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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Or they will decide: "Look, the baby of us already has 100 sibs in the kindergarden." Probably, once being stabilized, the population will never grow again. Also because most efforts will be put on the adults' life duration. And when you are 200 years old, you can hardly distinguish generations of your descendants, and for the 3rd-4th generation you're just "one of our numerous great-grandfathers", as they are for you. Also if several generations of people have the same social/emotional/intellectual/etc age (30, 40, 100, 200, ... — all of them look like 70 lol ), the parent-child relations will be blurred. So, unlikely a birth race would take place. Looks more likely if "a hundred years ago we had a common child with that person, probably some of that people are my great-grandchildren, need to google up their DNA signature" or so.
  2. That's true. KSP players spend a lot of time in zero-G, and many of them need glasses.
  3. Speaking about the Earth: would the humans change themselves for +50 C or -50 C? They live in both places.
  4. Only in the modern version of the impact theory. Earlier this hypothetical body was referenced as a noname Proto-Moon, a counterpart for Proto-Earth.
  5. Unit signs were used by many people long before the mechanical typewriters, and for most of them were not associated with equations or so. So, they were written with Cyrillic letters. Until the computer era most of typewriters had only Cyrillic letters, as for most of users there was no much applications for Latin ones. Mathematical and chemistry equations were in any case too complicated for a typewriter and were being written manually. Of course, unit signs were still being typed in Cyrillic. As when you have a cyrillic typewriter you would type this in Cyrillic rather than handscripting in Latin. As millions of books and billions of labels use such notation, it would be uncommon to write units in English, because most of Russian speakers read in Russian, while English speakers anyway read a translation. Phonetically it sounds not obvious too. "h" as "hour" = "ч" [tch] (from "tchas") "d" as "day" = "сут" (from "sutki") "in" as "inch" = ~"deuym" Btw a quote sign as "inch" and an apostrophe as "foot" is also not so clear when you don't use British units. The same for "lb" (< "libr(um? a?)") for "pound". Which in Russian is "foont". So, the units are localized, while the mathematical notation is international.
  6. As their job was lasting for 4 bln years, sure, they had enough patient top managers.
  7. The cheapest way for space tourists. As Google Earth for terrestrial. Thirty years later you will ask your grandchild: "Do you want to the Mars?" And hear in return: "What I haven't yet seen there?"
  8. Discussion is nice https://github.com/chrislgarry/Apollo-11/issues/3
  9. Its bottom looks so low. Can it magnetically levitate over terrain scatters?
  10. Reading these posts, I'm already not sure if I was joking... Take it easy.
  11. Those who have already performed a score of Oberth-Jool maneuvers and successfully landed a pack of SSTO's on Eeloo — or those who are messing for years with a single unmanned craft orbiting Saturn? It's obvious.
  12. If some of these things are American, it also proves their ability to perform an oceanic voyage.
  13. If it lands on a moon, how should it aim its antenna to the Earth rather than a random direction? And if it couldn't communicate to the Earth, what's the point of its landing? Afaik, Rosetta faces the same problem, and that's why it will be lost right after the landing. P.S. Leaving it on its orbit would probably mean that the future spacenauts will get a radioactive piece of metal to enjoy. As if they get a depleted fuel assembly from a reactor.
  14. Animals change themselves adapting to the environment. Human changes the environment to adapt. This makes a human a much more stable system than any other species.
  15. The ubanization will enforce the population concentration, and then the magnetic levitation will supress the aviation for a large urbanistic agglomeration. Inside and between them, because having less cities you need much less routes. Also when you have a 3d holo-skype your can meet most of not so important people without a journey. And 3d call takes much less time for a business meeting than a transcontinental flight.
  16. A keyphrase. Even if concrete evidence is still required to confirm the team’s scenario Those capture scenarios are so dull. An impact badaboom is much more impressive.
  17. The wider you spread → the more often you face threats → the more often you get billion casualties → the more indifferently you take this → the less backup settlements you need → the less sense to wide spread.
  18. They foresaw your future wish. Of course, you could try to send away their peaceful battleship. Why so? That was about the outposts, not about total colonization. Say, pyramids. Scientists see an ancient Egyptian building and search historical facts on it. UFO enthusiasts see an extraterrestrial facility full of unknown abilities, built by a wise civilization wishing to upgrade us up to their own level. Mystics see a magical artifact, a place of power. And meanwhile, say, that's just a shed for a temporary radio relay point, hastily made of local stone rubbsh, with portable field instruments, by a brigade of penalized extraterrestrial lawbreakers, who were sent to this hole of the Universe for correctional labors. That's why they (pyramids) look so rude, careless and awkward inside. With absurd tilted and small corridor and so on. Just nobody cared. While their overseer was running there and back, adjusting and confirming blueprints and invoices, bored workers were killing the time, making funny stone sculptures with their superbeam instruments. Mostly statues of local habitants, sometimes (under after an extraterrestrial tea?) - sphinxes. When their unit was dismissed, took off the equipment and left those useless piles of stone with strange spaces inside. And statues because they were limited with handy baggage.
  19. A native one. Nothing prohibits an advanced guest civilization from building their outposts if they like.
  20. Hope this will reveal what they are hiding under the Red Spot.
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