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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. I'm afraid, to build a consistent colony needs much more than one ton per human, as this requires a lot of construction and machinery. I believe, metallurgy and macjinery manufacturing would be primary aim of all this enterprise: just to bite into the ground and build a hard and protected industrial base equipped with a lot of machines. Just your car weights about a ton of metal, and imagine that you are building a building on a planet where no other architectural materials except alloys of locally mined metals, restores from oxydes. Probably, the oxygen would be not the first of you problems. In fact, that "biodome" (Biosphere-2) just have shown that you would need to be a sorcerer just to let 7 humans leave in balance with ecology. Imagine, that they have left one part of their paradise because of plant-louse, or fire, or decompression. Or imagine their plantation gave a bad harvest just because potato had disliked their fec... fertilizer. So, to guarantee that they will not starve to death, first of all you must provide them with several times superfluous plantation than they indeed need. To provide this paradize with fertilizer you will need (say, on Mars) store large ammonia cysterns  to produce nitrates, as by definition this plantation would need much more than all the crew can sh... produce even trying their best. Why to bother about those puny several hundred kg of crew's "natural product"? Just bury it at any place on the whole planet. About what "self-sustained balance" can we say then? Of course, if/when you build a whole city, and another probleam appears: remove all this biowaste, there will be also greenhouse  just as an easy way to convert bad things into good. But just as a support measure. And, certainly, greenhouses as a game scenery look nice  as steampunk machines, for example, why not.
  2. Of course. But plants do not consume every gram of waste which you have feed them. There is an ecological pyramide, and every next level of it needs ten imes more organics mass existing on the previous. 1 t of carnivore flesh need existing 10 t of herbivore flesh, which needs 100 t of plants flesh, which require 1000 t of soil humus. Not exactly, but you get the idea. You can ride a horse to a water, but you can't force it to drink. So, for any greenhouse you need tons of organics per human circulating in system. And also you need to move cysterns of ammonia to Mars, of water - to Titan. And also light sources, heaters, tubes, pumps. It would be a HUGE total mass. Much easier to grow food where it grows without any interplanetary fertilizer transporting - on Kerbin or Earth, then sublimate it or else and just to send wherever you want.
  3. Maybe this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/86695-0-25-USI-Exploration-Pack-Small-parts-big-adventure!-v-0-2-5-2014-11-01
  4. Until you have an energy plant, you would just drop supplies, as nowadays. If you are going to build a large base, you anyway need refine construction materials in-situ. If you already do this, you already have a lot of bonus oxygen. If your aim is a small scientific station, greenhouse will be their headache, not remedy.
  5. I have also found at least one place where it has been uploaded several months ago, but also not me. I don't play such things.
  6. Cockpits are for planes only. But FASA and Tantares historical packs both have 2-seats Gemini pod.
  7. As Sarbian decides this link is not appropriate, I deleted it.
  8. A human consumes 1 kg of oxygen per day, 400 kg per year. Planets crust mostly consists of metal oxides: Mg+O, Al+O, Si+O, Fe+O. Melting out every ton of a metal gifts a human-year amount of oxygen. So if you have a large ground base (which is the primary aim of any colonization): you anyway have an industrial tier, you anyway mine thousands tons of metal oxides, you anyway melt out thousands tons of metal, you anyway get thousands tons of oxygen, you anyway produce hundreds tons of industrial gaseous waste, especially carbon dioxide. You have so much oxygen to breathe and so much carbon dioxide to utilize, that all these greenhouses look just ludicrous. If you have a large orbital base without a ground facility: wait a minute, what for do you have it at all? (ISS is just an appendix to the on-surface Earth industry.) If you have ISS or another small three-cabin scientific forpost then chemical/electrical oxygene refinery is: 1) You can just switch it on/off. 2) Predictable: it can't be ill or unhappy, it can't give a bad harvest. 3) Repairable. 4) Scaleable: you may split it to ten mini-modules, and 8 of them will just produce 80% of the whole ten would. But you cant't split your aeroponics in such easy way. 5) If you get a wreck, it's more probable to find some electricity and/or chemical supplies to breathe a little; but it's doubtful that you can keep you greenhouse intact. 6) If you have guests, you can just use reserve refinery and easily increase you oxygen production. 7) No fungi, mildew or yeast will grow on it and then in you lungs (don't forget: any plant and substrate are lovely host for all such bio-feces) So, I believe, all these "oxygene greenhouses" are just a fiction scenery, and nobody will ever build and use them  except for science or fun.
  9. Seems that while you have only chemical engines, any permanent base will be too much expensive and unacceptable. And when you have new-clear ones, it's no problem to build a large and full-featured one at once. So, such single-module station will appear only as builders' temporary cabin for first few weeks, while they are leveling the ground with a huge bulldozer. Then a mass drop of supplies will happen, and you look something like in Iron Sky (I mean, a size, not a shape).
