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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. But that was Tesla The Overlord testing his electric torpedo, wasn't he?
  2. 12000 years ago there was the end of Ice Age when the ice cover in the Northern hemisphere had molten, and the ocean level has raised +150 m, flooding large territories occupied by the people. (Not that they have sunk, of course, but probably feeled uncomfortable). Look at the depths map of Mediterranean Sea, especially around Greece, Italy and Levant. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Last_Glacial_Maximum Also you would consider the great draught ~5600 BC which has eliminated the civilisations of the first generation (google: Natufian, Çatalhöyük, Jarmo (Zagros)), causing them to migrate into Europe and create new settlements with local hunters/gatherers starting the European civilization. Also, this draught has dried muggy and poisonous valleys of Egypt and Mesopotamia allowing people to rise there civilizations too — instead of deserted Israel-Syria-Turkey-Zagros region. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_environmental_history#6th_millennium_BC https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/6th_millennium_BC
  3. I would use "orbital (kinetic energy + potential energy) of cargo" value if I build my personal classification. Maybe divided by (79002/2) to operate with tonnes. Also, though Space Shuttle optimistic payload is 29.5 t (afaik, the real one was 24 t), but it's cabin (10 t or what?) would also be added, because it's like a dragon-class ship attached with nails. (But yes, in both cases it's between 20 and 50).
  4. 5-10 USD is not realistic (screen matrix and so on), all previous attempts to make at least 100 USD notebook have failed (google OLPC, it even had a starting handle, so likeable). A public library kiosk with several low-price nettops with the only program running on startup: Remote Desktop Protocol Client, with the lowest video settings. A server with virtual desktops far away from there, in a city. Anti-vandal touch-screen, virtual keyboard, no mechanics, no mouse. As unlikely full village would need the internet at once, you can divide its price by an appropriate queue length. Say, 1 nettop per 4 habitants.
  5. R-7 ~ 270 t, while F1,J1,V are ~20-30 t. It's medium class.
  6. You just have broken the last hope of humanity to prevent the global catastrophe without sending a doughnut ship to a giant black hole in another galaxy....
  7. Given: You awake on a deserted island. In hands you hold two things occasionally grabbed when your ship sunk: a protractor and a hand grenade ring. A stick. First you need enough long and straight stick. It must be enough long and as straight as you can ever find. When you've gotten it, you should make a staff. Sharpen one of its ends with a flat stone — it's important. The opposite end should stay unsharpened and heavy, kinda chisels aside are even welcome. Give it a name — say, Morning Star. Once you've acqured a sharpened staff, first clean up your island to be sure that nothing will disturb your astronomical practices. Use your astronomical staff as a spear-and-club tool. This will also prove superiority of scientific experience above natural brutality. When you feel enough safe, it's an astro time. Find a flat place and plant your staff with its sharp end into the ground. Use your ring and rope as a plummet to set the staff vertically. Advice: the flattest place you can ever meet is a surface of water. Notice: it was indeed necessary to make it sharp and from scientific pov too. Await a sunny day, and scratching marks at the end of the stick shadow, mark the noon (the shortest shadow, the closest mark to the staff). (If you are doing this staying in a water shallow, use expendable sticks, planting them into silt). Now you have a meridian line. Keeping your staff and the closest stick planted, get away from them keeping them aligned and put two more sticks to make your meridian line as long as possible. (Every next noon keep adjusting their positions). Await the sunset and plant one more stick keeping aligned: the staff, the stick and the Sun (or another star you're orbiting). You get the sunset direction. Repeat this in the morning with sunrise. Repeat this procedure several months more. (You didn't expect a fast and easy escape, did you? Otherwise you wouldn't create a sextant from protractor). Notice: every day your daily sunrise/sunset marks drift in the same direction (left or right). It's normal and even good. One fine day you notice that this drift stopped and even reversed. So, you marked 4 solstice directions. Install 4 remarkable poles to designate two solstice lines. Now you have 3 intersecting lines: meridian and two solstices. Your staff is planted in the intersection point and it is the reference point. Rename your