pretty high at low altitudes but things very rapidly as altitude increases... so even though the limit is 95km, the atmosphere is very low pressure not far from the surface.
  10. If you ever need help with determing the maths or any ideas for any further development you may do on this mod then feel free to give me a shout if you need anything, Linux.
  11. The only thing that OPM does with Custom Barn Kit is to add an addtional level of Tracking Station, the Level 4 Upgrade. All Levels 1 through 3 are kept the same as stock but the Level 4 Upgrade raises the DSN Power from Level 3's 2.5×1011 to the new Level 4's 2.0×1012. You can see this single Custom Barn Kit patch here: https://github.com/Poodmund/Outer-Planets-Mod/blob/master/GameData/OPM/OPM_CommNet.cfg OPM does nothing to edit the stock Science rewards anymore (it used to) and all the bodies science reward mutlipliers were revised a while back to value them in line with progression from the stock bodies... so now you can just use the modifier sliders in the options menu to adjust as necessary for your own playthrough.
  12. You've done a great job in here collating all the information and responding to everyone's queries. A big thanks to you, Snark. I'm sure it's appreciated by all.
  13. @Snark, how are they invisioning that KSP2 mods be handled with respect to the imposed requirements that SQUAD required us to release KSP1 mods under; with specific regards to licensing?
  14. For reference it operates fine on 1.7.3 but that is obviously not official.
  15. Its due to CKAN having not re-indexed Firespitter Core v7.13.0 yet which includes the .version file bumped up to be compatible with KSP 1.7.3: https://github.com/snjo/Firespitter/blob/master/For release/Firespitter/Firespitter.version. The currently indexed v7.12.0 has a max-KSP-version of 1.6.9 and it acts as a dependency for USI Core, hence why its causing the other USI mods to not show up against KSP 1.7.3 in CKAN. Weirdly, the version file that's been updated states its built against KSP 1.7.4 which externally doesn't exist yet but the min/max version will enable it to show for KSP 1.7.3, Dampiir. Just give CKAN a bit of time to run its reindexing process.
  16. Are you saying I can take off my Mylar Foil Hat, now? To insinuate a hidden cabal is outrageous.
  17. I think its tied into the Science 'Recovery' Multiplier value for each body as SetDeadlineYears depends on GetContractDestinationWeight which depends on body.scienceValues.RecoveryValue so by changing something like: https://github.com/Poodmund/Outer-Planets-Mod/blob/master/GameData/OPM/KopernicusConfigs/OuterPlanets/Plock.cfg#L35 to a higher number may in fact increase the duration of the contracts upon their generation (will not affect existing contracts). If you're willing to test this out, then please let me know.
  18. Hey Gamers Circle, you'll be able to find one here: https://bit.ly/2PdqWiA
  19. As SQUAD revamp certain parts they soft-deprecate them for a few version/patch updates of KSP. This involves them making the old versions of the parts unresearchable/unplaceable in the Editor but the parts still exist in the game (so as to not make your existing vessels suddenly lose parts in flight). After a few versions/patches, these soft-deprecate parts are then hard-deprecated and completely removed from the game. This is probably why you still have some older parts in your brand new install... however, Steam is not great at fully removing the old part files when they are hard-deprecated so milage may vary between users. This is why the warning popup was added when users may have leftover erroneous parts lingering in their install.
  20. These are leftover deprecated stock parts that didn't get deleted when your game updated a while back. You can go ahead and delete these folders... alternatively, you could delete the whole game and reinstall it anew of you feel uncomfortable deleting specific folders. Basically, Steam doesn't do a goo job at removing old, unused folders and file assets when games update. In this case, old part assets remain in the game directory which can cause weird issues when it comes to patching the stock parts these assets relate to.
  21. Seems like you didn't copy the textures from the Proland Tool over to the KSP installation, that's the main component for changing the colour.
  22. @beik, it seems like SQUAD are now looking to hire a Senior UI/UX Designer... https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/jobs#UIUX/
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