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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Near Future Construction http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52042-0-90-0-25-Near-Future-Technologies-%28NFPropulsion-0-90%29 [0.24.1] Speedy's Hex Truss System http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/86388-0-24-1-Speedy-s-Hex-Truss-System [WIP] THSS - Tri-Hexagonal Structural Strut http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24849-WIP-THSS-Tri-Hexagonal-Structural-Strut [25/03/2014] Octagonal Truss Set http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/69759-25-03-2014-Octagonal-Truss-Set
  2. According to Vargaftik Handbook of Physical Properties of Liquids and Gases, the density of Liquid CO2 at 220 K (i.e. -53 C) pressure = 10 bar: density = 1/0.8566 = 1.167 kg/l pressure = 600 bar: density = 1/0.8118 = 1.232 kg/l So, probably, as there is no much difference with a solid CO2 density (1.56 kg/l) and there is no any refernce data for < -53 C, probably you can either just interpolate (anyway you would get only data already interpolated but somebody else) or treat -50..55 as the lowest stable point for liquid CO2 storage. Btw for comparison several real-world ground-based LCO2 tanks for ~25 bar http://www.uigi.com/co2tanks.html Empty Weight,kg Product Weight,kg 3398 3015 4620 5053 5300 7307 6475 9302 11350 12501 15000 19521 18000 23993 20666 27522 29751 45195 Regression: Empty Weight = 0.6517139 * Product Weight + 1620.135711 ~= 0.65 * Product Weight + 1.6 t r ~= 0.98 As 10 bar and 600 bar densities are almost the same, no need to use high pressures, 10 bars are good enough. Due to the shell thickness is proportional to the pressure, for 10 bar pressure such tanks empty weight would be ~2..2.5 times less. So, for pressure=10 bar tank the empty tank mass would be ~= 1.6 t + 0.3 LCO2 Mass (tons) That also means that CO2 propellant tank would be at least 10-20 t, because lesser ones would consist mostly of the tank itself.
  3. One  to crush and grab hard rocks (ore), one  to grab mouldy grounds (substrate), one - to drill and suck out fluids (water, karbonite).
  4. Yes, I mean "slush". Maybe even "slush pellets".
  5. As I have read years ago in a technical magazine (in a Russian translation of an American article), the cryogenic slash was considered as the most perspective way to store the antimatter for near-future fusion engines. Idea was: anti-protons placed inside a very cold hydrogen slash matrix. Very low temperature causes very low temperature vibrations speed, very short movement distances, very tiny probability of proton-antiproton contact. So, this slash is continuously annihilating, but due to very low temperature does this very slowly - for years and decades. That would allow to keep it for flight purposes. As you can see in FractalUK's model, any antimatter tank continuously needs energy. If energy is off, 30 seconds later it bursts. If there were plasma in magnetic field, why those 30 seconds? If KSPI antimatter is a slash (by its creator will) - that's clear: without a cooling the tank warms, the annihilation accelerates, and 30 seconds after the reaction becomes irreversible. So, KSPI antimatter looks like tiny quantity of antiprotons frozen inside large quantity of hydrogen cryo-slash.
  6. There was also such utility http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/98358-KSP-RAM-Saver , but I have never used it and have absolutely no idea whether it's a solution.
  7. You can... 1) ...use OpenGL mode http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/84203-Less-memory-usage-by-using-OpenGL It stores some textures in the videocard memory, saving your RAM space. 2) ... remove unused parts. 3) ... reduce graphics settings (use 1/4 .. 1/8 texture resolution, no/minimum shaders, etc). 4) ... use Active Texture Management http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-90-Release-4-3-Dec-16-2014-Active-Texture-Management-Save-RAM It creates a cache of compressed textures. That reduces RAM usage and also allows the game to load faster. 5) ... convert the textures from mbm/png/tga formats into dds format with DDS Converter utility http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/98672-WIN-KSP-to-DDS-texture-converter and then get them loaded with DDSLoader mod. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/96729-0-90-DDSLoader-1-8-%28Dec-15%29-Loads-DDS-Texture-Boringly-fast-edition (I.e: converter is a utility to convert graphics, DDSLoader is a mod to be installed in GameData.) DDS files can be even larger tham original mbm or png ones, but they take less place in memory due to png/mbm uncompressing. Most of the mods which I have tried were converted and used successfully. But for me, that required to open their mu-files in a hex editor and in the very end of the file replace these files extensions to "dds". Otherwise I was looking and blank textures in KSP.
