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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. Not that MadMaxing needs a lot of petrol. And the WWII times are known not for the carbon footprint and global warming.
  2. Expanding the brain capacity by the size of a flash drive is an anticheating, it's an epic fail.
  3. No. Mine is a piece of high modern art (saved and reuploaded), while @Maria Sirona is a conservative traditionalist (default PfP).
  4. fuel = 95% cargo = 1% random stuff = 4% Orion has the same TWR as the upper stage of any rocket. Just to not fall down.
  5. They were never storing hydrogen for more than several hours. The Buran liquid oxygen tanks were equippped with a electromechanical skimmer to keep the oxygen uniformly cold for 2..4 weeks. They store both nitrogen and helium as gases in the high-pressure spherical balloons. They either make the craft rotate or equip the tanks with electric heater to store the hypergolics. They stored the nitric acid without warming for a year, due to its very low melting point.
  6. So, it's possible to restrict the smartphone and other consumer electronics due to sanctions, but impossible to control DNA sequencers? Well... Every species has, and the humans are the kindest among them, because they are the only species having morale and ethics. Others just eat each other alive. It's a part of the negative loopback keeping the system stable. Equilibrium of greedy and aggressive entities. They will just switch to nukes and electricity, and forcedly reduce the consumption. The deuterium is endless. Mad Max is fantasy. IRL they would just turn to the synthetic petrol made out of coal, like Germany did. But then no faery tale would be filmed.
  7. Because Frodo is a mid-age (iirc, 50 corresponding to human 35) ruddy and rich farmer, like a more matured version of Sam (who is Frodo's gardener), very household, loving to cook and eat, smoking a pipe at the door, just with some adventure itching ancested from Bilbo. I.e. a stereotypical caricature farmer like the "Yankee Doodle" hero, thrown into unusual circumstances. The thing portraying him in the ecranization is in no detail matching real book Frodo, it's a some indistinct nervous youngster. Say "boo!", and he will sit on his back. Husbandry? Cooking? Hiring somebody? Don't make me laugh, he looks like a fugitive sultan's prisoner, ready to fall down from exhaust and tuberculosis. P.S. Btw, the book Frodo and Sam are not teen friends. They are a farmer and his servant. And this is visible through the whole book.
  8. Just compare them to the mostly perfect Jackson elves. A school theatre with random next-door staff, "please, do not shoot the pianist". While in the Jackson's series only sharp ears looked terrifying, in this movie they should better put on the plastic noses with glasses and mustaches.
  9. For $20 more you may have Christmas Premium. Creature in the bowl! What are you, and where did you come from?
  10. Philharmonic orchestra Banned, yes, forgot.
  11. Yes, I was using it long ago, but for several years I ve been focused mostly on my own resource and part scheme development, so my KSP experience is currently very obsolete.
  12. Granted. But only for the nightclub privileged members. I wish there was a portal to Narnia in the fridge.
  13. Banned for a heap of stone inside computer.
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