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Hobbes Novakoff

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Everything posted by Hobbes Novakoff

  1. Prison Architect is a good game if you love making super-complex systems and micromanaging everything, from camera wiring to work schedules. Personally, I'm not very into that, so I ended up returning it and buying Cities:Skylines. Placing roads in Cities is weirdly meditative. I can spend hours just laying out massive circles of roads. Before the game wipes them out because of save issues. In other words, a metaphor for life. Well, that's basically what JC3 is. Nerd3 has a ton of videos on it. Two Nerd3 Plays, a Nerd3 Loves, two Nerd3 Challenges. Each about thirty minutes long.
  2. That's a radical idea! No? You don't like it? I'm really sorry, I mean-hey, what are you doing with that thing? Look, we can talk about this! OH GOD MY SPLEEN - <signal lost>
  3. Only games ahead of it were The Witcher, Grow Home, Prison Architect (that one came out of nowhere), and Just Cause 3.
  4. Hmmm... there do seem to be some issues regarding joysticks. Though you make an extraordinary claim that there are "dozens" of such threads. I'd say the burden of proof is/was on you.
  5. Hmmmm... Okay. I guess I failed to consult xkcd...
  6. Make Kerbin Great Again! All this "time to rest" and "weekends off" PC nonsense! It's ridiculous! Also, please tell me that was satire. Otherwise, I'm going to look even dumber than the person who I'm parodying.
  7. Yup. Terraria: "Minecraft in 2-D!" Okay... Space Engineers: "Minecraft in space!" Makes sense... Besiege: "Medieval Minecraft!" Isn't minecraft already... y'know... medieval? You have knight armor and bows are the ranged weapon of choice. KSP: "Minecraft in space again!" KSP doesn't even have blocks! Though I was over at a friend's house playing KSP and the friend's brother asked "is that minecraft?" (My friend's brother is a bit slow. But I digress.) Roblox: "Minecraft with guns!" The only reason you people say that is because it has blocks. Just Cause 3: "Like Minecraft!" HOW?!
  8. Ermmm... I guess it doesn't cost rep, but it costs you a whole lot of goodwill points with the modders. I would not recommend this course of action.
  9. This. A thousand times this. Scientists already passively boost your science gain-I think. The pilot progression (with different vectors unlocking as you get XP) seems pretty good to me, though I would love to see trajectory prediction. However, engineers do need filling out. KAS would indeed be awesome.
  10. Oh boy. Here we go. Rants are ignored because of just that. They're rants. According to Google, rant means "speak or shout at length in a wild, impassioned way." The words "wild" and "impassioned" do not evoke calm, adult feedback. Complaints are not ignored. Example: The entire bloody support forum. Post a specific description of the problem, along with your log files if relevant, within a day people will help you. Please describe this "convoluted mess" you speak of in slightly more detailed terms. No, you haven't, because you haven't even made a support thread. In fact, none of your posts even mention this problem. You expect the devs to psychically seek you out and read your mind? What the hell are you talking about? Why would you expect to be able to communicate with the devs through a third-party forum that the devs don't oversee and probably don't even look at? Unless you're talking about your threads being moved into the proper subforum, which would be the Help and Support forums or the Suggestions and Development discussions forum, depending on the complaint. That's going to increase your chances of being seen by the devs. It's the exact opposite of smothering. More like rehtoms-ing it. Also, looking through your posts, I'm afraid I'm hard-pressed to find an example of you being "smothered" in any way by the "forum watchdogs." (We call them moderators. They moderate the discussion, and keep it civil. Cough cough.) What? Only the stuff that is moved by the moderators to the appropriate forum is fixed by SQUAD? Who would have known? To get SQUAD to fix a bug, you can post a description of the bug in the forum for posting descriptions of bugs? My mind has been blown. My devices seem to work for almost every other game out there, and the modding community picks up the slack for every other issue. I've seen a dozen threads about the Maybe you could post a somewhat more detailed description of the problem, and do it in the forum for posting descriptions of problems? Again, post a detailed description of the problem. Then SQUAD may be able to figure out what's causing it. Too bad. If you got them solely for KSP, and you're too lazy to even make a support thread maybe you could return them. (If wherever you bought them from doesn't allow that, that's your mistake.) Or make a thread to find a workaround, like I've suggested literally six times already. Also: If you want to get help, consider not mocking the people who would consider helping you. Don't bite the hand that feeds you. Or in this case, don't flame against the account that gives you technical support.
  11. Trust me. If all you do is rant, all that's going to happen is that the update will be pushed back. I'm confident that 1.1 will come out, after all, SQUAD is committed to further development in my view. Not to mention, they've put in around six months of work on this, so they're not just going to abandon it.
  12. To embed a video, just paste the video URL and press Enter, which gets you this: Also, I want this to be the Mission Control soundtrack.
  13. Also, this isn't vBulletin 5. THIS... IS... SPARTA IPS4!
  14. Hmm. I must add a new question to the poll... EDIT: nevermind. Forum gets angry at me.
  15. So, I'm coming from a thread in which there was a discussion on how desktop keyboards have spacing between the F4 and F5 keys, laptop keyboards don't. (Someone was complaining that the Alt-F5 key bind to create a named quicksave was just a button away from Alt-F4 to close KSP.) So, now I'm wondering, what type of system do you (usually) use for KSP? Is it a desktop? Laptop? All-in-one? Surface Pro? Toaster? Let us know! I personally run KSP on a Windows install on a MacBook Pro.
  16. Jesus Christ. This was a possible debate two months ago. They changed it, there was a bit of crying, but by the next Devnotes everyone had come around to like it. I honestly didn't remember that the Devnotes used to be person-by-person until I saw this thread. Let old debates (or lack thereof) die.
  17. I believe you are speaking of the Clamp-O-Tron Senior. So, your solution to something that in your opinion makes the game less fun is to... take the entire mechanic out and replace it with Kerbal Spreadsheet Program?
  18. Which would you prefer: Occasionally having those weird magnets get annoying when docking 3 ports at once, or every time you want to dock you have to line up within nanometers of the attitude and altitude of the docking port, otherwise it explodes a la Interstellar?
  19. Two things. One, great story. Two, wait, the game gives us contracts for fuel stations and such? Awesome!
  20. I was under the impression that a 2.5 meter docking port exists, does it not? (If you're building a mothership with 3.75m parts, then you probably don't have any expectation that anything will work normally.)
  21. I wouldn't say KSP is "insanely popular." Nowhere near the level of Minecraft, anyway. But I'm fine with that.
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