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Everything posted by Poodmund

  1. Just took the 'Investigate the Island Runway' contract and thought, "Hey, I can use RoverDude's new Bi-Plane to do that." Built it up, flies like and absolute dream, holding level with no input all the way over to the island even in phys-warp. Great stuff... landed... clicked EVA. Cried. Came here to read that you have already suffered the agony of no EVA hatch. Glad to see you've got it down on the to-do. However, I'm really enjoying flying this little beauty, even if Jeb is stuck in the cockpit.
  2. @Waz, for the Main Textures the following applies: RGBA - Applies image in Equirectangular format to body in a 2x Width, 1x Height ratio. CubeMap - Applies images specified in the TextureManager config to their specified cube faces in RGBA. Alpha Map - Applies image in Equirectangular format to body in a 2x Width, 1x Height ratio but can specify to only apply either the R, G, B or A channels as a grey scale alpha mask. Alpha Cube Map - Applies images specified in the TextureManager config to their specified cube faces but can specify to only apply either the R, G, B or A channels as a grey scale alpha mask. TexCube6 - Allows for the application of a 6, 4 channel textures that can be assigned to all 6 individual cube faces. TexCube2 - Allows for the application of 2, 4 channels textures that can use 3 channels of the 2 textures to apply to the 3-Positive and 3-Negative cube faces respectively. Does that help any?
  3. @Nhawks17 https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/releases/tag/EVE-1.1-2-1 Bug fix for random city lights, enhanced cloud shading.
  4. I just booted this up and had a poke around. Proot, my jaw dropped so hard that I have bruised my feet. Amazing work, man. Just really well done. The Kopernicus work that you have incorporated into this all will get taken for granted by its really just so good. Waxing lyrical here. EDIT: Can I ask whether you have heavily modified the stock Scatterer configs? Duna seems very bright/orange from the dark side of the planet.
  5. @Waz & @rbray89, there is a really good paper here: https://www.cs.ubc.ca/~rbridson/docs/bridson-siggraph2007-curlnoise.pdf about Curling Noise for Procedural Flow simulations that may inspire or help when it comes down to any work that you may be looking to invest time into. The basis could definitely be used to simulate vertex warping of a texture applied to a mesh to create a procedurally dynamic appearance but I fear it may be incredibly taxing on the processor to be running constantly. Anyway, just food for thought.
  6. It has been really great following all the work done for this Rover on the Twitch Streams and is looking great as a result of all that work. Thanks for the mod release and for the hours of entertainment watching its creation.
  7. I too did notice that Kerbin's Main Cloud layer was very dark on the previous version (0.6.4) using the colour range of 75,75,75,255. I bumped it up to 115,115,115,255 for the latest release; however, I didn't want to overdo it as I was really just porting SVE to the latest EVE syntax so didn't want to change anything that Nhawks17 had intended. It is worth some discussion though. @Nhawks17, could you enlighten some conversation here as to why the Kerbin Main Cloud layer is to appear quite a dark grey? This results in quite a good level of brightness from orbit when the Scatterer effects are applied by down at PQS/Surface level altitudes the 'darkness' comes quite apparent looking akin to this 3rd image that @quarrion posted above.
  8. Just thought that I'd post in here to say that @Nhawks17 has merged my pull requests into SVE to get it up to running the build of EVE that this mod uses... therefore, you should now be able to run SVE and OPM-VO side by side without any issues; link to Stock Visual Enhancements. If this is the case, and you find any compatibility issues between the two, please inform me so that I can take a look into it further. I am under no impression that users of this mod will probably be running SVE or KSPRC (when it is released) and so I have to make a concerted effort to ensure compatibility of this mod and theirs.
  9. You totally could do a dust cloud that follows the terminator... if you just used a Main Texture for the EVE cloud layer with one, thin, alpha intense strip running from the North to the South and set its rotational speed to 0, set its offset so that it sits aligned to the terminator... then you could use it as the Main Texture on the Alpha Map setting with Volumetric Clouds set up to look like very translucent dust clouds.
  10. Hmmm... I may well be down to the fact I was doing a lot of this late at night and I use f.lux (https://justgetflux.com/ - which I highly recommend for optical health) and I may have been colour compensating for the reddish shift in the hue of my monitor. Next time I get some work done on it, I'll remember to turn f.lux off so I get a true colour representation. Thanks for the heads up.
