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Everything posted by Poodmund

  1. @rbray89 I am having an issue with the cloud layers being 'bleached' out on the sunny side of a body as shown in the first screenshot below. The first image is just a solid white texture applied with the default settings apart from the colour parameters so it matches a pink/purple Eve colour. You can see that the sun is washing out the colour on the near side and bleaching the cloud layer. This is causing issues when using image maps on the Alpha Channel (i.e. AlphaCubeMap - Alpha Channel) as the bleached portion of the cloud layer causes the layer to lose its colour and visibility due to the way the transparency is working on the alpha channel with the increased light (/white) intensity. This is shown in the 2nd and 3rd images. The 2nd image depicts SVE's EveClouds texture as an RGB image map which looks as the mod intends. The 3rd image shows the exacts same layer but with the Main Texture an identical copy of SVE's EveClouds texture but as a Cube Map on the Alpha Channel, you can see the issue depicted as discussed above. How can this 'reflective bleaching' be reduced or is a limitation of the shader EVE implements? Pinging @Nhawks17 for reference.
  2. No problem, like I said, hit me up if you need any assistance or you want to order me to do stuff.
  3. I believe I can help and I feel that the cube map system is the way forward for SVE based on its current layout/contents... I have taken the 4 Main Texture maps included in SVE (kerbin1, kerbin2, low & EveClouds) and cube mapped them at the UR, HR, MR and LR resolutions so that the same cube map can be used for all cloud layers that currently use kerbin1, kerbin2, low and EveClouds textures. I honestly would step away from the .dds format for these textures for the reason you stated above, the LOD changes that .dds implements really pixelates the visuals sometimes so I have made them in a 4 channel, RGBA .png format coming out at the following total file sizes for the 6 cube faces: UR: 49.3MB HR: 13.8MB MR: 3.83MB LR: 1.08MB In comparison, the current UR total of the 4 main textures is 144MB, so the footprint would be reduced to 35% of the current total for those 4 textures.. Quite a significant saving. I have zipped all of this up and is available for you to download here along with the Texture Manager config file that is required for the cube maps in each resolution case: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8b4itosy9zml2jk/StockVisualEnhancements.zip?dl=0 - Be aware though, do not edit or re-save the .png files as they have been exported with SuperPNG to preserve the Alpha channel. Basically, what would be required of you would be to amend the Main Texture part of the cloud configs for each layer that uses either the kerbin1, kerbin2, low or EveClouds textures in the following manner: Go into the EVE GUI and for each affected cloud layer, change the _MainTex path to "StockVisualEnhancements/EVE/Atmosphere/Textures/cloud" as shown in the screenshot below. Change the _MainTex type to "AlphaCubeMap". Change the alphaMask to the following value depending on the previously used texture as follows: ALPHAMAP_A - EveClouds ALPHAMAP_R - kerbin1 ALPHAMAP_G - kerbin2 ALPHAMAP_B - low Once this has all been done you should be able to remove the kerbin1.dds, kerbin2.dds, low.dds and EveClouds.dds files from the mod. I didn't include an amended clouds.cfg in the bundled .zip as I don't know where you are with development of the configs at this time and if your in-dev version is different from that of the latest release, however, to be honest its not too much work anyway. P.S. I would have made a pull request on the Git Repo but the directory structure of the source does not reflect the offered releases... which I understand why. Hence the Dropbox link. Let me know your thoughts... if you want to use these then absolutely be my guest and don't hold back if you have any queries.
  4. I would suggest the following: e = Eccentricity SMA = Semi-major Axis w = Argument of Periapsis mEp = Mean Anomaly This is due to the following orbital reference values that are found in the persistent save files: ORBIT { SMA = * ECC = * INC = * LPE = * LAN = * MNA = * EPH = * REF = * } The only one I am not sure about is the mEp being the Mean Anomaly. If this can be cleared up I would be grateful. Finally, I am pretty sure all the numbers stored for the above orbital values should be non-Zero. It seems like KSP could possibly be throwing NaN errors when they are.
  5. Hey there, Geschosskopf! Scatterer isn't a hard dependency as such, I mean, the mod will still function without it... however, it may not look very good as the whole setup of the configs have been done as such to appear as they do with Scatterer's complimented usage. Basically, it will work but may not look good. With regard to Tekto's visibility, this will be getting an update in the next patch. I will be reducing the obscurity of the ground layer somewhat but also adding in a thick volumetric cloud layer at a low altitude to simulate a thick atmosphere layer. You will still be able to see mountain ranges on the surface but the sky may look obscured.
