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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Happily it hadn't affected the Squad HQ. But maybe caused the future KSP formation.
  2. Is there a pokemon near Jupiter? Say, 4000 km above the clouds surface.
  3. "I am turning on a soft, gentle music and begin a slow dance..." "I am switching on my PC and slowly, slowly starting my KSP..." "Slowly? But we just have bought a new i7 for you!.." "Oh, yeaahh... I have 85 mods on it..."
  4. A funny wiki article, just4lulz. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_far_future P.S. I don't like the "artist's concept" of the Earth. Why the continents are red, while ocean basins are black? The ocean is not so deep, they all should be of more or less the same color.
  5. The physicists have a tradition. Every 13 bln years they build a Large Hadron Collider... It's a second hand. An alternative/consolidated way. While a civilization develops, it: from one side studies more and more about the entities of astronomical scale, and thus more and more precisely predicts astronomical events and dispositions; from another side goes deeper and deeper into the microscopic world, and thus more and more precisely predicts subatomic events and dispositions; builds more and more powerful computers, virtually modelling more and more parts of the surrounding world more and more precisely; So, once, it reaches the state when it can predict every quark and every galaxy life journey in one CPU tick, while whole astronomical objects are parts of their CPU and there's no more difference for them, a one yottasecond or a plenty of eons. Thus they dissolve in nirvana. "Slower" is a puny terrans' fiction. Who cares about several zillion more years in the Universe lifespan scale?
  6. Probably so, though the listed cases are exactly the rescue ones, One more case I realized today: when a module undocks and temporarily acts like a standalone unmanned craft, dockable by a service crewed ship.
  7. Still don't understand how a murderous ape could mutate into a peaceful paleohuman and then again into a murderous human. Also, the paleohumans' axes and spears look enough agressive. Not sure if they really made a difference between a deer and an alien in alien deer mask. The initiation rituals also look not very kindly. Mostly they are about "killed-died-eaten-thrown out-reborn". The same with young hunters/robbers teams terrorising the neighbor tribes. About the neaders there was something several days ago. http://www.livescience.com/55343-neanderthal-cannibalism-northern-europe.html
  8. The tides would be more irregular, causing problems for the coastal biolife and the beach services schedule.
  9. A kind of that. A collection of more or less serious-faced creepy stories, well-known and permanently growing.
  10. Agreed with you. How should this help against this one?
  11. Solution... Afraid, those debries will overload the 3d-engine and cause a Kraken System Fault.
  12. Not for startup but as an active layer around the fusion core.
  13. Apes are cruel beings and don't hesitate too much before attack and tear somebody. Post-icepocalypse people are too. Unlikely if between them there was a kingdom of kindness and humility. They could be not angry. In their understanding of the word, For example, leaving an old person in a forest or killing the youngest of their children are well-known traditions in many peoples' communities. It looks cruel for you but absolutely normal for them. In their sense, they do absolutely moral things having nothing common with cruelty.
  14. Only a pure one. As many fusion designs also include a fission contour, it can produce even more waste than a pure fission.
  15. The standard for me is Beale's Tantares' male/female docking ports. Not because of their Soviet/Russian origin, but because I really don't see any real purpose for APAS, while they are more complicated and require more precise aiming. A ship is always the maneuverable actor, a massive station is always the passive one. The same with station modules: You can't miss where is a plug, where is an outlet. If you need a chain of modules, you just place a male docking port in its nose and a female one in its counter-nose, as in Quantum module of Mir. Docking two ships — if I forget correctly, it was done just only several times and mostly for lulz than for a practical purpose. The only case when you need APAS is a rescue operation, but then again you need both ships to be operational, i.e. mostly undamaged. This case looks not very common.
  16. Unlikely a cryoplane would become really popular in a civil aviation. Such attempts already had been undertaken but cryoproblems look disgusting for commercial use, Probably, their intention is just to interest some more investors for this engine development itself, not to really put the engine on something rather than Skylon..
  17. Of course. Versus a thing (centrifugal gravity) which has a simple theoretical base without any visible possibility of practical implementation. I mean, all those fictional centrifugal ships & bases are like an ancient fantasies like a flying carriage powered with a pack of eagles, or steam-powered plane projects from XIX century. Theoretically possible, but never be implemented.
  18. A typical beginning of a dark lord career. It's normal. Usually the next step of dark way is a revelation that most people more likely prefer comfortable superstitions than an obvious gain.
  19. But we already clearly understand that: more than two years of it would be fatal for health; meaningful plants do not grow enough to be useful. So, further researches are being done just from curiosity, because it's clear that neither zero/low-G colonies, nor multi-year zero/low-G flights could be implemented. While the centrifugal gravity is very limited in size by different physical reasons. Btw, this means that a biological research station on orbit or on Moon will make not too much sense, because the only factor unlikely being implemented on the Earth is this gravity. So, of course humans can study a lunar avocado life cycle, but just to ensure again. From the another side, once you invent a switchable non-centrifugal gravity, you don't need planets at all.
  20. This makes to presume that true space flights will begin only after a switchable artificial gravity will be invented.
  21. When occasional mortality will equalize intentional fertility, they will produce a oscillating long-term equilibrium. Say, 900 years ago some person had eaten something wrong, due to this 800 years you have got a honorable duty to born a child instead, and performed this 90 years later.
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