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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. You two. I hate you. It's snowraining here irl after your wishes. I wish for dry, cloudy weather.
  2. They are standing below a high-voltage power line, and he's the only one with dry hair.
  3. Break the rules, when you can cheat! Byteles are eight times greater than Bitles.
  4. Because nightlight savings are dangerous. You restore, and the creepers are around. Is Minecraft a term for the miners' witchcraft?
  5. Calling 911 because all horror series about nerd kids are now real for you.
  6. Every game is better with muskets. Just not many of them allow them. Why is the Musk's company manufacturing flamethrowers rather than muskets?
  7. abandon - to ban (Ye Olde English)
  8. Most of series, including the most well-known ones, are a chaotic mess from scratch, and can't be made worse by changng anything. P.S. They say "Dr. Who! Dr.Who!" But what is he/she/it curing, that doctor?
  9. Confusing bytes with words is cheating.
  10. Banned for making Florida a dangerous place.
  11. Yes, why not. Microstart, microcommit, microrollback.
  12. Wut? Dude, you need to have a sleep! Waiter! Report your observation officer about that strange client, ordering SCP levitating things.
  13. Calling 911 because the nerd kid is playing with alarm controller.
  14. Not telling, how many bits are in those words, is a cheating/ .replace('/', '.');
  15. Bed bugs do it daily. (18+ photo, maybe even R) Conclusion: sats are bugs.
  16. Classic cheating called "Deus ex machina". Zeus appears, and hits the chorus with lightning.
  17. Granted. You move to Penny Sylvania. I wish Austria and Australia were the same.
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