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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. With this sash and PowerGlove you are a "civilian street patrol" in space.
  2. Never believed it just because if someone is discouraged by unused inner space of a traditional "hard" module, it can be farced with any trash to be injected into orbit, with no free space left. (Space beggars living in a trash can? Why not — Skylab was a dyogened fuel barrel.) Of course in fact I mean different lightweight stuff for a space station. The only purpose of such expandable things is: to make a depot/habitat/briefing room of a very large diameter, - much wider than a space rocket; - much greater than its envelope thickness. I.e. a zeppelin sized module.
  3. Not steerable. No net thrust. All its energy is fully released before it leaves the place of reaction (i.e. inside the barrel). A rocket. Neutrino is more or less the same.
  4. Well, at least the Hoillow Earth easily explains why they launch rockets in the Northern hemisphere, while satellites then fall somewhere in Australia or South America. They just fly too fast and cross the hollow.
  5. The Hollow Earth theory is quite doubtful. If the Earth is hollow, what should the elephants (carrying the Earth) stay on?
  6. For example, a googling of "ethane state chart" gives many state chart pictures and this nice book with tables.
  7. When I measured them myself, they were: Earth-like about 800 m, the bigger ones - 1.4..5 km. P.S. And I'm still sure, that not the density is high, but the gravitational constant differs. P.P.S. Kerbal Spore Program would mean "Single Rover To Jool" trips instead of "single stage".
  8. As a propane cylinder based rocket hardly could fly out from the lower atmosphere, .laughing gas is unnecessary, Propane cylinders are sometimes flying themselves, thanks to IntakeAir.
  9. 1. It should require extremely powerful heat exchanger (to cool the air from initial ~1500 K down to several hudred K on a distance of, say, 1-2 meters) and radiators (to dissipate its waste heat from inside the 1000 K hot plasma cloud). 2. If the air drag is enough strong to heat your engines, probably you already need no engines at all. Anyway you can use them only to brake down — i.e. do the same as the drag force does. 3. Various spaceplane projects use the air gathering when flying-in or diving-into the upper atmosphere — as an oxidizer supply. But not a heat.
  10. It's not an accident that Kerbals look so akin to Creepers... Next time try to use Fus-Ro-Dah — both to repel the green beasts and to kill your vertical velocity.
  11. TKS-based modules (15-20 t) were delivered by Proton launches and their own engines (the same about Mir). Harmony-class modules have the same mass and max size, so they also could/can be delivered in the same way, without the Shuttle. Anyway, most of work is done by the ISS's own mechanical arms. So, in fact, looks like Shuttle was used here just because it was, not because it required exactly the Shuttle. But rather than these inflatables, all of them are delivered already equipped and ready to use. Not too much free space inside them to retract/expand. Instead of 3 mm tin they use 40cm of plastic. And have no installed equipment, it's just an empty envelope.
  12. Used since early 1940s: Me.163's fuel component.
  13. So, I'm trying to imagine an interstellar gas cloud able to catch golden atoms with 1/3c heat speed...
  14. Guys, you're so wise here... Let me too. When a free-neutron-at-rest decays, it gives proton, electron and neutrino. Due to the conservation of energy and momentum, we can treat the neutrino as a rocket (and payload itself) while proton and electron as an exhaust. So, this neutrino is the least possible, ultra-relativistic, space rocket. Not even a nano-rocket, but a sub-yocto-rocket (as electron mass 0.000911 yg, nucleon 1.6726 yg); It doesn't require any fuel from human, even more: it creates hydrogen fuel (p+e). This rocket is not afraid of violent space conditions and sticks at nothing. It's lightweight in the most direct sense of this word: only the light itself can be more lighter!
  15. Using the (pure) aluminium (which can be hardly produced from alumina and cryolite mix with enormous amounts of electricity) to save energy is a really fresh look at the problem...
  16. Mostly they need to remove petrol from benzene after the "aromatization" process...
  17. How many neutron star collisions take place per thousand of supernovae - at least because: Any neutron star requires a supernova to born. Not every supernova results into a neutron star. We can watch much more potential supernova giants than neutron stars. Looks like a next "mega-boom" theory, as most of impact theories. Who interests in those dull supernovae, when neutron stars collision charms an imagination. For me, its a hype perfomance.
  18. Fischer-Tropsh gives just an artificial raw material for an oil refinery plant. Concentrations vary, of course, but this is also true for natural oils.
  19. No. The Love. Photons of darkness, darkons. A lantern which emits darkness supressing light.
  20. One can measure only outer size of the tank, not the inner size. P.S. As most of parts "found near a road", these tanks and engines should be very rusty inside. So, probably 4/5 of their volume is full of rust.
  21. It's a pity. Maybe, they have tablets of Hydroperitum in their medicine box, but unlikely they have photographic fixer for their digital camera. Next inflatable module should include all this.
  22. Or fire a cigarette and watch where the smoke flows.
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