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Everything posted by kerbiloid

  1. They should try the part clipping.
  2. Schlacks
  3. Take it up and it will be an overscore. Waiter! Souper trooper, is it gonna blind me?
  4. Google any random word, and you get another random rapper using it as a nickname. Anime and rap are a tsunami of junk flooding the whole google.
  5. Banned for playing tic-tac-toe too much.
  6. I remember that moment. While they were there, it opened.
  7. They wear badges with "JJJ" (Jeb's Junkyard Janitor), and arre hired from the cleared trash collectors.
  8. Imagine the Unverse like a large inflatable balloon. (There were even more illustrative gifs with balloon rabbits illustrating both periodic and multiple Universes, but they were too much illustrative. Perhaps, probably much closer to the real design of the World.)
  9. Nope. They are between 23.5° latitudes, so they are illuminated from every side depending on the year season. And as they are in the Northern hemisphere, they are mostly illuminated from South. And look, they are placed enough far and not on the E-W or N-S direction from each other, so don't obsure the photovoltaic panels covering their surface (until the intrigued locals had scratched the cover off). According to wiki, the "Khufu" surface area is 85 500 m2, so ideally it's ~85 500 * 1370 / 2 * 0.1 ~= 6 MW of solar energy (if a half is in shadow, and the panels are 10% efficient), Enough much power to power any equipment inside.
  10. Banned for mentioning the second without a first.
  11. 9/10 Treating young beings (the calves) as inferior and write them from small letter inlike the adult Cows, is so human. I'm adult and drink cow milk. Thus, I'm a European human, a Europhuman.
  12. Hawaiian spam
  13. Granted. Aliens invade and grab you into the space barge labelled "Humans only". I wish for a space barge.
  14. And if recall its unstoppable RCS work on docking, it doesnt just look Kerbal. It's controlled by MechJeb and kRPC.
  15. A pyramidal quad hex of solar panels to let the dust fall down. Wait... Weren't the Pyramids covered with silicon panels?
  16. Anti-gremlins. They repair even things which must be scrapped. P.S. Btw if they also had taken Bill, the engines and the cooler would not fail. Because the part failure mods depend on the presence of Engineer onboard.
  17. Of course it's visible. They are painted in different colors.
  18. and Romulians
  19. Of course, I do. By Alt and BanPad.
  20. Cheated twice. A video, and not mine.
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