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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Easily! True MMORPG dwellers even won't notice any change. Just place enough game servers onboard and store enough internet resources. Also this solves a quarantine problem and greatly reduces the ship volume.
  2. Hide your auxilliary and small guest vessels inside hangars. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/88933-0-90-0-Hangar-v2-3-1
  3. Please: sheet "Colony Overview", column "P", every calculated cell: =IF(B25=1,4-COUNTIF(J26:M26,"none"),0) Wouldn't be correct: "IF(B25<>0..."? Because if B25 is 2,3,... ModCrewCount is 0. (Of course, not only 25 line.) Also P13 cell: adjWorkspaces = Workspaces + Overall crew capacity * 0.25, but rather to "adjLivingspaces" and "Overall crew capacity" it doesn't include "Additional workspaces". Thank you for this document, it's very interesting!
  4. The systems of such ship would be so complicated that there would nothing to do for human crew at all. All humans would sleep all the way.
  5. Several Stanford toruses http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/84106-0-90-Stanford-Torus-0-6 surely make a cylinder: 2 km in diameter and up to physical range in length.
  6. "Ecological" Hydrogen, btw, does not appear from nothing. Usually Hydrogen is produced from natural gas (with all its ecological surprises)using methane pyrolysis/reforming (producing much CO and CO2). So, LH2/LO2 fuel itself makes only a water vapour, but its production is maybe even more harmful than unpoetic kerosene.
  7. The second law of thermodynamics https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_law_of_thermodynamics tells that entropy can only increase. Time reversibility principle http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_reversibility tells that any physical law acts in both time directions. Both are proven. So: If entropy increases only in one direction (from "past" to "future"), this contradicts "time reversibility". If entropy increases in both directions, this contradicts "the second law of thermodynamics" and common sense. As far as I know, nobody yet has given a clear answer how to live with this. The solution which seems to be closest to the true: stochastic fluctuations and self-organization of matter could locally drop entropy down, keeping total entropy of the Universe constant forever.
  8. BoatParts http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24845-Boat-Parts-0-90-R4-65 has a submarine or two.
  9. Just "I'm feeling lucky" button for HyperEdit.
  10. Required dV is affected by air drag and gravity and depends on TWR, trajectory angle, craft drag, etc.
  11. Put a fuel tank as a payload, let the last stage to use it. When already on orbit, look at the fuel rest and calculate how much fuel from it has been consumed. According to this value, repeat the test - decreasing fuel mass in that "payload tank" until you get to the orbit with the payload untouched. In 2-3 attempts you will get exact value of your payload.
  12. Because gravitational and electromagnetic forces are central and conservative forces. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_force https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservative_force In N-dimensional space central force is proportional: F ~ 1/R^(N-1) As Kerbals and humans live in 3d space, gravitational and electromagnetic forces are F ~ 1/R^2 As R^2 is symmetrical function, any orbit caused by these forces is also symmetrical (of course if we mean a single material point body). So, all simple orbits are conics: elliptic, parabolic, hyperbolic. Also: http://www.dartmouth.edu/~phys44/lectures/Chap_4.pdf
  13. Btw, there is such funny video Author uses Roverdude's WarpDrive as a deflector shield.
  14. Bandicam is very handy. Trial version places "Bandicam" title on the top side of the movie. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bandicam
  15. InfiniteDice's mod has enforced parts - armor plate. But they are not force shields. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64211-InfiniteDice-Skillful-Combat-Damage-Weapons-Mod
  16. Size: As cell size is limited with chemical reactions, brain size would be not much less that humans' brain. As brain consumes a lot, whole body would be at least as small people bodies (i.e. 30-40 kg or so). Hands: Rather than birds head, elephant trunk, octopus tentacle and snake body, human grasping actuators (so-called "arms", ending with "hands") simultaneously have several key abilities. Especially if treat a torso and whole body like additional segments of an arm. Hands/arms/torso/body have much more degrees of freedom (just count your joints from fingers to legs). Human actuators can work in several size scales at once: millimiters - with points of fingers, centimeters - with fingers as a hand, 1-2 foots - as a whole arm, 1-2 meters - whole body, grasping something heavy with hands and carrying it on your back. Their most accurate segment (hand) has several (usually five) parallel actuators, one of which (thumb) is opposed to others, and any two can form a claw. While any another animal has one claw, any of your hand have four and more claws at once. Human body at all looks like a swiss knife with dozens of claws, levers and so. So, from POV of actuators, the more fractal is a body, the more advanced would be technology. Birds, dogs, pigs and elephants would nothing to search here. Apes (including speaking ones) are true fractals, probably any other sapiens would be somewhat similar. So, they would evolve from food gathering species. Sensors. Fast communication needs an immediate distant messages delivering. So, touching or sniffing are fine, but some electromagnetic or acoustic sensors are of course in order. Any knowledge needs to be delivered not only from one person to another, but also from an absent person ("writer") to a present one ("reader"). So, they need a technology which allows a compact storage of information on a widely accessible substrate (to write on clay, stone, paper, etc). I.e., electromagnetic sensors are highly useful. As there would be a bad idea to touch melten metal or poisonous plants with bare tentacles, to evolve their technology, they need some distant sensors. I.e. electromagnetic again. And as their distant sensors would be perfect (and they would be crafty and cautious), they originally would be lurking creatures. So, human-sized water-drinking oxygen-breathing eye-looking lurking gatherers with fractal bodies.
