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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Googling "Ловягин Райков Ершов" (there also should be Shirokov / Широков) returns links to astronomy/cosmology conferences and works N.Yu. Lovyagin and Yu.N. Lovyagin are from the St. Petersburg University, Both with math background, Ph.D ("candidate of science"). As well, their usual co-author S.I. Shirokov is. Raykov and Yegorov are also their usual co-authors.
  2. Angrapefruit Oops, first read "anlime". Graphic spam.
  3. The last futile attempt to prevent the inevitable. JWST has seen too much. Many best people got worried. A year ago they were believing, it will help in scientific life. And what they got, is that it's hammering the comfy known world. JWST, the Mirror of Doom.
  4. Start killing anyone's else Kerbals. Are we 3d models of humans?
  5. It's not a soup. It's it itself. Waiter! Don't take away their plates, just put my portion onto them, it will be a one and a half portion for same price.
  6. Jebediah Radioactive Waste Junkyard.
  7. "Why is is he opening and closing a mouth in nearly vacuum? Is he singing or what?"
  8. Banned for not being a sauce source sorcerer
  9. Air is like water, but air. https://www.trvst.world/renewable-energy/environmental-impacts-of-hydropower/ Absolutely same, but replace "fishes" with "birds". Other effects are same.
  10. (Keeping silent, cuts out a paper rocket with an open nozzle, puts onto the soup surface, drops some soap inside). Waiter! This charcoal is amusing!
  11. Banned for making me wonder if the Kerbals (speaking reversed Spanish) have an outquisition.
  12. Geiger Hill. Everyone comes, noone goes.
  13. I always had a strong feeling that it's something very wrong with: 1) Hubble constant, so toyishly taken and used. 2) Endless expansion without source of power like an eternal engine. 3) That simple 1/r2 of physical gravitation and electromagnetism, when other two interactions are described in much more complicated terms, while the standard model of physical interactions, standing on its four, tells us that the four are the same one.
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