staff into Pillar of Morning Star. Using a stick or so, put four marks in every solstice direction at the same distance from the staff. Connect them and find the midpoints (measuring with a stick). You now get an equinox line (East-West direction). Designate this line too. Now you have a complete set of eight main directions: N, S, E, W, 4 solstices. Using the angle between these lines, study your latitude and make a sun-dial planting a stick tilted under this angle. Also split the quadrants each in twain (points NE,NW,SE,SW). Then again. And then once again. Your get a dial of 32 nautical points. Useless without a boat, but funny. Scratch a set of marks along your staff. Keep constant distance between them, it's important. Plant a short thick log to the north of your staff. Make its top saddle-shaped. Every day kneel down before this log, put your chin onto its top and watch, which mark on the staff gives your the visible Sun altitude. Every new or full moon kneel down before this log, put your chin onto its top and watch the altitude of the Moon. As the eclipses happen when Sun and Moon are on the same altitude and the Moon is new or full, you can guess an approaching eclipse more probably. Get two straight sticks and make a nunchaku binary slide rule. Just put marks with density increaing twice every time, then do the same inside every two parks of the first order. Make two absolutely same rules with binary logarithmic scale on them. Putting them together and sliding you can easily multiply and divide in binary system with 3-4 significant digits or even more. Make new staff, reproduce those angular and mathematical tools on it. All next year observe the night sky and notice when an especially bright star or a star cluster become first visible in the morning Sun light. It's important. Every time you watch this, put a stick in its direction and write a day number in your notebook. You must remember them all. Don't be afraid: every year they first rise on the same day. It's the key. As you probably anyway don't know the star names, name them yourself. Better compose a simple story and name the stars after its characters. As you probably also can't distinguish the constellations, combine them by yourself. Say, Big Picachoo, Small Picachoo and so on. Every time when something important happens in nature, remark: how many days passed after the last bright star first rise. Several years later you'll steadily tell that turnip gives its first fruits 3 days after the Left Eye of Big Picachoo first rises in the morning light. Keep doing these observations all years after. For your own comfort, mark such directions too. So, you will know that the Left Eye of Big Picachoo will first rise over that rock of red stone. Pay attention: turnip on your island can grow up earlier or later (not 3, but, say 1 or 5 days after the Picachoo Day). It depends on weather, humidity, etc. So, you should observe the planets: are they sharp or blurry. Then, if the Left Eye of Big Picachoo rising over the Red Rock looks at foggy Jupiter, you can easily say that turnip will grow up 2 days later than average, but will be more plenty. Attach every significant agricultural or climatic event on your island to the closest astronomical mark and a bright star. You will notice that: - The same star or constellation corresponds to several significant agricultural or climatic events. In brief, Big Picachoo rules turnip and autumn winds, while Small Picachoo helps him with winds and makes the underwater food sleep. - The same direction on your dial also corresponds to several significant agricultural or climatic events. I.e. Big Picachoo, figuratively speaking, brings both turnip and aubergines from behind the Red Rock. Adapt your mnemonic story to make it more smooth and dramatic. Let it tell how the Big Picachoo and his lesser companion brought the turnip from behind the Red Rock where they played with winds. As the wooden sticks are nondurable, replace them with logs or even stones. If stones - don't forget to put heavy flat stones atop making triliths. You will get your personal Woodhenge or Stonehenge where you can feel yourself as a fish in water, masterfully predicting the important events of your agricultural life. As different parts of your agricultural year have different durations, split the year to months according to what you are doing. Say, 45 days - a Month of Turnip Awaiting, next 16 days - a Month of Fishing and so on. As you don't need winter - don't split it into months, let it be just a Useless Part of a Year. Use your bright stars events as the months markers. Say, Big Picachoo brings a Month of Turnip. After you accomplished this development, find a tribe, give them this knowledge and tell them that you must return to the Land of Druids, and they have the privilege to serve this purpose. Or just stay and become the Great Druid, if you want.