  10. Maybe this would be useful http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/74195-0-25-Action-Groups-Extended-%28Nov29-14%29-250-Action-Groups-in-flight-editing
  11. Antiles Liebig channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGrBYmOsaW5lDVGUVPjN6qA/videos "Mikro" animation
  12. Taurus (see link above) Dragon + Flacon http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/29388-LazTek-SpaceX-Launch-3-1a-Exploration-2-1a-and-Historic-1-1a-packs-24-2-%289-10-14%29
  13. For example, you can create index.html in your xxx subdirectory with such content: <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2; url=http://www.example.com/xxx/abc.html" /> "2" means "wait 2 seconds before redirect"
  14. Maybe that's something like that. Tarsier Space Technology  HDD http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/62941-v0-24-Tarsier-Space-Technology-%28v4-5c-Now-with-GALAXIES!!!%29
  15. We would launch a big charge to a tiny asteroid and throw it off course. The tiny asteroid hits a small asteroid, and throws it from its course. In turn, the small asteroid hits a medium asteroid. The medium asteroid hits a large asteroid... Wait.. The large asteroid WAS that Pallas!
  16. "Massless parts" http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Massless_part Parameter "@PhysicsSignificance" in cfg files. Mod AddPhysics http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/88645-Add-Physics
  17. Also, that would be very useful with BoatParts, USI ocean refinery, Interstellar ocean refinery, as otherwise you need to improvise. I doubt very much that Squad will do that, as their way looks a pure flight-oriented, but probably Kerbin-Side mod ( http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/82785-0-25-Kerbin-Side-v0-39-1-It-s-Scott-Manley-s-Fault ) could be extended in such way. Its definitions look simple. Probably, you can look any cfg file and add an instance of the structure to any place you like  say, near KSC  just set correct coordinates and adjust a rotation angle. (Btw: to place it just to the East from runway and launchpad is not a good idea. Better move it to North or South.)
  18. Life is a cyclically self-reproducing process with accumulation of information (in thermodynamical sense of it, i.e. chaos->order). So, any life would be cellular in wide sense of "cell": an isolated space with its own in-line cyclical processes. A mess will stay only a mess where no one process could be repeated infinitely with a competition against another such process. So, no cell means a mess; a mess means no evolution, just an endless organic goo bubbling. To get an evolution you would definitely split your vat to separated bubbles.
  19. For grey-white-red they should use KW Rocketry, but they were ordered to use stock.
  20. Looks, not that absolutely crazy. The satellites placed in geostationary orbit keep their mutual positions. Of cause, the satellites in any same orbit keep their mutual positions, but it's doubtful whether somebody would precisely launch three satellites to the same, say, 514 x 678 km 34 deg incl., orbit. So, you would treat positions of non-stationary satellites as nearly random. I.e any satellite occupies a ring with radius R, W x H at least 10 x 10 km also. Sphere area = 4 * pi * R^2. So, an orbits "layer" (R..R + 10km) would keep maximum: 4 * pi * R^2 / (2 * pi * R * 10) = 0.2 * R satellites (R, km). For, say: h = 400 km there would be maximum 0.2 * (6400 + 400) = 1360 satellites. h = 2000 km there would be maximum 0.2 * (6400 + 2000) = 1680 satellites. I.e. ~= 1500 satellites in every "layer". From, say, 400 to 2000 there would be ~= (2000 - 400) / 10 ~= 160 such "layers". So, rough maximum of satellites you can have on meaningful heights ~= 160 * 1500 ~= 200 000..300 000 satellites. In this case the near-Earth space would look like an air route in rush hour. So, you would decrease this value at least by a magnitude and get an answer "tens of thousands".
  21. You can use Procedural tanks/wings/nosecones and set their length by-sight. The same about fuel amount in tanks.
  22. Geostationary orbit radius ~= 42 000 km. Orbit length = 2 * pi * 42 000 ~= 260 000 km. Satellite size ~= 10 m. According to http://aviation.stackexchange.com/questions/2806/how-much-is-the-minimum-safe-distance-between-two-planes-in-flight let safe zone around a satellite be ~= 5 miles ~= 10 km. So, you would place not more than 260 000 / 10 ~= 26 000 satellites and launcher parts. Also, maybe several thousands of them are already there.
  23. Yet  of course. And will stay so until the voyage will take several weeks, not fifteen months. But real Mars investigation will begin after people will solve all problems right at place, not awaiting Earth KSC for any hand motion. Robots are just to prepare ski-track for them. Door of your room is also not going anywhere. But what is faster for you: move yourself there and just open it, or to write a script for a door controller to open, then test it on a door emulator, then get a confirmation from administration, and at last wait twenty minutes while the signal flies through space?
  24. There was already such mod  several KSP releases ago. And if you have a look at KSP/GameData/Squad/PartsEngine/rapierEngine/rapierEngine.cfg, you can see that Rapier engine has two module definitions  every with its on curve and propellant. So, I guess if you replace "Oxidizer" with any another resource, you can use even a Water, not only IntakeAir. But this way you just reinvent Rapier with IntakeAir instead Oxidizer, which probably makes too little sense.
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