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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Is that large orange tank of SLS fueled with green or blue hydrogen? How does it affect ISP? How can it be recognized by the plume color?
  2. Shot and thrown out. Too low oxygen on board. Soon they'll be drawing lots. P.S. Oops, already two,
  3. Living classics. https://nuclearweaponarchive.org https://nuclearweaponarchive.org/News/INESAPTR1.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fat_Man https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uranium_hydride_bomb https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castle_Bravo The second link is also about the metastable metallic hydrogen and antimatter nuke hype reasons.
  4. When you can generate white noise on piano.
  5. By "Ping! Ping! Ping!", shocking the B acoustics. (Like in the movies with subs and depth charges.) I just mean, can they ping in other way underwater?
  6. The Dres local provider is providing a server on Dres.
  7. https://cs14.pikabu.ru/video/2022/11/09/166795161921940661_576x1024.webm or https://t.me/chesnokk1/1036
  8. Wonderwoman Wonderpersonoffeminineselfidentity
  9. It had been once or twice, afair. And several psychological conflicts and boycotts. Including significant reasons https://www-gazeta-ru.translate.goog/science/news/2021/09/30/n_16616827.shtml?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp
  10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demon_core They are DT-boosted, and don't have enough fissiles to form a critical mass without fizzing into less that a 1 t of TNT without DT injection. But there were accidents when suddenly watered fissiles got locally and exploded with irradiating people in the room, or dried and exploding (probably, thermally) 100 t of TNT in a waste pool. Keep the water from the fissiles, it's moderating and can suddenly affect the total cross-section. *** The Orion nukes can be made safe. DT-boosted and pure uranium, without plutonium, or with minimal amount of it. As their required yield is negligible (0.1 .. several kt), their high-exposives can be made thin. If the plutonium is still used in their sparkplug, it should be not even compressed, just slapped to turn its metastable delta-phase crystal structure into alpha-phase. In this case the total mass of explosives is relatively small (10..20 kg per charge or so), and the drums can be made blast-protected. If the nukes don't contain the DT-boosting tritium before the shot (inject it from the cannon syringe on shot), they can't properly explode.
  11. Yes, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slash-and-burn But: It works on the forest lands, where five years later will grow new forest. Which also means no crop rotation. There are various soil types, and in the most of places this will just kill the local biosystem, make the soil either acidic, or dry, or anything else. The carbon will be returning into the atmosphere, so it solves nothing. Dark soil gets warm under sun, so the global warming will increase. Try to cover a whole continent with soot. For example, Australia. It's anyway mostly a desert and can't get much worse. P.S. So, the option with dwarves looks better for me. Probably, that's elves who said them that they are children of Aule and should live underground and carry excessive wood to there.
  12. It's how it works. Just the "bombs" are primitive and remotely detonated by radiation pressure, they are far from the traditional nuke complexity. It compresses the fission pellets to supercriticality with X-ray emistters.
  13. The wood which stays solid, extracts the carbon from air and accumulates it in inert solid form. Rotten wood releases it back and doesn't help with that. Thus, the planet lungs are cold Northern bogs, rather than jungles. We should be cutting trees (leaving the area for the new trees) and bury them underground, bu making wooden pit props for the coal mines. Wait, isn't what the dwarves of the Middle Earth were doing?
  14. A very optimistic generalization. The free trade is a tool. Somewhere applicable, somewhere not. When there is no vital resource deficit, free exchange helps redistribute them optimally. That's its only advantage and purpose. When there is a deficit, the optimal strategy is resource concentration, and then the so-called "free trade" is limited with the area of no resource deficit. That's how the states and nations have appeared. By resource concentration, not by free trade. Trying to recall, what was the North American continent traded for from the native dwellers... No, that's probably something different, the free trade comes when you have the gun to hold the market and call it free, Another advantage of the free trade over the command economy is that a CEO can fool a tax inspector, can bribe his boss, but he can't continuously get greater income from wrong desisions, especially from the ones he was forced to do. So, there is area for free trade, but no absolutism in this question is viable. In terms of food for eight billions (and keeps growing).
  15. When you can see, touch, and even lick the mineralized fishes from the former ocean, stuck in the rocks, you may order stockfish.
  16. Even in the USA, not the overpopulatedest country in the world. Irrigation is limited by water, irrigatable plowland, and power requirements to get and deliver the fresh water. And by the waste heat of all these processes, too. *** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_scarcity The fertilizers, of course, play a role, too. https://www.aiche.org/resources/publications/cep/2016/september/introduction-ammonia-production Of course, you know that they are made out of hydrocarbons (oxygen and nitrogen a from air, hydrogen from water, but the carbon... carbon...) Ouch, water is required for irrigation. Either water, or food. As we can see, the curve is far from a horizontal asymptote. Of course, double people need double food, so double irrigation, double fertilizers. See again that median age table above. Free trade and China to provide the goods for the free trade. The problem is not in climate change, as you can see. The future will hit the fan much sooner, regardless of anti-methane plugs for cows and other ecological efforts. The "free trade" can just move the food between the pockets, but not make five fishes from one, especially when the lake got dry.
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