  11. It seems that everyone is liking different aspects and have varying opinions. I might be swayed to go with a happy medium somewhere between the two and see what the opinions are on that. Eleusis La Arwall's cloud configs for OPM are the reason I am making this mod. I used it with AVP-EoO and when EVE updated to the new-EVE and they no longer worked I decided, "well, someone has to do it, might as well be me". So my stuff is heavily inspired by that mod. The main difference with how Tekto looked and worked in that mod was the "Planetary Glow" that used to be easy to accomplish and implement in the old-EVE and was heavily used for Tekto. It is no longer able to successfully implement in the new-EVE but the 'feature' has migrated (somewhat) to Scatterer. Scatterer's style of this technique is implemented heavily on my Tekto but the altitude range of the 'fuzzy atmo' is nowhere near as great. I think thats the major difference. I will definitely be going through and modifying it heavily still as there is a lot more work to be done. I can probably make it a bit darker and menacing on the surface and going through the low alt. clouds, however, its important to remember Tekto's pressure curve: You would hardly see any visibly thick atmo effects i.e. cloud or mist above 20km... and I do like to try and keep things slightly akin to their physical properties where possible. Anyway, thank you all for your feedback and confirmation that the mod, indeed, does work when everything is installed as intended. I hope you're enjoying what is there so far.
  12. As stated above by @nebuchadnezzar this mod is not compatible with SVE at this time as SVE is using an older version of EVE and as such the two mods do not display correctly with each other. I have spoken to Nhawks17 about this and will probably issue some pull requests to SVE's Git repo to get them up to the syntax used for the latest dev build of EVE so the two mods can coincide with each other. On the topic of the bodies looking weird in the tracking station, this "bug" is reported over and over again with packs using Scatterer and I repeat... For the Scatterer effect to apply, you have to have the active vessel loaded within the load range of the body specified within the Scatterer configs. At the Tracking Station, these visual effects do not apply. I hope that clears a few things up.
  13. From your screenshot it looks like the EVE cloud layers are working. They are just very highly masked by Scatterer to give a Titan-esque effect as requested a lot previously. Here are screenshots from my end for comparison. To confirm, try send a craft down through the atmosphere, you should encounter the volumetric particle clouds on the same layers as the 2D space cloud textures. If you don't want the clouds to be as masked as they are, you can change the mapExtinctionMultiplier and skyExtinctionMultiplier values in the Scatterer GUI (accessed wth Alt+F10) and increase the values nearer to '1'. That should lower the opacity of the scatterer effect somewhat. After doing so, you may need to fiddle with the exposure values to lower the brightness though. And note, as always, Scatterer effects don't load in Tracking Station/Map view unless you are controlling a craft within its load distance. If I get overwhelming feedback saying, "Oh, I don't like it anymore because I can't see the clouds as much," then I don't know what to do at this point anymore. Just kidding, but seriously, that's kind of the feedback I want.
  14. Could you please go into the Tracking Station, focus on Tekto, open the EVE GUI with Alt+0 and the take screenshots of the following... The TextureConfig window (make sure to navigate using the arrows at the top of the GUI away from, say, BoulderCo/Textures to PoodsOPMVO/Textures first) The CloudConfig window. You should get the following screens: I fear an old EVE build is being used which is not allowing my clouds to render due to them using the new Cube Map syntax introduced in the dev builds.
  15. Circular motion mathematics to calculate the ratio of the speed value at which the lower layer must use compared the the speed value of the higher layer that should be in relation to the difference in altitude specified?