  8. Pardon me for jumping in, but maybe HeavyWater (D2O) could also be useful. - An intermediate product for Deuterium/LqdDeuterium processing from natural water. - A dense, stable and nonvolatile way to store/transport Deuterium. - A co-propellant (with Uranium) for heavy water reactor.
  9. Please, don't forget that what you call your "body" is just a conglomeration of swirling clouds of elementary particles.
  10. Life is a collective name of external manifestations of a self-organization of the matter in form of cyclically self-reproducing process with accumulation of the thermodynamical information (i.e. decreasing of entropy). This mechanism implements negative feedback, making the whole system stable. Plants stabilize river beds and the ground, atmospheric gas balance, albedo, soil humidity, air temperature. Animals stabilize plants. Sentient animals do all this directionally, not randomly, replacing a natural biosphere with an artificial one (cows instead of deer, corn instead of grass). So, the life itself cannot have any purpose, as it is not a tool, but a manifestation of a stabilization process. But even consuming different chemical things and producing more or less the same a human brings his/her penny to this process. Brooming a street, he/she does this on more complicated level. Writing mods for KSP, he/she organizes the matter in even more effectively and absolutely exactly increases the Universe efficiency.
  11. Schroedinger teaches us that in any moment any object presents in any location of the Universe - with some probability. The last bit yet remaining - to roll your probability maximum to the location you want.
  12. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17943234
  13. Maybe you mean something like Allista's Hangar mod. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/88933-0-90-0-Hangar-v2-2-0 Also, Bobcat's DEMV Mark 4 looks like an illustration of such ramp module. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/109673-Bobcat-DEMV-Mark-4-rover-UPDATED!
  14. http://impact.ese.ic.ac.uk/ImpactEffects/
  15. Action Groups Extended allows up to 256(?) groups for various actions combinations. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/74195-0-90-%28Jan31-15%29-Action-Groups-Extended-250-Action-Groups-in-flight-editing-Now-kOS-Support!
  16. Procedural Airships http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/99132-0-90-Procedural-Airships-1-3-dec-20th-2014 Sounding Rockets http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/102502-0-90-Sounding-Rockets%21-Start-small-Dream-big%21-0-1-1-2014-12-24?p=1707766&viewfull=1#post1707766 (Probably the second one is just for small VeGa-style blimps http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vega_program )
  17. Maybe you mean what Roverdude does in MKS/OKS? Folder "GameData\UmbraSpaceIndustries\Kolonization" contains folder "Parts" with cfg files using mostly the same models/textures from folder "Assets". In any of these *.cfg several textures are connected to a model.
  18. New planets  new textures. More RAM usage, more often game crash. So, imho, something like that won't appear until either Unity 5 or dramatic RAM usage optimisation. (When you use PlanetFactory or so, you operate on your own risk.)
  19. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%27H%C3%B4pital%27s_rule
  20. Kerbals & Insanity? You're joking  it's impossible.
  21. True insects not afraid of vacuum http://lexx.wikia.com/wiki/Giga_Shadow http://lexx.wikia.com/wiki/The_Lexx
  22. If EVA Kerbals are vessels, you would try to open KSP/Saves/(Your game name)/persistent.sfs , find your victim by name and edit his altitude or velocity.
  23. Maybe use BoatParts http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24845-Boat-Parts-0-25-R4-6
  24. Real pee engine is even more simple. No hydrogen tanks, no electricity. The pee stream itself creates reactive force itself. Just put your pee nozzle out of the viewport and aim in correct direction. Of course, need to be carefull and not keep the window opened too long.
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