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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Wheel needs a reaction force from the surface. Reaction force appears when some another force (gravity or rocket engine) presses the vehicle to the surface. No reaction - no movement. Btw Rosetta/Philae's problems have begun when a Philae's gas rocket had gone. It was designed specially to press the drone to the comet surface. I guess, you would first try putting LV-1/LV-1R on the top of you critter to press it to the ship. Maybe this helps.
  2. No, he doesn't want to remove an alternator functionality. He wants to disable this on a shell explosion.
  3. Wayland has great set of ramps and other descent details (WT-51, Pegasus, etc), but I have no idea whether they still working in 0.25. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24677-%280-23%29-Wayland-Corp-Development-and-released-download-Thread-%28new-parts%29
  4. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/37707-0-25-Magic-Smoke-Industries-Infernal-Robotics-0-19-2
  5. Can they treat this as a completed achievement when all pee stays inside a spacesuite? A new achievement is required: first human who pee on Moon outside from his suite.
  6. In Spore you can measure planet sizes in Civilization or Space modes. Just measure some hill and compare it to a planet from aside. A typical planet is about a kilometer in diameter, atmosphere is about a hundred or two thick and so on. You even can calculate a mass of those planets as in Spore you can easily scale all you can see.
  7. A fiction writer Stephen Baxter has a brilliant idea about such compact planet worlds, in his novel "Raft". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raft_%28novel%29 In KSP, Spore and other such settings not planets would be dense as hell, but a gravitation constant would be proportionally increased. That would have no effect in our/Kerbal daily affairs, but would allow such planet system to consist of usual materials.
  8. This detail was several times called "grid fin" in KSP mods. One of them: http://www.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/220999-kerbonov-parts-pack
  9. About paralizer possibility. Look this post, the same file, but another method. Honorable FractalUK checks there which crafts/parts to be detroyed. You can not blow them up but in some way disable or dry. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/67739-0-25-WIP-PLUGIN-0-2-0-6-20-11-2014-KeepFit-Kerbal-fitness-degradation?p=1548432&viewfull=1#post1548432 But in KSP there can be only one craft with active engines  yours. So, not clear what you are going to disable.
  10. Here is how a critter crawler climbs a wall.
  11. 1. There no buildings on Kerbin, except of high-tech KSC. 2. Kerbals are produced ad infinitum on demand in a KSC building. 3. No matter how many Kerbals exist in the world, only one of them is active. Others can just perform routine job until you stop them. (In MKS/OKS modules, RemoteTech command center, Interstellar telescope, so on). 4. All Kerbals arre equal are equal, but three of them are more equal than others: Jebediah, Bill, Bob. Jebediah is even more equal than Bill and Bob. 5. All three super-Kerbals can respawn if died. So, a theory appears here. Kerbals  semi-autonomous androids, artificially constructed by humans, with some AI. A "Kerman" model droid. Player  an evil mad scientist who found himself on a small planet with derelict KSC. This person lurks in the KSC dungeon and says "Mua-ha-ha" from time to time. Player can control Kerbal as avatars  that's why there can be only one active Kerbal. Jebediah was the only Kerbal found by Player in KSC. He/it is the most efficient and perfect Kerbal, as designed by professionals. Bill and Bob are first hand-made clones of him/it, created by Player. A bit less perfect, but still cool. These three are rare and expensive equipment. So no tragedy if some of them dies, but in any way they would be re-created. That's the matter of their immortality. Other Kerbals produced by KSC are simplified serial copies, expendables. Expensive, but not unique. In such case: So, gender question is answered. Biology question is answered. No-more-cities-on-whole-planet question is answered. Only-one-active-kerbal question is answered too.
  12. Try this. You can use Visual Studio or SharpDevelop IDE. No more installs required.
  13. Lasers and other things present in: Bahamuto Dynamics Armory. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/85209 Romfarer Lazor System http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/9923-0-24-Lazor-System-v34-%28July-22%29 Infinite Dice Skillful http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64211-InfiniteDice-Skillful-Combat-Damage-Weapons-Mod
  14. Also maybe you would use individual chutes of Vanguard mod instead. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25305-0-25-Vanguard-Technologies-EVA-parachutes-23!-24!-25!-%28Dec-30%29 Pressing Backspace throws all Kerbals from the craft, pressing Space+F opens their chutes.
  15. Of course, it is. http://lexx.wikia.com/wiki/Giga_Shadow
  16. Freight Transport Technologies http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/91706-0-25-Freight-Transport-Technologies-v0-2-4-2014-11-01 RetroFuture http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/84054-v-25-Transparent-Pods-v1-2-w-Novelty-Prop
  17. Era 0  http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/74625-0-25-Vertical-Propulsion-Emporium-v0-20a-%2827th-Oct-2014%29 ... Era 4  http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/58639-0-24-Bargain-Rocket-Parts-v1-1-Bust-out-the-duct-tape-we-re-going-to-space!
  18. Roverdude's PackRat  pack/unpack. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/86695-0-25-USI-Exploration-Pack-Small-parts-big-adventure!-v-0-2-5-2014-11-01 Alexustas' PRC  pack/unpack. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/86343-Portable-Rover-Components-New-project-from-ASET-%28up-29-07-14%29 Allista's Hangar  not a rover itself, but a container for ships/rovers as a KAS container. Put a rover inside, move to destination, get it back from hangar. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/88933-0-25-0-Hangar-v1-3-0
  19. And also extend TimeWarp panel to the right part of the screen, because every Oort object will return to Kerbol every billon game years.
  20. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/CFG_File_Documentation
  21. If a Hangar-equipped cruiser is on parking orbit, it's a usual job  to upload cargo packs from Kerbin with, for example, a spaceplane, placing it into hangars. Then cruiser flies to another planet and releases cargo packs from its/her Hangars. So, every pack would consist of: Probe Core (a key part), battery, OX-STAT, some structural part and as many containers with goods as the spaceplane can lift.
  22. But it's possible to produce a supply modules pack as a ship, store it in an inline Hangar, transport to another planet and there release. For example, a sausage of docked one-by-one: USI ControlCenter, Kerbitat, PDU, connected with docking nodes or decouplers. Or a sausage of several tank filled by resources with a Probe Core attached to one of them.
  23. Ion has better ISP, so is more efficient for this auxiliary job. LV-N is not much better than chemical ones. So, ion thug needs less supply flights to refuel.
  24. There were several of data recording mods: 1. Logomatic  very outdated, but still partially workable. Alas, legal link gone with spaceport. 2. FlightRecorder  outdated, don't know is it legally accessible. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entries/1011-0-21-1-Flight-Recorder 3. Graphotron http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/38319-0-21-x-Graphotron-2000 4. Telemachus http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24594-0-25-%282014-10-12%29-Telemachus-%E2%80%93-Telemetry-and-Flight-Control-in-the-Web-Browser
  25. Another two ways: 1. An orbital thug with ion engine/solar battery. Comes to an object, grabs it, decreases their periapsis to, say, 50 km, releases, increases its own orbit. 2. BahamutoD Armory or Romfarer Lazor System.
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