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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Somebody should bring the embryos to life and grow them up. Another thing with embryos: even if they magically born as adults, they hardly would associate themselves with Humanity. So, Plan A+B: an intentionally degraded tribe believing that they are Night Watch Crew. 200 years later the Computer explains them that they are the Chosen, they grow up the embryo-born babies and assist them while hologram coaches teach the children. So, the tribe is happy for their Mission, the children count themselves as Humanity, all are happy.
  2. Type A. Refrigerators, refrigerators, refrigerators... Reactor. Alarm clock. Type B. Intentionally degraded tribe. Reactor. Alarm clock.
  3. Starflight: The Plane That Couldn't Land The Last Days On Mars Red Planet
  4. Looks like their war will be a reproductive competition... If even on Venus...
  5. And as a result you get a heavy rotating dumbbell, threaded onto a long slender axis — trembling like a chord — and give the ship a name: "Precession". While using Endurance style ship your opponent gets a ship "Doughnut of Chaos". As desired:
  6. According to a book bout the meteor observations: -2.5 lgE = m + 14.2; I = Ed2 = 0.5 mv3 cos zR; Which gives us: E = 10-0.4 (m + 14.2); Ed2 = 0.5 mv3 cos zR; d2 * 10-0.4 (m + 14.2) = 0.5 mv3 cos zR; mv3 = d2 * 10-0.4 (m + 14.2) / (0.5 * cos zR); mv3 = d2 * 10-0.4 (m + 14.2) / 0.5 = 2 d2 * 10-0.4 m - 5.68 = 2 d2 / 100.4 m + 5.68; mv3 ~= 2 d2 / 100.4 m + 5.68; where: m — mass of the meteor, g; v — velocity, km/s; d — distance from it, m; m — brightness. So, to get, say, brightness = 0 (as a bright star), from d = 50000 m: v = 40 km/s → mrequired = 0.16 g v = 7.9 km/s → mrequired = 21 g
  7. Of course. Why should they trifle? It will be assembled in the space. Fuel (D+He3) — probably captured from upper Jupiter atmosphere. As always. Blueprints
  8. Not long. Not a plane. Hab of tanks. All directions. Daedalus
  9. P.S. By adding a long tail with nukes can be easily converted into Discovery. P.P.S. The topic starter should first define: whether he means a ship with landing capabilities or no.
  10. Looks unlikely if the turtles could have name, as they can't react on them and can be poorly perceived as individuals. As also flour beetles or drosophila flying together with them. A search in Russian brings no info about it: just "two Central Asian turtles". Maybe vivarium technicians called them somehow, but most probably they were just Next Shrub Turtles "random_turtle_1" and "random_turtle_2". Also "Bek & Lek" pair sounds strange in Russian (like a pair of Polish names), If they have names, there could be "Tortilla" (a common turtle name from a book) or "Vasya & Fedya" (just two common human names). P.S. There were Polish animated cartoons, popular in the USSR with two main characters: Bolek & Ljolek. (1960s and later) Maybe somebody somewhere called this pair of turtles so — but not like personal names, just as a joke.
  11. Btw, in KSP turbojets also use LiquidFuel, with IntakeAir (presumably, oxygen). Not sure if turbojets can use hyperholics. At least, pure ones. LiquidFuel: density = 0.005. unitCost = 0.8, hsp = 2010 Oxidizer: density = 0.005, unitCost = 0.18, hsp = 1551 MonoPropellant: density = 0.004, unitCost = 1.2, hsp = 3000 Water (in CRP): density = 0.001, hsp = 4183 // specific heat capacity (kJ/tonne-K as units) LV-T30 ratio: LiquidFuel = 0.9, Oxidizer = 1.1 I.e. their density is 5 times greater than water, ~5000 kg/m3. and fuel:oxidizer ratio ~1:1.