  6. My visual mod got culled from the list. Could it be amended back in or not until I have a full release?
  7. The above conversation has nothing to do with OPM, please move your discussion to the Kopernicus topic, Thank you.
  8. Its actually been possible in EVE for ages but with Equirectangular images you used to get pretty bad image warping around the North/South Pole where you had to locate the storm. With EVE's cube map system implementation it became a lot more viable and I did a proof of concept test about a month ago: You can do some pretty cool tricks with it, not limiting yourself to storms.
  9. Yeah Tekto is not in a *stable* working state at the moment because Scatterer is doing some funky things causing some issues as shown in your post. Its mainly down to it being such a small body so its hard to always get good visuals without some weird bits happening. I'll be working on fixing it soon. rbray recently removed the distribution files in the Git repository so the link died, here's a link to the latest pre-release as of 22/05/16: https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/releases/tag/PRE-1.1-3 Unfortunately not, blackrack has expressed that he wishes to add this into Scatterer at some point in the future though. This mod should still function properly with OPM 2.0. However, if you have any issues please let me know. Thank you very much. --------------- Well OPM 2.0 has been released so I should probably look to getting a release candidate out soon. I'm am going on holiday mid-June so my aim is to get this done before then.
  10. Looking good. Is the storm separated into separate bands?
  11. I have posted it before elsewhere but this is the atmo curve for Tekto. As Diddly Feelerino has stated, Tekto's atmosphere drops off really fast.
  12. Haha, I genuinely laughed when I read your post. Possibly, I may have a dabble. As you said I have some more pertinent projects at the moment but maybe when things die down a little in a month or two I could give it a shot. Bug me in a month or two's time and remind me.
  13. Gotcha! Can't wait... actually played a little KSP over the weekend for like the first time in about 6 months. Set up my Kerbin relay network ready for some Outer Planets relays later on to get some OPM Probe'yness going on!
  14. Sarnus, Urlum and Neidon are pretty much the only bits in the latest release that are in a *Done* state.
  15. Looking fantastic! It'll take me like an evening or two to get the the pages redone one the new planets/moons are ready.
  16. Was it intentional that the configs do not seem to include the following Landing Legs: GameData\VenStockRevamp\Squad\Parts\LandingLegs\LandingGear_CLR GameData\VenStockRevamp\Squad\Parts\LandingLegs\LT-1 GameData\VenStockRevamp\Squad\Parts\LandingLegs\LT-2 GameData\VenStockRevamp\Squad\Parts\LandingLegs\LT-05 They do not appear to be in the either the Utility or Structural config files and seeing as the Pruner files rename the stock models to .mu.bak as they should, it results in no lander legs being available in the game.
  17. Just took the 'Investigate the Island Runway' contract and thought, "Hey, I can use RoverDude's new Bi-Plane to do that." Built it up, flies like and absolute dream, holding level with no input all the way over to the island even in phys-warp. Great stuff... landed... clicked EVA. Cried. Came here to read that you have already suffered the agony of no EVA hatch. Glad to see you've got it down on the to-do. However, I'm really enjoying flying this little beauty, even if Jeb is stuck in the cockpit.
  18. @Waz, for the Main Textures the following applies: RGBA - Applies image in Equirectangular format to body in a 2x Width, 1x Height ratio. CubeMap - Applies images specified in the TextureManager config to their specified cube faces in RGBA. Alpha Map - Applies image in Equirectangular format to body in a 2x Width, 1x Height ratio but can specify to only apply either the R, G, B or A channels as a grey scale alpha mask. Alpha Cube Map - Applies images specified in the TextureManager config to their specified cube faces but can specify to only apply either the R, G, B or A channels as a grey scale alpha mask. TexCube6 - Allows for the application of a 6, 4 channel textures that can be assigned to all 6 individual cube faces. TexCube2 - Allows for the application of 2, 4 channels textures that can use 3 channels of the 2 textures to apply to the 3-Positive and 3-Negative cube faces respectively. Does that help any?
  19. @Nhawks17 https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/releases/tag/EVE-1.1-2-1 Bug fix for random city lights, enhanced cloud shading.
  20. I just booted this up and had a poke around. Proot, my jaw dropped so hard that I have bruised my feet. Amazing work, man. Just really well done. The Kopernicus work that you have incorporated into this all will get taken for granted by its really just so good. Waxing lyrical here. EDIT: Can I ask whether you have heavily modified the stock Scatterer configs? Duna seems very bright/orange from the dark side of the planet.
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