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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Of course. But hydrodynamics is yet more empirical science than theoretical. The question is: would such big nozzle even be ignited and work, or its gas flow would be so unstable that such engine just stops or bursts. The largest one definitely works is F-1 (and maybe 1-2 similar to it), and it has taken a lot of efforts to create it.
  2. Thanks, it was interesting to know about this.
  3. Interstellar colonization would require: superlight speed or warp motion, artificial gravity, closed-loop ecosystem, super-migthy energy source, large ultra-protected habitat modules. If you have all of this, why you need any planet at all? If you don't need a planet, why to fly somewhere at all? From my POV, Earth stays the only humanity planet forever, but of course, there will be forposts and hotels near any star you want.
  4. A photon star. A black hole consisting of large and dense pack of photons which never could leave it. Upgraded version: a single photon with too short wave length that it's own mass prevents its own escape.
  5. SRB has less ISP and is sensitive to a frost (is important if you don't have KSC in a tropical country).
  6. Falcon 9 total mass is 500 tons. Not too impressing. Saturn V/Space Shuttle/Energiya are 2500..3000 tons, and use 5..20 engines on start. Also how many times Falcon already have been launched to talk about statistics? Soyuz and Energiya have/had 20 engines (or nozzles if you want), but every stage module itself has only 4 of them. How many SeaDragons were at least built?
  7. Probably, you can't. But here is something similar. Mmm. That's if you want to create a cluster of satellites. Looks, that you mean a cluster of engines.
  8. There was an old but fine mod  Modular girder system AWT, by kyklop. There are many girder details (mostly just scaled stock ones, but also several additional). Original link is to kerbalspaceport (so, dead), but maybe you already have it. Also if you are trying to create something monumental, there is Speedy's Hex Truss System http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/86388-0-24-1-Speedy-s-Hex-Truss-System
  9. Soldering station http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soldering_iron#Soldering_station Weather station http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weather_station
  10. DangIt = random failures http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/81794-0-25-Alpha-4-4-Dang-It!-Now-up-for-adoption-%28
  11. And then try to drive over the VAB-Launchpad crawler way and not to turn over.
  12. Struts  maybe. But you must attach them to some, say, brackets mounted in a rocket itself, and to be sure that a thin rocket wall won't be screwed out by its weight. So, the bigger is rocket  the heavier its construction mass relative to total mass, until you can't lift any useful payload at all. And as a result, you get dozens of engines per stage. Any of them goes wrong  and... Wait, that's the story about N-1.
  13. Station means some installation you can definitely find at its known place to do something with it. No need to be stationary or even orbiting. It can be mounted in a car, attached to a bicycle or flying to stars.
  14. There are at least two limits: 1. A strength of the struts holding a massive rocket. 2. Increase an engine size means increase gas flow turbulences in the combustor and nozzle causing a combustion instability.
  15. Or you would attach the wheels not directly to your rover's body, but to additional beams or panels, attached to the body - as an insect's legs. https://www.google.ru/search?q=kerbals+ressors&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=cECBVMDwIcHJPMK7gdAH#newwindow=1&q=ksp+rover+suspension
  16. Good?! Just loose about 70 kg of edible biomass?! No way! Use Life Support converters instead. Btw: why real maniacs almost never look as "fine and dandy" as Dr. Lecter? Just degraded outsiders or full psychos.
  17. Strip mining and burying habitat/technological cylinders inside.
  18. Btw, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delta_Cryogenic_Second_Stage contains another Kerbal-oriented link: https://web.archive.org/web/20110722081616/http://www.ulalaunch.com/site/docs/product_cards/guides/DeltaIVPayloadPlannersGuide2007.pdf and it's not too bad.
  19. Thank you, this is also a very good mod, I have missed it. These two mods are a great pair of tools for me.
  20. As we can know on good authority (i.e. Elite), the will send poilce Vipers and shoot down any Fugitive status guy.
  21. Also this small but important thing is a must-have for any KSP player dweller. http://i.imgur.com/EJ38MM2.jpg ( That's from http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/66502-Kerbonov-Kn-2-Cockpit-Module ).
  22. They just try different KerbPaint textures with their Jumbo-64 tank. Or maybe there is just a pile of old automobile tyres below  to absorb impacts and vibrations.
  23. Alcubierre mini-scooters are much more realistic, I guess. Even if build such monstrous construction, any cargo still would require almost the same energy (kinetic + potential) as if just launch it. And it's much easier to send it by a microwave ray if you don't want to place a reactor just aboard. So, the only question: is it easier to build a 70000 kilometers high whip-shaped building or just to create an arcjet or plasma nozzle with high ISP and low fuel consumption.
  24. I.e. single-use multi-stage launcher with additional manned aircraft to retrench 300 m/s of velocity and ~10 km of altitude? From my POV until multi-use single-stage airplane runway-fueling-space-runway-fueling-space (as usual planes) all these phantasmagoric projects (and also including Virgin Galactic's, of course) will be a exactly the same as: http://gizmodo.com/5927718/15-early-airplanes-with-more-wings-than-a-bucket-of-fried-chicken
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