  12. Just found a nice page. (This unlikely could be official.) http://richspacetech.blogspot.ru/2013_09_01_archive.html
  13. From the "energetical" plantation. The more energy is misused by the plants, the greater area you need to occupy with this plantation, the longer way for a tractor, the longer pipes for water, etc. Every joule spent into a branch means several joules lost to grow this branch. Bingo! A thin layer of algae - never. Its underwater. No, they just are non-ideal. A leaf is not a solid plate, it is a pattern, its weak parts are transparent and can't catch all sunlight falling onto them. The more homogeneous is the layer - the more energy it catches at its very top, the less biomass is required per area. Total area of those windbreaks in ridiculous comparing to total area of the cornfield. Ten more tonnes of straw and brushwood are not a solution. Thanks. Camping places have anything they need, including electricity, gas, wood, but their total consumption is miserable comparing to the regular need in energy.
  14. Afaik, it has a close companion hole 1000 Msun and a cloud of several hundreds lesser ones. upd, translated from ru.wiki: 1996: there were known >600 stars in 0.5 parsec from Sag A*, 2009: already 6000 known stars in 1 pc from it. Nov.2004: discovered a cluster of 7 stars in 3 l.y. from Sag A*, probably a core of a lapsed massive star cluster, destroyed by tidal forces. Among them - a black hole 1300 Msun. http://www.nature.com/news/2004/041108/full/news041108-2.html
  15. This "fiction" already takes place for several decades in many houses in a city where I work. No gas ovens, induction and microwave furnaces. That's an argument for multistorey apartments and public transport (trams, trolleys - you know).
  16. Yes, it's a half-trillion-nary stellar system with total mass 1012 Msun. Rather than Solar System, the Big Hole doesn't contain 99.5% of total mass, it's just a mote near the geometrical center. It's just 4*10-6 of total mass. Like a bunch of hair inside the bath drain hole.
  17. They spend free energy when they are not cultivated for it. When they are — every joule spent for unnecessary things (branches, roots, fruits, flowers, even bounds between cells) is boldly stolen. More numerous green cells do this. Other parts are wastage. Also: if under the most upper layer of leaves there are other leaves, this means only one thing: inefficiency of the most upper layer, which are losing most part of sunlight. Ideally — under a thin upper layer of leaves there should be a purple darkness, as yellow-green photons should be absorbed in the first several centimeters. Weeds need energy to appear and grow, then - to transport water through themselves to the green parts (which are only required.) The more "between and around" you have - the more area you should cultivate in total. This requires energy, water, electricity. A solid green layer of algae is a lesser evil for the topic purposes than forests and meadows.
  18. [offtopic] WordPad accepts "Alt+961" codes, then they can be copypasted here. [/offtopic]
  19. Area = 800000..1000000 → Radius = 500..560 km ~= 530 km. If use this calculator http://impact.ese.ic.ac.uk/ImpactEffects/ and set: Distance = 530 km Projectile Diameter = 3 km Projectile Density = 3000 kg/m3 Impact Velocity = 15 km/s Impact Angle = 45 deg Water of depth = 300 m Final diameter of the crater = 33.7 km Tsunami = 11...21 m. Due to 0.35 g, on Mars this would be ~60 m. So, in narrow places up to 120 m. Also from their book:
  20. For example, to check how much will all this thing degrade after spending a year in orbital conditions. They could.
  21. You had said: "no more military purpose", I have suggested a more military purpose. I don't declare this, it's just an assumption which seems to me enough reasonable.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fractional_Orbital_Bombardment_System If you make a nuke, it's enough to test its parts, why to test the whole assembly? Though there were thousands of nuclear tests. So, there was no need to launch a supersecret spacedrone to test a new aluminium rack for cubesat equipment. No need to put Pu239 of course. Rather than a, say, depleted U.
  22. If a prepared nuke - yes. Otherwise, "these are just RTG elements".
  23. Exactly because. P.S. Otherwise why don't do this on, say, ISS?
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