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Everything posted by Poodmund

  1. I thought I recognized it. Hopefully I can get some bits out by the end of next week... and with OPM now out I will start actually playing KSP again. Ooooooo, excited!
  2. @Red Iron Crown, can we have a clean up over the last page or so? CaptRobau has just released a major version and there was quite a bit of off topic chat. If you don't think any action is required, can you please delete this post?
  3. Ah, I see, I just edited the stock CustomBarnKit config but suspected it may not work entirely as intended... the OP of that mod says in v1.1.7 that, "Now let you configure the number of upgrades of each buildings." but the possible future features says the same thing. An issue to take up in the thread of that mod it would seem. EDIT: I was being mega-Derp with the last config I posted... here, take one that works. Thank you for your willingness to listen to such an annoying feature-creeper. Shhh, you!
  4. As I've said over in the OPM thread, now I have no excuse not to get back to work... jeez. Soon ™
  5. SQUEEEEE! Thanks CaptRobau, its great to see this updated for 1.2.1 with some very welcome additions and changes. With regards to the CommNet patch, I personally feel that changing the base parameters of the DSN and Antennas by default may be a bit... forceful(?)... when the player can just do this by adjusting sliders in the difficulty options. As such, the patch would change all mod antennas also which could cause balancing issues. Would you be open to possibly considering approaching it from a different angle, maybe by adding an additional level to the Tracking Station specifically for the OPM bodies i.e. @CUSTOMBARNKIT { @TRACKING { @levels = 4 @upgradesVisual = 1, 2, 3, 4 @upgrades = 38000, 150000, 563000, 1275000 @DSNRange = 2000000000, 50000000000, 250000000000, 2000000000000 } } ... or by maybe including part upgrade patches at the end of the Tech Tree to increase the power of the Communotron 88-88 and RA-100 Relay to allow them to connect to the OPM bodies with the normal DSN Level 3 power i.e. @PART[RelayAntenna100]:NEEDS[OPM] { @MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] { showUpgradesInModuleInfo = true UPGRADES { UPGRADE { name__ = RelayAntenna100-Power techRequired__ = largeUnmanned antennaPower = 1000000000000 } } } } PARTUPGRADE:NEEDS[OPM] { name = RelayAntenna100-Power partIcon = RelayAntenna100 techRequired = largeUnmanned entryCost = 25000 title = RA-100 Relay Antenna Power Upgrade description = The RA-100 Relay Antenna now has a power of 1E+12 to allow it to reach far into the depths at Outer Planetary distances. } @PART[commDish]:NEEDS[OPM] { @MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] { showUpgradesInModuleInfo = true UPGRADES { UPGRADE { name__ = commDish-Power techRequired__ = largeUnmanned antennaPower = 1000000000000 } } } } PARTUPGRADE:NEEDS[OPM] { name = commDish-Power partIcon = commDish techRequired = largeUnmanned entryCost = 25000 title = Communotron 88-88 Antenna Power Upgrade description = The Communotron 88-88 Antenna now has a power of 1E+12 to allow it to reach far into the depths at Outer Planetary distances. } What are your thoughts? Anywho, now this is release... I have no excuse not to get to work updating my bits again.
  6. Super-duper congrats on getting this released! This is an amazing Planet Pack with some well made bodies and looks top notch. It was fun working with you all.
  7. As mentioned above, if unaware, you can toggle the EOL functionality between Windows and UNIX modes in Notepad++ to play happy with GitHub if required...
  8. Not to veer too off-topic but these two articles are really worth a read when it comes to managing your config files for your mods: https://github.com/sarbian/ModuleManager/wiki/Module Manager Syntax https://github.com/sarbian/ModuleManager/wiki/Module-Manager-Handbook As Sigma has iterated, by the extensive and thorough use of well written MM syntax, you can make your mod pretty much fully compatible with other mods out there that may have issues with yours. Its why I have banged on at Blackrack for so long about incorporating MM functionality into Scatterer. Anywho, I was watching https://www.twitch.tv/vitalijbeam stream briefly yesterday where he was playing KSP using the Beta of this pack... I couldn't understand anything but it looked damn cool.
  9. You can download that particular Skybox here: https://spacedock.info/mod/924/Pood's Calm Nebula Skybox As for the statement @COL.R.Neville has said above, that is incorrect. You can use .dds images for textures in the /Default folder, skybox images being best saved in the DXT1 .dds format. Make sure any smaller, reflection textures go into the /EnvMap folder, these are the ones that cannot be .dds and as such could be .png images.
  10. That was a very educational and fascinating read, OhioBob. Thank you very much for the time and effort that has obviously gone into developing and writing the article and in such a way that was logical and simple to understand. Again, thank you! EDIT: P.S. I only saw it today and read it on my lunch break.