  17. Kerbal Space Program → Kerbal Sims Program → The Simpsons: Kerbals
  18. Usually they call them - deflectors.
  19. They have even cinema, university and flight school. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/112142-90-Civilian-Population-1-3
  20. Probably, they will just give the names of all underworld creatures they can remember (Styx, Eridanos, Cerberos, Tartar, all three Hekatonkheires, Anubis, etc, etc). Except Gollum. As always.
  21. Earth life in concentrated in a room with area = 510 mln km2 and height ~= 200 m. Doesn't matter: sunken or not. On land: 100 m between tree top and tree roots. In ocean: 100 m below surface (where photosynthesis) and, say, 100m on the bottom (where eyeless creatures are eating sunken organic wastes). Between them - a dark thick layer of water (where only rare whales are hunting lurking calmars. Because fishes need plankton: either at surface, either at bottom). So if you imagine an Earth surface like a floor of room 10x10 meters, all living space would be a 0.5 micrometers thick. As there are no stores from top to bottom (where organics could concentrate between surface and bottom), I think that you can treat this as a 2d distribution. Yes. With no food, no hot water, no light. (Yes, I presumed that all Europa ocean is a nice warm water.) Seems to me, that the Early Earth (when life appeared) had hundred times more hot volcanic vents than Europa has now. Even now, the Earth tectonical activity is still enough to move whole continents, which we can hardly see on Europa. Lot more water - that is great, but what to do with it if there's nothing to eat? And the food is produced only on the bottom - and stays mostly there, because who stays near the kitchen gets the most portion of food. So, in Europa warm ocean: 100 m near the bottom: more or less rich with organics and gases. If there is life, its champions live there. Say, 100-200 m: cheerleaders. Getting something to eat, too. 50000 m above: rare hungry loosers float aimlessly through the darkness, from time to time getting a molecula or two.
  22. Yes, it can. And if this is so, the life will be concentrated where the sunken edibles and volcanic gases concentrations are max - i.e. at the bottom. So the life distribution would be 2d (upon a surface), not 3d. Earth surface is 100 times greater than Europa's one. So, on Earth there were 100 more places for life to take a chance to appear - and a sunlight energy. I.e. on Europa: maybe, if we're lucky, in several spots on the ocean bottom 50 km below the ice, we can find some strange micro-bubble colonies with chemical reaction cycles, primitive even if compare them to Earth bacteria.
  23. Sorry, I don't understand this. Earth's parent body (Sun) is bigger than Europa's (Jupiter). But how can the parent body mass effect Europa's ocean conditions? (Except for tidal waves, which are also weak due to tidal lock). Oh, got it. Probably you mean volcanic activity caused by Jupiter. All right. Earth ocean life has two resource generators: - flat surface above: thin layer with photosynthesis, - flat surface below: thin layer with volcanic boiling water carrying dissolved entities. "Lite" things (mostly gases) float up from bottom to surface, "heavy" ones (organic waste) sink down from surface to bottom. Mixtures and solutions are good but if something is solved in constant concentration that means it is not used as a food. Nobody eats NaCl or CaCO3. And if you watch https://www.google.ru/search?q=plankton+vertical+distribution&newwindow=1&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=xEceVeuuNsiXsAGoioToAw&ved=0CBwQsAQ&biw=1760&bih=881#newwindow=1&tbm=isch&q=plankton+vertical+distribution&nfpr=1 you can see that almost totally the Earth oceanic life is concentrated in the upper 100..200 meters of the ocean and it's no matter whether it is 100 m below or 100 km. Europa ocean definitely cannot have the upper surface resource generator (because no light there), so the only place to get something edible is a thin layer near a bottom. Large water volume is even worse here because it means that any organics will be diffused in low concentrations.
  24. Mass doesn't matter. Size does. Life is concentrated not in a volume, but on an area. Earth life: appeared on the surface of an ocean bottom (a thin layer with substrate and hot volcanic water), evolved on the surface of an ocean (a thin layer whith the sunlight) and currently lives on a land surface (a thin layer from tree roots to tree tops). Large volume is just like a high ceiling of a room: pretty but mostly unuseful. Appartment area is important. So, Europa and Enceladus oceans are like a 2x2 meters room with a 100 m ceiling. Also, please don't forget the gravity. All edible things sink down to the bottom. Nothing to find 30 kilometers above.
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