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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. The relatively normal name has returned, PTKNP. Waiting for Boeing rollback to CST-100.
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hand_heart https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finger_heart
  3. FAA is reorganized into the Bananautic Agency.
  4. It's been eye now. Waiter! I ordered snails. I can see shells, but where are slugs?
  5. Planckton. The quark-lepton mess, the physical plankton of Planck-length size.
  6. This doesn't raise a question. Sauron was nine-fingered. Why do they depict him (his tower) as one-eyed?
  7. Granted. SLS is fueled with methanol and doesn't fly. I wish for an orbital island.
  8. I would spell it "...guard", but the word filter can be against the full version. (No, seriously, the "A..g..ard" project is for saving the humanity in space. It's guarding our... future. At least, the symbol of it.) Anyway, are they now going to run "Sirius-500"? It's like "Mars-500", i.e. "500 days on Mars", but "500 years to Sirius", a simulated generation ship.
  9. Always thinking about something for food. It's so natural for the world of capitalism... On the optimistic note: the space muons look so red this week.
  10. As the heaviest possible planes are of ~500 t mass, and aren't designed for aerobraking (actually, even for fast turns), and the aerobraking is significant only for the bodies with low average density (space vessels and even warheads are lighter-or-equal than water), the titanium-class vessels can't be too heavy. Tonnes, maybe tens of tonnes. This means thousands of winged or shielded slugs per year.
  11. Unless you are doing it in vacuum. Are the lunar seas covered with lunar plankton?
  12. Yes, that's how we hunt the mice for it. Waiter! Well done Saehrimnir steak, please.
  13. Mysteriously, the Soviet anthem was sounding from heaven while the red flag was illuminating the skies...
  14. If cover the Earth with thin layer of TiO2, it will be snow-white, and the global warming will be finally unwarmed. Wait... It's finally an aim for the lunar mining, and even Greta The Great will bless it.
  15. Tornado Alley. The titanium slugs should be made porous and get pulverized on reentry. Then the tornadoes are catching them above the ocean and softly spread along the Tornado Alley, making a blinding-white TiO2 ridge. *** Or The Ring. Throw the TiO2 slugs to LEO to form a planetary ring shining in the sky and slowly aerobraking as an equatorial titanium dust rain. Of course, it requires collector rafts along the equator, but why not.
  16. About the Moon. While the rare-earth lunar Eldorado is yetr mostly apocryphal, what's really real is the lunar titanium. The Moon has a lot of it. And there is no purpose for the lunar titanium outside of the Earth till the far-future projects like low-solar-orbit light collectors, low-jupiter-orbit charged particle collectors, etc. Thus, the lunar Ti should be mostly delivered to the Earth. To let it make sense, the lunar production of Ti must be at least comparable to its production on the Earth, which is currently ~9.5 mln t of TiO2 per year. So, ~5.5 mln of Ti/year. I.e. 15 000 t / day. As it's hard to deliver anda land 15 000 t/day softly, it should be thrown there, and then fall here. This mean 15 000 t of white-hot metal daily passing through the Earth atmosphere per day. It can solve the problem of the cities illumination, and will make the night sky very spectacular: the mesh of bright dots of tens of thousands of skylink and other LEO sats, crossed with a fiery comet rain of the falling titanium.
  17. (The forum software can't embed the video due to the tricky character in its title.) I have a feeling that it is what the real Russian lunar program is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jYNgoeelGg The ability to intercept the lunar sats will come sooner that successful lunar craft landing. Then it will be equipped with a lunar landing warhead payload.
  18. A pool. The Kerbals have a pool next to the Astronaut Spawner. Somebody should clean it, and do secondary missions.
  19. So, they are going to add Housewife and Plumber roles for Kerbals... Sooner or later it had to happen.
  20. No DeLorian around, so they used Tesla, and Falcon for speed. Actually, it's a bigger plan than just spacing. It's a Back To FutureX plan.
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