  11. I will describe it as its pretty hacky and buggy and I would not like to supply anything that would be so, against Sigma88's wishes. i.e. some of the UI triggers persist from the RemoteTech configs. Firstly, download the RemotePack dev release and delete everything except for the GigaDish1 part that is included in the mod. Then its a case of editing this mod's OSAGigaDish antenna configs to include the ModuleDeployableAntenna and ModuleDataTransmitter modules with the parameters that seem balanced whilst removing the modules for RemoteTech. If you don't feel comfortable editing part configs then this is not something I recommend to be honest.
  12. I have bunged the GX-256, GX512 and GX-1024 antennas in this mod into my install with the Relay (combinable) antenna module active with the following powers: GX-256 - 4.5E+11 GX-512 - 8.0E+11 GX-1024 - 2.0E+12 This gives the following signal strengths at the corresponding bodies (at closest and furthest distances) with the Level 3 DSN: GX-256 Sarnus - Min. 60% - Max. 77% Urlum - Min. 7% - Max. 24% Neidon - Min. 0% - Max. 0% Plock - Min. 0% - Max. 0% GX-512 Sarnus - Min. 75% - Max. 86% Urlum - Min. 32% - Max. 48% Neidon - Min. 1% - Max. 4% Plock - Min. 0% - Max. 6% GX-1024 Sarnus - Min. 89% - Max. 94% Urlum - Min. 65% - Max. 75% Neidon - Min. 34% - Max. 42% Plock - Min. 0% - Max. 44% EDIT: Should have said, this is for 1.2.1 CommNet compatibility.
  13. Update: Right, I have implemented 'Mod' support. You can toggle the listed mod antennas On/Off on the 'Antennas' sheet and they should dynamically appear/disappear from selection in the drop-down lists in the 'Antenna Selector' sheet. The new mod toggles can be found here: Please let me know how you find it. P.S. Pinging @Waz and @Mokmo
  14. It seems there is an issue with trying to edit the celestial body items in the 'Scatterer_atmosphere' node via an MM config. For example: @Scatterer:AFTER[Scatterer] !Scatterer_atmosphere { } Works as expected and deletes all body configs (removes all Scatterer effects), however, this: @Scatterer:AFTER[Scatterer] @Scatterer_atmosphere { !Kerbin } Does not seem to work; Kerbin's scatterer effect remains and is not deleted. So it seems that config nodes for new bodies can be created, i.e. my Moho example previously, but existing body nodes cannot be interacted with. Something fishy is going on.
  15. Just to also confirm, Scatterer with SVE was not working as expected and yes, the EVE configs would fail to load and Scatterer effects would not be applied. This was all due to the Mun/Minmus-dust cloud layers not having the 2Dlayer option toggled, once they were and applied, everything worked as expected. It seems Scatterer is calling for the 2D layer to apply the effects to and its not there, so everything stumbles and falls over. EDIT: Even with the 2D layers toggled on and saved for the the Dust layers, upon reload, EVE still does seem to fall over and not load all the configs properly. You can open up the GUI and hit apply to fix however.
  16. Well here you go: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j3g1rkd0uoortbb/SVE_Scatterer.zip?dl=0 That should allow you to remove the KSP/GameData/scatterer folder in your SVE distribution and therefore not overwrite any of Scatterer's files which makes CKAN life a hell of a lot easier and also makes compatibility with other mods a lot more simple. I guess for you to test it, install SVE and all its other bits on a KSP install as you normally would, then delete the 'KSP/GameData/scatterer' folder, install the latest Scatterer, then install the .zip I linked. That should basically replicate stock Scatterer installed with SVE but this time, SVE is replacing default Scatterer with its own configs via MM configs. Does that make sense?
  17. So Duna and Kerbin use the default Scatterer proland textures. Gotcha, thanks.
  18. @Galileo, can I ask quickly what bodies you created custom textures for in the Proland tool for Scatterer in SVE? i.e. the .half files
  19. Yeah its fine. Shall i go through SVE and change all the Scatterer files so that Scatterer's files are untouched? It would save a LOT of hassle when it comes to CKAN and compatibility with other mods.
  20. Why did I ever doubt your ability... Galileo and I are obviously idiots as it works fine... doh! I just tested it on a vanilla 1.2.1 install using the new Scatterer and it functions as intended. Look at Moho, without modifying any of Scatterer's files! I used the following as you would in a Mod setup: KSP/GameData/Mod/planetsList.cfg KSP/GameData/Mod/Moho/config.cfg Thats a straight rip of Kerbin's scatterer effect onto Moho using Scatterer's Kerbin textures. Also the asset path node works fine as expected to locate any directory that textures may be in, like your mods own folder. Blackrack, this just works... like no worries at all.
  21. I don't think Galileo uses/d any MM functions to change the stock Scatterer values, I think he is bundling files that overwrites your ones. I don't want to name drop just to get the attention of, but @Sigma88 does some weird and fantastical things with Module Manager who may be able to shed some light on how this should all be implemented (he's a busy guy though )?
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