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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Calling not calcinated cakes Calzoni is cheating.
  2. Stupid? No, sir, very important!
  3. A poorly cooled electromagnet becomes molten iron on its own.
  4. Cans of cream don't hear, they get heard. Knowledge is pleasure. Mostly. Was Yoda hiding in Louisiana in ep. V?
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nirgal_Vallis is a track of Shai-Hulud. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tharsis_Montes are its holes. Perchlorates in the Martian ground are decayed Spice. The Martian planetary pool network aka ocean disappeared when they THEY had drowned Shai-Hulud in the water. Thus, the Martian dry lakes must be places of the Spice deposites. That's what the rovers are seeking there for, and so much hype around every found spot of clay. The rovers are actually harvesters. Spice is what they collect, rather than stupid stones. When you apply the knowledge of Dune, everything about Mars get rather clear. That's what Musk is actually thirsting there for. That's why they are developing a transport ship, but no habitats. That's why the one-way ticket for the StarshipX troopers is enough. They will be gathering Spice for the rest of their lives. Their mutated survivors will have blue eyes, populate Martian caves, and be called troglodytes morlocks morloX freemen.
  6. (Whatever I say, I have 20 to 90 minutes before they hear, to do what I want to.)
  7. Floor 4595: A warning on the display: "Razer's Edge is not supported."
  8. Yes, it's carrying our crafted air. Waiter! Catch up the ketchup!
  9. +1 P.S. Meanwhile, the ground staff is checking the equipment once again.
  10. Today installed Waterfox (from https://www.waterfox.net/) instead of Firefox, who has sold its soul to all bad powers. So far, feels much better. It keeps using the Gecko engine from the good old Mozilla Firefox, instead of this ugly, voracious, disgusting Quantum (may everything in its authors' life run exactly as this Quantum runs! I mean, they can optimize their life, just in case.) AdBlock, NoScript, and (some freeloader downloader) plugins work ok.
  11. Floor 4583: No John Weak, only John Strong Stron' for a rhyme.
  12. Beatlhoven Undying dull classics of all times. Beerthoven Inspired piano player plays it on piano in a pub. Beathoven What they do to too inspired piano player in a pub. Bottlehoven A true inspired musician doesn't need a piano. He plays it on empty bottles with two spoons. Banhoven Is what I'm going to post in the ban thread.
  13. Banned in the name of Pleiades for not listening the music by Banhoven. P.S. Posted, as I promised in the make up a word thread.
  14. The word is a set of letters, consisting of "w", "th", "qu", and random characters. Why do they call "characters" both humans and letters? Do they believe that the letters are alive?
  15. Slicing pizza is cheating, when you can just roll it and eat as a sausage.
  16. "Here is the depleted Martian rover, full of collected stones, which they haven't no idea how to deliver to the Earth. It's a pity, I don't have room in my inventory to take them and sell to the museum, as anyway no laboratry needs them since the space ships started flying to Mars."
  17. Anime is a special sabotage project, developed to disregard the mythology and replace its characters with blurry ugly dolls with same names.
  18. Sit down, Ivstinvs, let Rvfvs and Vrbanvs answer. I wonder if W means "uu" in Latin.
  19. Calling 911 when your name is Samara. Combo is when your surname is Morgan.
  20. Everyone knows G11, but nobody even recalls its poor big bro, CAWS. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heckler_%26_Koch_HK_CAWS I was reading about it in school years in a journal, and since then was being shocked by such lack of deserved amusement.
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