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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. We don't know the exact value of the light speed in sci-fi movie. Say, in the Pratchett's Discworld, the light from the sun slowly expands along the planet. Probably, this should make laser beams and light bolt spells be well visible.
  2. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/sep/19/elon-musk-neuralink-human-trials-brain-implant
  3. I still don't understand, why did they split the series about Callysto in two.
  4. ?A snitch pitcher is a pitch snitcher, like the vamp teacher is a blood leecher. How many Jeanne's d'Arc does it take to make Jeanne d'Ellipse? In other words, how many Jeanne d'Egree are equal to Jeanne d'Arc?
  5. Zena was really Lawless. But there was a Hudson Lake to oppose.
  6. No opera howling, only bansta rap.
  7. Pure thing... Just pooped and immediately died... But anyway. If they found the dung after the glacier ice had melted, why the dung didn't? And if it did, how did they get the idea to collect it? They were puzzled with a horse skeleton putting fresh dung? Could be a thestral.
  8. Banned for lacking an apostrophe, when its needed so much.
  9. Floor 4391: That prior, defrocked for secretly having a wife despite of his celibate.
  10. The cosmonauts will do EVA and photograph the leak on October, 25. https://www.interfax.ru/world/925098
  11. When AI has captured the command & control over the high-tech weapon, what weapon will you need to fight the robots? (I would just add a layer of duct tape on the handle, for insulation.) Also, halberd or a poleaxe is a better choice, due to their wooden stick.
  12. Russian in the most wide linguistic sense of the word, but locally Ukrainian, more precisely - a historically grown nickname, typical for the Zaporozhskaya Sech' (ethnically heterogeneous, semi-rebel semi-criminal (that's why such strange nicks) enclave at the Slavic - Turkic frontier.) We had a neighbour with this surname. One of my grannies had another similar surname, totally opposing my religious views.
  13. If real space crafts were flying like in KSP-2, it would be just a real
  14. Granted. You've found it. Now you spend your days and nights in the government service office, explaining to them, why were you playing at the crash site. I wish MicroProse was still alive and operating.
  15. Don't care. The time is passing itself. As there were knights, were there kdays?
  16. The nature of the pokemons is demonical. By capturing them and forcing to fight against it other, you are helping to hold them under control. You can't harm them, as you can see, nobody is harmed. On the other hand, the very habit of possessing seemingly-sapient beings and forcing them to do something on your choice, is leading to your own inner nature demonization. So, the Pokemon game is a secret weapon of Slaanesh.
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