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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. If the bag was opened, it will be a panoramic photoset.
  2. Unexpectedly, Reuters revealed the whole industry dirty secrets, lol. Also. What a strange whataboutism.
  3. https://earthsky.org/human-world/orbital-oopsy-a-tool-bag-is-now-orbiting-earth/ That's how the great story begins...
  4. A scheduled event... *evil smile* Already breaking the deadline... Who says, it is human? Boston Dynamics + Neuralink + SpaceX + Mars ....
  5. @Codraroll https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/spacex-musk-safety/ Happily, this is not an authoritarian Soviet space fabric. Mars worth it. P.S. My best part of it:
  6. Banned for accusing in what can be accused himself.
  7. Calling 911 with no specific reason.
  8. Floor 4471: Detoxication room. The greatest plan vented out.
  9. It was, but we lost it. Bartender! Umbrella without glass, please.
  10. Am doing them, yes, but you are having ordered them well-being-done. Waiter! The present tense is much better than that past tense.
  11. Get 2+ km far from it. How many pogo sticks does it take to reach LEO?
  12. To say you see a witch in the sky.
  13. Why avoid the p-words for the Martian colony description, when it's exactly the realistic scheme of the staff structure? As the colony is a standalone self-sufficient unit, i.e. a regiment, the leader Leader of the colony is polkovnik, i.e. colonel. The deputy leader is podpolkovnik, i.e. "Lt. Colonel". The technicians, the low-middle managers, etc., are praporshchik, i.e. Master Sgt. The moral(e) officer is politruk. Btw, the billionaire can be a founder of the Private Space Military Company, you know...
  14. It's always fine to hear again the non-proliferation stories in the world, full of rocket and nuclear countries, and many thousands of specialists, able to help the rocket/nuke wannabes, and getting not even a cent from the sponsored budgets, to be affected by the NASA payments... I would remind, that India, Pakistan, DPRK, Israel were in game long before the payments began. And the post-USSR republics were fool of specialists and hardware, which could be easily rented by the interested countries, and weren't paid from NASA. NASA was paying because it had reasons to pay.
  15. https://barsoom.fandom.com/wiki/Jeddak
  16. They have Crew Dragon to deliver cargo from ISS, why hurry and spend money till the ISS dismission?
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