  16. I would ask you all to confirm the versions of the dependencies that you are using. As a mod in development, I am requiring the latest release builds and/or the latest dev builds of the dependencies as follows: EVE: https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/blob/master/AnyCPU-EVE.zip?raw=true (Dev build 'edb6dfcd711a2c9f24af466b227ead2f64e54e53' 2016-05-03) Scatterer: http://spacedock.info/mod/141/scatterer/download/0.0246 (Release build 0.0246 2016-08-05) Kopernicus: https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases/download/release-1-0-4/Kopernicus.1.0.4.zip (Release build 1.0.4 2016-05-06) Module Manager: https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/ModuleManager/113/artifact/ModuleManager.2.6.24.dll (Release build 2.6.24 2016-04-30) Outer Planets Mod: http://spacedock.info/mod/233/Outer%20Planets%20Mod/download/ (Release build 2016-05-02) Please ensure that you are running these latest mods for full compatibility, I would presume that the issues discussed above are due to using an old version of EVE wherein the new Cube Map system syntax that my mod uses is not able to be read by the old versions of EVE. Please update your mods and let me know if the issues persist. Thanks in advance. EDIT: Also, @Tiberius K, unfortunately no the shadow is not real, I just included it every now and then so people can go, "Oh thats amazing" to try and convince Blackrack to prioritize it for Scatterer implementation... My own little way of trolling.
  17. If nothing more than a thread bump to get this back into the public eye, I have adopted the above standard for reference.
  18. Right update is out: v0.2.0-beta Due to some users having issues with compatibility, please find below a list of the dependencies and the current builds used to run OPM-VO. Please ensure that you are running at least these versions of the dependencies or later releases: EVE: https://github.com/rbray89/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/blob/master/AnyCPU-EVE.zip?raw=true (Dev build 'edb6dfcd711a2c9f24af466b227ead2f64e54e53' 2016-05-03) Scatterer: http://spacedock.info/mod/141/scatterer/download/0.0246 (Release build 0.0246 2016-08-05) Kopernicus: https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases/download/release-1-0-4/Kopernicus.1.0.4.zip (Release build 1.0.4 2016-05-06) Module Manager: https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/ModuleManager/113/artifact/ModuleManager.2.6.24.dll (Release build 2.6.24 2016-04-30) Outer Planets Mod: http://spacedock.info/mod/233/Outer%20Planets%20Mod/download/ (Release build 2016-05-02) ----------------------------------- I have been unexpectedly busy this weekend but I promised to get something out for testing a thoughts so here it is. Thatmo work is not included, Tekto has a horrid transition when going down through the atmo to the surface, but it looks great from orbit and when landed however, OPM-Tilt compatibility is not added back yet, volumetric clouds on Tekto are working placeholders at the moment... and some other stuff. But Giant Planet textures are updated and working well. As always, thoughts and feedback are IMMENSELY appreciated. As an aside, Sarnus now has a hexagonal, moving storm at its North Pole: EDIT: It may sound above that I am a bit salty about the status of this release, true I would have preferred it to be a bit further along but I wanted to get something in all your hands to test out. Safe to say I'll be working on it over the coming weeks to bring it up to snuff.
  19. Because its not compatible with 1.1.2. Ezriilc and the HyperEdit team are working on it as discussed above.
  20. Yeah for the next release I still have to give Tekto's volumetric clouds a once over. I am doing system by system, so Sarnus system is initially getting the 2nd pass. I have pretty much got the colour map where I like it. I could still separate the bands, feather them and apply them through EVE to rotate at different speeds but it'd be a very large hit on the file size and memory usage so I'm not crazy about the idea. But yeah, Tekto fuzzy clouds today and tomorrow, then I should have an initial 1.1.2 build up for testing. Then onto Urlum (which is in pretty good shape) and then onto Neidon/Thatmo (Neidon map needs a lot of work to make it more interesting and haven't even started on Thatmo). For now, have a gander at the current Sarnus map: Trying to pull out all the stops to get this into your hands ASAP, please bear with me.
  21. I know this is based primarily off the work that has been done with RSS and RVE but @sDaZe this looks really wonderful and I commend the work and effort that has been put in on getting this mod up and running. I have always loved the idea of running the real Solar System in KSP because it looks incredible but was always daunted by either RO or the size of the thing. This is the version I would play... and hopefully will be able to when I get time. Great stuff.
  22. It is really wonderful to see the RemoteTech development gaining impetus again, super excited. Also, because I'm a bad KSP player, its great to see this get merged into stock finally:
  23. Kopernicus Forum Thread But in all seriousness, yes, the mod's threads are the best place to direct questions as the mod devs and users can help answer your queries.
  24. My advice when looking into adjusting mods Cetera is to look exhaustively through the mods directory, read all the files, look at where they are located and try to understand what they do in relation to the mod. That way, you have a better understanding of how whats going on in game is being built by the back end.
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