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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Settings → Gameplay → Show Space Center Crew = off http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Settings Also you can switch off/decrease differnt video options such as Texture Quality and especially lights, shaders and other such things.
  2. There is Kopernicus mod which allows to have several planet systems at once. But any such system requires much RAM, etc. Also, some of them are not compatible because use similar orbits, change the same planets, etc. That makes to place them in different KSP instances. Seems to me, it would be nice if there were some "Multiverse" or "Interworld Exchange" mod: - to take a ship from one world and place it into another one. - to send a container of Tiberium from an outer world to the homeworld or a container of machinery from the homeworld for the outer world base. For example: just cut the vessel from a persistent.sfs in one KSP directory and place it into another persistent.sfs. ( Not between savegames in the same KSP, but between, say, KSP_OuterPlanets/saves/MyKolonization/persistent.sfs an KSP_NewHorizons/saves/MyKolonization/persistent.sfs ) So, you get your vessel in the destination world at the same place of space. Then you fly to the destination planet. And, obviously, this vessel disappears from the source world. As an example: a vessel contains a special "Hyperdrive" part. When you right-click it and press "Prepare to jump", you get a dialog with KSP instances and saves, choose the desired one and press OK. The vessel id is written somewhere. You exit the KSP_OuterPlanets and run KSP_NewHorizons, the mod checks if there are vessels to be jumped, and you get the vessel appeared somewhere and disappeared in the initial persistent.sfs. Maybe only a vessel with some part or some fixed coordinates as "portals" - not essential.
  3. Any explosive turns into a water steam, carbon oxides and nitrogen oxides when bursts. TNT give 4.2 MJ/kg which is equal to kinetic energy for sqrt(4.2e6*2) ~= 3 km/s speed. So, the ice worlds collision would look just like a burst, nothing special.
  4. It's a fake. The real one had a triple gun mount on bottom.
  5. And if you are a Linux/KDE user, you get two K-Syndromes at once.
  6. This looks more like atompunk, than steampunk. Steampunk would mean something like a steam catapult throwing a powder-fueled rocket with a steamputnik.
  7. Very nice mod, thanks for it! Created a remote refueling station using these pumps. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79588-1-0-4-USI-Kolonization-Systems-%28MKS-OKS%29-%280-31-4%29-2015-06-26?p=2073303&viewfull=1#post2073303
  8. Turing Test is successfully completed. MechJeb is a reasonable being.
  9. Sumghai (the maintainer of FusTek Station Parts) makes habitats with transparent windows with Kerbals and interiors visible from outside. In a discussion beginning from this post http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/35043-1-0-X-Experimental-FusTek-Station-Parts-%28WIPs-on-GitHub%29?p=2061807&viewfull=1#post2061807 he refers to JSITransparentPod module. Maybe you can use this.
  10. UF4/Uranium Tetrafluoride was used in original KSPI. As far as I know, currently its KSPI-Extended fork is the only known alive version of KSPI. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/111159-BETA-1-0-4-KSP-Interstellar-Extended-1-2-4-%28last-updated-1-7-2015%29 It is synchronized with CRP. UF4 is replaced with EnrichedUranium - to match with USI and NFT.
  11. TakeCommand does something like that http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/120740-1-0-2-Take-Command-Launch-Kerbals-in-External-Command-Seats-v1-1-2-May-15-2015
  12. How many at least unmanned multistage probes have been already assembled at least on low Earth orbit, without 5 min delay and multi-year orbital conservation? When after 2050 thermonuke reactors will depreciate enough to be used in every school bus, somebody will rent a second-hand lunar pleasure boat and have a weekend trip to Mars - the first in the human history.
  13. No, without FAR it works just fine. I don't change any physical range settings at all. The target (several Kerbal Konstructs buildings + Mk1 pod) are placed ~20 km from KSC. Missile starts, flies, follows the terrain, all goes amusing. But at 5..8 km away from target - when the missile starts active maneuvering (so I presume some AI activates) - if FAR is installed the lagging becomes terrible. Without FAR all goes nice.
  14. I have the same problem when FAR is installed. Without FAR all runs nice. When FAR is in GameData: 1. Switching aircraft's AI on causes significant slideshow. This happens near KSC, not sure whether far away from it too. 2. Using a cruise missile (probably from PEW mode, but not sure until I return to home) causes similar problem. I make a rover with a missile, then select a craft 20 km away as a target. Launching, switching camera to the missile. All runs OK. But when it arrives to the target (simple command pod and several buildings from KerbalKonstructs), slideshow begins and almost stops the game. So, as I can understand the problem appears when BD AI (of an aircraft or a missile) is switched on with FAR in GameData near complicated parts (such as buildings).
