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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Another US probe decided to join Luna-25 club, together with that one with human remains, lost a month ago. https://www-interfax-ru.translate.goog/world/948591?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp Happily, we understand, that it's just a chain of accidents, not a system problem. But technically yes, while Luna-25 was lost in midair (midvacuum), Nova has dived deeper and kissed the surface.
  2. The brain weights 9 * 1.5 = 13.5 kg inside the skull, pressing on its rear bone. The buoyancy tanks are overestimated. *** "You don't have a skeleton inside. You are the brain. You are inside the skeleton. You are a pilot of a bone machine with meat armor."
  3. Just occasionally watched Sin City (2005). All external similarities of the characters are accidental. Even Marv.
  4. Granted. He draws another one with a pen. I wish for real D&D dice. Not gameboard D&D dice, but from the D&D itself, to roll them for various useful things.
  5. Yes, it mentally does. But don't mix it with cola, or you can feel an emotional storm. Waiter! As it is a British pub, why are there only lobsters? Where are bobsters, robsters, and nobsters?
  6. Guilty or not, Woody Woodpecker deserves a good kick. As there is a sequoyah for "sequence", do there also grow stacquyoah, dequoyah, and queuequoyah?
  7. Yes, we feel disappointed. It was a too cheating cheating.
  8. Feeling banned as an illiterate barbarian.
  9. Calling 911 to remove excessive electricity from the phone battery.
  10. Granted. You get stronger faster at the gym. It turns off when you are getting inside. Sand Sharks + Sharknado = new local climate there. Nobody? Luckily, MacLeod won, otherwise KSP could stay without music. *** I wish to send a Highlander or two in an interstellar probes.
  11. Better buy some uranium glass, to frighten the guests. Just yet, just yet.
  12. To propel the rocket, you need a propellant. To propel it retrogradely, a retropellant.
  13. Silly humans think, that these specimens are indeed exactly those ones, who were stolen. Then they make sci-fi movies, where a wife sees strange behavior of her "returned husband". Thanks to the lonely hero, who was contacting with the pre-human, the humans are now thinking that they are friends. *** On the other hand, establishing the first contact with a less developed civilization on another planet is rather simple, and is described in epics. First of all, you need a fire from sky. Drop a meganuke on the ocean, to make your appearance well visible from various lands. Then come to them from that side and ask: "Mortals! Where are our fruits and virgins?" So, they will deliver fertile specimens of local flora and fauna, to study them in a lab, develop a scientific model of the biosphere, and make their families local lords, assigned by the allmighty beings. Then let them learn your language to speak.
  14. These ones are. But in 1980s they were saying, how cute is shooting the incoming warheads from below, rather than ground targets from top.
  15. +1 We must capture one of them, and make him/it teach us their language and disclose their geography, habits, weak places. Maybe more than one, to compare.
  16. Airborne ones, in the thin air above the clouds. Either planes or airships. Having a stratospheric anti-satellite laser blasting airship is a thing... *** Large solar panels are also sails. The larger they are, the better they brake.
  17. Btw, a purpose for the otherwise useless Moon. The Moon ground is rich of titanium. The titanium is what is required for the Venus. Ergo, the purpose of the Moon is titanization of Venus with metal structures, and providing water for the Martian hydrolox ships.
  18. Floor 4569: Next Genevation Pool. Floor 4570: Ninja'd Next Genevation Pool. And the server room, full of serves.
  19. Standartization, mass manufacturing. The less construction changes for every flight, the easier to control the quality. The fewer excessive coordination on every nut and bolt, the shorter is the production time, the shorter is the coordination chain, the less money is spent on the coordinator chain salary.
  20. Just watched the documentary trailer. No, thanks. Go to that Neptune yourself, if you want to...
  21. We need to deliver a titanium-hull submarine to Venus. It will withstand both pressure and corrosion. P.S. Wait... Wasn't it actually a prototype of a venusian combat rover?
  22. It's easy to cut off more managers. If hire more motivators. *** Unrelated. Idk any actual plans, of course. But as there is a lot of billionaires to play ~1:100 roulette just for fun to visit a space hotel, and much more people, willingly hired to play another roulette on ground for much lower price than a spaceship, it would be not very hard to cut off excessive reinsurance, implemented in totally peaceful time, to decrease, say, the Soyuz launch cost by order of magnitude, with no additional risk.
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