  8. Beale's amazing tutorial describes step-by-step a part creation and integration. (About the Unity - from the words "Unity time!"). Following this reference I've integrated several free 3d models as VAB parts and as KerbalKonstructs static objects. You need Unity 5 and PartTools for KSP 1.1 installed. (I used Unity 4 and PartTools for 0.23 with KSP 1.1.x — still with no problems.)
  9. Now it's a griefers' turn: to write a predator bot hunting the pokemons before anybody can catch them. While the crowd of muggles can see just a dull cityscape, a Pokemongo stalker will see creepy creatures tearing the pokemons apart around the street and frighten the bypassers with screams of disappointment and furor.
  10. They will update this list while you'll be showing progress.
  11. I just followed the original assumption. Also, how we can know: maybe Li, Be and B (i.e. the lightest elements, presumably the most widespread) are so rare in the Universe because the ancient intergalactic civilisation of Forerunners spent them massacring each other's stars. Look, honorable PB666 believes that we cannot exclude this theory.
  12. Most of the gas thrown away will stay on low orbit (inside the Triton's orbital sphere), so the gravitational mass will not significantly decrease.
  13. Comets consist mostly of oxygen (H2O, CO2) and fly with near-escape speed. So, this means they should spend ~12 km/s to move the iceberg to the Earth orbit and then throw out 95% of its mass because they already have enough oxygen and rocks on the Moon. It's easier just to deliver hydrogen from the Earth. The same with nitrogen from Titan. You can calculate total dV to put a nitrogen tank onto: 1) Titan escape 2) Saturn escape 3) Earth transfer 4) near-Earth parabola-circle reorbit And you realize that it's easier to launch the Nitro from the Earth. So, they must deliver either ammonia or hydrazine from the Earth. The former is easier to make, the latter is easier to deliver and store. As every launch means thousand tonnes of burnt fuel and they need to store the delivered substance, hydrazine is more relevant choice.
  14. Btw, an oxygen atmosphere is not much breathable, unless you're going to breed lunar scorpions 10 meters long herded by teethless shepherds.. Humans also need Nitro to breathe and Hydro to drink. So, you must deliver an ocean of hydrazine to there.
  15. That would be not a star, but a hot steam cloud which would then mostly condensate and rain back onto the Neptune. Triton would be probably damaged and its orbit would be definitely affected at least by the drag force of this cloud. As it's already near the Roche limit, it would be probably teared apart by tidal forces and make a dense ring system which would fall down onto the Neptune too several millenia later. Afaik, the last planet where the greenhouse effect can keep more or less decorous temperature conditions is Saturn.
  16. Both car and VTOL are saving their engine minimizing its power. One - thanks to the inertia, another - thanks to the lifting force of the air. VTOL plane can stay in air without wings, but it does the same.
  17. Do you keep the gas pedal pressed into the floor all the road driving a car? Or it's mostly moved by inertia?
  18. We can dip out its inner meat, leaving its crust, then spinning it fast. This gives a hollow Moon with normal gravity on its inner surface near equator and a gravitationally stable breathable atmosphere inside. Linear speed on the outer equator would exceed the escape speed, of course, but it's no problem if we make an outer iron belt from its former iron core.
  19. What a strange fantasy. Why catch the comets, while they have enough icy moons and iceteroids for that? They could also make a belt of beryllium dust around the Sun making it burn hotter.
  20. Not necessary. You're a slider (I mean a slider on a logarithmic ruler) running maybe an open path, maybe a closed loop, maybe a closed loop with possible side branches. So, you can step on another way, but you can already loop endlessly. As you have appeared on a branch of a multiverse, the conservation laws tell that this branch includes your presence as a condition of this conservation. So, that's without you this branch would break the laws, while you are a necessary piece of the conservation puzzle. You don't "can", you must appear on this branch to preserve the laws. So, the thermodynamics not allows, but needs you there. As the time is just one of dimensions, it belongs to the same Universe. Nothing neither needs, nor can to come into, it eternally exists as a member of equation. Say, solving "y = ax + b", you don't care whether a,b,x,y already appeared there and where they came from. They just given. You are just given on any branch of the multiverse like a coefficent.
  21. Somebody should write "Pokemongos' survival guide". Vertigo, Vendigo, Pokemongo.
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