  15. Space Shuttle: Launch Vehicle main triple engine is mounted inside the orbiter. This cryo-engine is absolutely useless on orbit, so the orbiter uses additional hypergolic engines for orbital operations, carrying the cryo-engine(s) as a "parasite" ballast. But this is an obvious way to save the expensive LV engine and safely return it back to home. You can treat it as if Dragon-size ship (Space Shuttle crew cabin) was firmly attached to the empty second stage of Falcon (with heavy engines useless on orbit), and they were equipped with wings and full-length heat shield. The cabin and the heavy engine balance the whole thing allowing it to safely glide and land - instead of falling with its feet foremost as an empty rocket stage does. So, Space Shuttle orbiter scheme is a simple way to save and return LV main engine. The price is: with 2500 t system you can launch 30 t payload + crew cabin. I.e. payload of two Protons. But you get a reusable system quickly and relatively easily. Energy/Buran: The orbiter does not include LV engine, it just carries orbital hypergolic ones. It's a ship itself, not a LV engine saver, and it doesn't have this heavy and useless ballast. The LV doesn't need the orbiter, it can be used to put on orbit >100 t of any payload you want. With the same 2500 t start mass as Space Shuttle was. So, with Energy+Buran you get both Saturn V + Space Shuttle two-in-one. The price is: to make it reusable (as was planned) you must solve much more complicated problems because you need to return several huge stages unbalanced with heavy engines at the end. There were plans to do this (parachutes, wings, so on) - as earlier there were the same tests with Saturn stages. So, (reusable/not reusable) Energy + Buran would be corretly compared not with Space Shuttle, but with (reusable/not reusable) Saturn-V + Dragon + 20 t cargo.
  16. I meant that Sabatier would be useless without local hydrogen producing. In "The Martian" book and several articles which I have read before, hydrogen was delivered from the Earth, and this circumstance confused me much. Because, as I have written before, it's easier just to deliver a barrell of kerosene from the Earth. So, seems that the only case when CH4 producing has sense, is only when you have both CO2 and H2O in situ to avoid delivering any resource from the Earth. If there is much water everywhere on Mars, no problem.
  17. Sorry for interference, but I have a little doubt. Probably, my calculation is wrong somewhere. According to https://books.google.ru/books?id=72rRBQAAQBAJ&pg=PA73&lpg=PA73&dq=hydrogen+storage+dry+mass&source=bl&ots=nYXyFjDE-i&sig=sWStqAeH8adc4ZL8yUXvWINxxwA&hl=ru&sa=X&ei=8w-EVbqLAofcywOtx4KYDA&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=hydrogen%20storage%20dry%20mass&f=false and other several sources, a long-term hydrogen storage "dry tank"/"fuel" ratio is ~1..10:1. (As the Sabatier process lasts for months, and the hydrogen leaks meanwhile, the storage would be more consistent than a Space Shuttle outer tank, so probably closer to 10 than to 1.) Ok, suppose you deliver the hydrogen not in elementary form, but captured in some chemical compound - to avoid heavy cryo-tank usage. Non-hydrogen:hydrogen ratio: Methane (CH4) = 12:4 = 3:1. As CH4 tank also weights something, say, 5:1. Of course, CH4 tank is somewhat lighter - as CH4 is not so volatile as H2. Kerosene (-CH2-) = 12:2 = 6:1, with negligeably lightweight tank. So, seems to me that if delivering the hydrogen inside ready-to-use methane or kerosene you have to deliver more or less the same mass as in Sabatier+LH2 case and would no need to process methane, only oxygen. Such case would make Sabatier a bit useless. Or the hydrogen would be extracted from Polar ice (so, good bye Acidalia Planitia, only polar base and polar orbit, with additional fuel consumption to orbit/deorbit). Btw: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/121896-Real-ISRU-Development-Thread?p=2017077&viewfull=1#post2017077 According to the picture, they have forgotten to draw an arrow from CH4 dryer to the water tank. Because if this process outputs water that means it wastes hydrogen.
  18. 1. Because a hundred years later a space yacht from Earth will chase Voyager and take it aboard. And a golden plate covered with a couple of humans and a space map with meteorite nicks will look great. 2. Suddenly Voyager wants to get back to home. How should it find its way without a map?
  19. Maybe you mean Tatooine-style anti-grav pods? If so, Kerbal Foundries have anti-grav repulsors. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/84102-PARTS-PLUGIN-1-0-x-V1-8G-Kerbal-Foundries-wheels-anti-grav-repulsors-and-tracks
  20. MechJeb can be used without a special part if use the ModuleManager patch. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/94686-Mechjeb-on-all-command-probes
  21. Also you can use Hangars mod to make your complicated rovers and satellites "hide" from parts list and then "re-appear" when needed. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/88933-1-0-2-Hangar-v2-3-2-BETA1 This is also nice for FPS and structural stability.
  22. Maybe (currently outdated ?) Connected Living Space is appropriate. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/70161-0-90-Up-for-adoption-Connected-Living-Space-v1-1-2-0-%2827th-Feb-2015%29-Hatches-and-Highlighting
  23. Curently outdated mods "zzz Crosswalk/narrow passageway", "Hollow Structures And Hulls" and "Bavarian Aerospace" contain(ed) hollow corridors/catwalks. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/40207-Crosswalk-narrow-passageway
  24. SolarSailNavigator http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/119579-WIP-1-0-2-SolarSailNavigator-v1-0-2-alpha
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